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Cassius pulls me on top of him so that I'm straddling his lap on the couch. I know they've all seen me naked before but they're all sculpted like Gods so I can't help but feel self conscious. I look down at Cassius's tattoos so I don't have to look at them but Cassius tilts my head up.

"Keep your eyes on me. Understand?" He says sternly and I nod. "Good girl. Pick a safe word."

"I don't need one." I've had rough sex before and I'm pretty open to anything. I know they wouldn't hurt me.

"Pick a safe word Amaris." Aiden whispers dangerously low, trailing his fingers up my back. He's resumed his position from before and is standing behind me. Milo has also resumed his position and is standing behind Cassius so he's directly in front of me. My eyes trail down his body to his now hard dick that would be inches away from Cassius's head if his face wasn't buried in the crook of my neck.

I lick my lips and try to think of a safe word. "Dandelions" I whisper and Cassius chuckles against my skin.

I've waited long enough. I start moving my hips slowly, rubbing my soaking wet pussy on Cassius's very hard and very big dick. I'm going to be sore after this. Cassius's groans and grabs my hips. He lifts me up and lines me up with him before rubbing the tip of his dick back and forth on my pussy. I moan and he kisses me.

I need more so I sit down on him just enough for the tip to go in and he groans again. "Fuck bug." He pushes me down a little more and I gasp and the sudden stretch. "You okay?" He asks and I nod.

"Words Amaris." Aiden smacks me on the ass and I moan.

"Yes. I'm okay." I say, smiling at Cassius. I hold my breath and decide to just take it like a champ. I grip his shoulders and sit down all the way. Oh fuck.

I gasps again and Cassius whimpers before dropping his head back into my neck and groaning. He says something but I think I've gone deaf. He squeezes my hips and lifts me a little before bringing me back down again. I moan at how good he feels and bring my hands up to run through his hair.

He finally lifts his head "I don't know if heaven is real but if it was a feeling, this would definitely be it." He says before kissing me and I melt into him, moving up and down on him.

He pulls away "Ready for more bug?"

I eagerly nod "yes please." I don't have much of a soul but I'd sell what I have left for more of this feeling.

"Good girl. Milo has your mouth. Aiden has your ass." He says before leaning back a bit and lifting my ass for Aiden. I lean forward to give him more access and kiss the tip of Milo's dick before taking the tip into my mouth and Cassius puts his head back into the crook of my neck, placing small kisses.

Milo groans before smiling down at me "your mouth feels good, love"

Aiden rubs something cold on my asshole and I jump a little. "Relax, princess" he whispers in the other side of my neck and I relax. He inserts what I assume is a butt plug and I moan.

I'm still slowly riding Cassius and sucking Milo. The addition of the butt plug adds to my pleasure and I move a little faster. Cassius senses what's about to happen "Already bug?" He says and I can feel him smirk. He bring his hand to my clit and starts rubbing. I moan around Milo and he groans. "Fuck."

So many sensations. Feels so good.

I clench around Cassius and come on his dick. Aiden gives me a few minutes to catch my breath before he pulls out the butt plug and slowly replaces it with the tip of his dick. Why are they so big? They we're definitely made to torture me in the sweetest way possible.

"You okay princess?" Aiden asks. I love having Milo in my mouth and I don't want to move so I nod and pray he let's it slide this time. "Want more?" I nod again and he goes in deeper.

I moan around Milo again and take him deeper into my mouth "Amaris if you keep doing that, I'm going to come." I look up at him and I hope he can see the deviousness in my eyes. Aiden gets all the way in and I moan again. I've never been so filled. It's overwhelming and intense but sooooo good. Aiden and Cassius starts to move slowly and I close my eyes tightly, moving my head back and forth.

"Such a good girl." Cassius coos, placing small kiss on my shoulders. Fuck it's too much. Too good. I feel a pit in my stomach and I know I'm about to come again. I moan again and Milo groans, placing his hand on the back of my head and shoving deeper into my mouth. My legs start shaking and I come for the second time.

"Fuck." Milo hisses before coming in my mouth and I swallow before smiling and looking up at him. He bends down and kisses me hard "Good job baby."

I give him a big smile and he kisses my forehead before putting his boxers on and sitting next to Cassius on the couch with his eyes on me.

With more freedom to move, Cassius lifts me up a little bit and holds me still. Aiden moves faster and Cassius starts moving at the same pace.

I close my eyes and let them roll to the back of my head. "Fuck" I moan, wrapping my hand around the back of Cassius's neck and he squeezes my jaw. "Open your eyes Amaris." I do as I'm told and look at him with hooded eyes. "What did I say?"

"Keep my eyes on you." I say breathlessly , trying my best to keep my eyes open.

He nods "Yes, eyes on me bug."

Cassius nods at Aiden and Aiden brings his hands up my body to play with my nipples while Cassius brings his hand back to my clit and rubs.

"Come for us princess." Aiden says from behind me.

My legs start to shake again and I tug Cassius's hair for leverage so I don't accidentally float away. "Oh fuck fuck." I keep eye contact with Cassius and come for the third time. Aiden and Cassius follow after, both coming in me at the same time. My head collapses to Cassius's shoulder and I try my best to catch my breath.

I panic for a second before remembering I can't have kids. I laugh a little and sigh. Getting stabbed will do that to you. Being an assassin definitely has it's benefits.

I start to fall asleep but Cassius gets up with me in his arms "Come on bug. Time for a bath."

He carries me to my bathroom and Aiden fills the tub. When the bath is filled, Cassius sets me in and Milo walks over to my shower to go get my products. Milo hands the soap to Cassius who puts it on my loofa and starts cleaning me from the side of the tub while Aiden massages my feet at the foot of the tub. I lay my head back and Milo starts washing my hair.

I close my eyes and dream about the grim reaper like I always have since I was five years old.

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