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"I-i" I look between Milo, Aiden and Cassius with wide eyes.

I'm neither blind nor naïve. I know they're in love with me. They have been since we were kids. I was just kind of hoping it would pass. I don't know how to love them the way they should be loved. Loving them and being in love with them are two completely different things. I can't. I've given them all the love I can.

Is it hot in here? I feel like i'm suffocating.

Milo rushes over to me and grabs my shoulder "Amaris breathe!" He says with worry laced in his voice.

Cassius and Aiden furrow their brows and their eyes go wide as if they just realized something.

"Oh shit." Aiden says coming over to me.

"Breathe for me bug." Cassius says, placing his hand on my cheeks and shaking lightly.

What are they- oh shit. I release a breathe I didn't know I was holding and start coughing. Aiden takes a deep breath, gesturing for me to do the same and I inhale with him.

"Good girl." Aiden says, releasing a breath of his own.

"Don't do that again." Cassius says, lightly squeezing the side of my face.

"I'm sorry." I say sighing. "I just- do you think i'm blind? Of course I know you're in love with me." I say, hanging my head low and fiddling with my fingers. "I just never said anything because it wouldn't change anything. I can't love the way you guys love me. I don't know how to."

"We don't expect you to. At least not right away. We know it's hard for you and we don't want to force you but we can teach you. We can teach you to love us the way we love you." Milo says, kneeling in front of me and cupping my face in his hands.

"Milo slow down." Aiden says glaring at him.

Why are we even talking about this right now. We're supposed to be in an intervention with Cas. I feel like my head is about to explode. How would I even choose? I care about them all equally. Wait hold on- we?

Aiden sighs. "You're thinking out loud princess and yes. We decided years ago that if you were ever open to the idea, we wouldn't force you to choose. We think you should date all of us." Aiden says.

I go silent for a while and then I burst out laughing. Very funny.

I stop laughing and my smile falls when I look at Cassius and Milo and see the serious look on their faces.

"What's funny?" Aiden asks, tilting his head.

"W- you can't be serious." I say, looking at Aiden with wide eyes.

"But we are." Cassius says with a blank expression on his face.

"Think about it. Multiple boyfriends equals multiple orgasms." Milo says, trailing a hand up my thigh.

Oh trueee. That'd be awesome. No, focus Amaris!

"Can I think about it?" I ask.

"No." Cassius says, sitting back down on the bed next to me. "Decide now." He gently wraps his hand around my neck and brings me closer to him, placing small kisses on my shoulder.

I moan when he starts kissing my neck and I feel Milo's hands going up my thighs. Aiden decides to join by coming up behind me on the bed, grabbing my hair, pulling my head back and placing his soft lips on mine. His taste fills my mouth and their smell intoxicates me.

Oh I'm fucked.

"Do you want us princess?" Aiden says, pulling away and looking at me with lust filled eyes.

"Yes." I whisper and Milo immediately takes my sweats off.

Cassius groans and lightly bits my clavicle "Good girl."

Aiden smiles and kisses me harder. I feel hands going up my body to play with my nipples through my shirt but I'm not sure who it is. Good day to go without a bra.

I arch my back and moan when I feel someone's tongue flick my nipples. Aiden finally lets me come up for air and gets off the bed, lightly pushing me back to lay down and when I look down I see Cassius looking up at me with his tongue on my breast.

Milo takes off my panties and exhales "So perfect."

I try to look past Cassius but I throw my head back when I feel Milo's mouth on my pussy.

Oh my lord and Heavenly Father. I'm dreaming. This has to be a dream.

Cassius stops what he's doing and gets off the bed. When I look over I see him walking over to stand next to Aiden who has his hands in his pockets, watching me intensely.

Milo takes my legs and throws them over his shoulders, licking and sucking me harder.

Fuck that feels so good. I close my eyes and moan.

"Open your eyes and look at us." Aiden says, adjusting himself.

I open my eyes and do my best to keep them that way. Milo stops and I whine.

"So needy hmm?" When I look down I see him licking his middle and ring finger before putting them inside me, hitting my g spot.

I moan "Milo"

He groans at the sound of his name and the vibration only adds to the pleasure.

The combination of Milo's tongue, the awareness of them watching me and Milo's fingers tips me over the edge and I come on his face, squeezing his fingers inside me.

"You taste amazing." Milo says, pulling his finger out and crawling up to kiss me so I can taste myself.

Why didn't I do this sooner?

I am no longer in heaven. This is hell. The boys are withholding their dicks. Maybe they want me to cut it off. I was in a little bit of pain yesterday before Cassius came home. I told them it's nothing sex can't fix but they ignored me so I've decided to become a menace.

I'm currently putting on a yellow lingerie set that goes perfectly with my brown skin. It might be a tad small but there's no turning back now. When I'm finished, I check myself out in front of my floor to ceiling mirror. I look hot. I'd totally fuck me in this.

I put on a devious smile and walk out of my room, heading to the kitchen for some grapes to eat. The boys immediately turn their heads and I could see the lust in their pretty little eyes. I ignore them and open the fridge, making sure to tip toe and bend over a little.

"What are you doing?" I hear Cassius ask from directly behind me and I jump at how fast he got here. Men are so simple.

"I'm getting grapes." I turn around and slip a grape into my mouth, looking up at him with innocent eyes. "Want some?" I ask, holding a grape out for him to take.

"No." He says and I shrug.

"Milo..." I say, looking past Cassius and at Milo who looks like he's ready to eat again.

"Yes love, I want grapes." He says, rushing over. Good boy.

I leave Cassius and walk to meet Milo. He opens his mouth and I put the grape in before Milo takes my middle finger in his mouth and sucks it. Good boy, indeed.

"Milo, don't entertain her." Aiden says walking up and glaring at Milo who winks at me but backs away.

I groan "No don't go. Give me sex."

"Sorry love, not until you're no longer in pain." Milo says, walking back over to the couch.

"I'm not in pain! Look!" I say, putting my index finger to my nose. Wait. Wrong test.

"It's for your own good bug. Trust me. When we fuck you, you won't even have time to catch your breath. Enjoy it while you can." Cassius whispers from behind me.

Fuck you Cas. I back up and rub my ass on the bulge in his pants causing him to hiss. I smile to myself and walk back to my room, closing the door.

Where the hell is my vibrator?

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