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"You really need to learn how to play nice. I'm tired of you threatening our employees." I scold Aiden and place my hands on my hips. "He wasn't even my recruit! He was yours and you said he was the best at what he does."

"That was before he flirted with you and he's not technically an employee." Aiden say plainly.

"Because you threaten to skin him alive and douse him in salt and vinegar to and I quote 'cleanse his demented mind'"

After Sam's interview, we interviewed the rest of candidates and apparently the guy that Aiden really liked for his hire was "too friendly". I'll admit that when we spoke it felt like he was undressing me with his eyes but if we killed every guy that looked at me that way, we'd never have time to kill the people we're actually meant to. I practically had to beg Aiden not to slice the poor guy up.

I wouldn't normally care that he's being overprotective, but that guy was the ideal hire to oversee the purchasing and distribution of our weapons. Aiden doesn't see the error of his ways and like the levelheaded and sane person I am, I've followed him into his room to give him a lecture.

"He's lucky all I did was threaten him. You are my soul princess but this is the last time you save someone from me." Aiden say, calmly leaning against the wall with his hands in his pockets.

"So you'd take a life for me, but you wouldn't spare a life for me?"

"Exactly. Sometimes protecting you means disobeying you." He says, prowling over to me, slowly undoing his tie. "But enough work talk. Why don't we talk about something more pressing like the fact that you haven't felt me inside you yet."

"No. Not enough work talk. I need you to take this seriously Aiden." I say, slowly backing up.

"Right." He says, taking off his jacket and unbuttoning his shirt.

"When I tell you not to kill someone, I mean it." I continue.

"Of course." He says. The more I back up, the more he stalks towards me, his eyes never leaving mine.

"Stop. We're arguing."

"Oh I know." He says as the back of my legs hit the foot of his bed and he rushes to put his hand at the small of my back as he gently lays me down. "I hear you princess. I just don't fucking care. Do you remember your safe word?"

I roll my eyes at his admission and frown. "Rude but yes."

"Let me make it up to you." He whispers as he crawls on top of me. He trails his right hand down my body while he uses his left to prop himself up.


"You're soaked, princess." I tease when my hand reaches its destination. "What do you have to say for yourself?"

She smiles at me. "You're sexy when you want me. It couldn't me helped."

"Mmm. I see."

She lets out a light moan and relaxes when I lazily play with her clit, and it piques my curiosity.

"What does that feel like?" I ask, looking down at her.

"Like your touch wakes up something inside of me."

I keep my thumb on her clit and put my index finger inside of her, curling my finger to hit her g-spot. "How about now?" I ask, curiously.

I want to know everything about her body. What makes her feel good. What drives her crazy. What she loves. What she hates. Everything.

She moans harder and bites her lip, making sure to keep eye contact with me. "More intense. Something inside of me tightens and the feeling builds up. It makes me want to explode."

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