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I feel eyes on me. More than one pair. Maybe two or three? Sam keeps a knife under his pillow. If I can just reach it...

I slightly shift my body weight and climb up Sam's body, snaking my arm across his chest and under the pillow beneath his head. I probably can't take out all of them at once but if I- 

Wait, what am I doing? I'm in Sam's room. I'm safe and the only three people crazy enough to sneak in here and watch me as I sleep... I sigh and open my eyes. It's still a little dark but the tiny bit of light that announces the sun is about to rise shines through Sam's windows. Enough for me to recognize the three psychos staring at me with darkness in their eyes that warns me to release Sam's body from my clutches. 

I lift my head and look down at Sam to see him smiling up at me. Crazy bastard! He felt me reaching for a weapon and didn't stop me! I flick his forehead and roll off of him as he feigns pain. 

I waddle over to my guys with a big smile on my face. They all look angry but I can't help smiling. I just love them so much! 

"Good morning!" I yell and that forces their eyes to light up. I'm well aware of the impact I have on them and since everything is out in the open now, I plan to use it to my advantage. First order of business: smiling at them to prevent Sam's execution. 

Milo is at the foot of the bed so I encounter him first. I throw myself at him and he catches me and rolls me over on the bed. He places his face in my neck and inhales before placing a soft kiss on my lips. "Good morning, my love."

A pair of arms grab me and pluck me away from him. Aiden. He places kisses all over my face and bites my cheek. "Good morning, princess. Did you sleep well?" I smile at him and bite him back. "I did. No nightmares."

"My turn," Cas says as he takes me away from Aiden and wraps my legs around him. "Good morning bug."

"I wasn't done, Cassius." Aiden seethes and Cas sighs.

"Don't you think I deserve a little special attention, bug? When you said you hated me and held that knife to my throat I was really hurt. In fact, I still don't know if I'm completely over it." I would honestly feel bad if not for the fake pouting.

"Oh please. We both know you're tougher than that." I say, lowering my voice to a whisper. I run my fingers through his hair and trace his jawline. His eyes move to my lips and I smile. "Plus, I did make up for it by saying I'm in love with you didn't I?"

"Maybe if you say it again I'll feel better." 

I move my red-painted fingernails from his jaw to his lips, swiping my thumb across his bottom lip. "I love you, Cassius." That may have snapped his last string of self-restraint because it was all it took for him to devour me.

I'm not sure if it's because I admitted I love them but ever since then, every touch, every kiss feels electrifying. Way more intense than it did before.

That must be the case for them too because Cas's kiss becomes more uncontrollable. It's almost as if he's starving and he thinks I'll satiate his hunger. If I don't stop him he might just eat me alive. 

I pull away for a breath of air and he laughs. Actually laughs. It's so pretty. Of course, I've heard him laugh before but this one feels light. Almost like how it used to sound when we were kids. "I love you too, bug. So so much." 

I smile at him and give him one last small kiss. "You look hungry. Shall we make some breakfast?"

"Before that, I would also like to point out that just like Cassius, I too was hurt by you leaving, princess. I'm sure I'd feel better if you tell me just how much you love me." Aiden says, walking over towards us with his arms spread wide open.

"Me too!" Milo chimes in, jumping off the bed and walking over behind him. 

Oh, boy. Here we go.


"You. Sit." I say, pointing at Sam. 

"But I want to help!" 

"You're hurt. You should just rest." I say pulling out one of the high chairs that surround the kitchen island. Sam does as he's told and plops down on the chair. Most of the house is still dark so I walk over to the switches and turn on the lights. When I turn back around I scream, almost jumping out of my slippers. 

Jerome is sitting on the couch with headphones on playing some kind of video game on the TV. Everyone looks at him and he takes the headset off when he notices the light. "Oh. You guys are up. Good morning."

"Jerome what the hell are you doing?! Why are you playing video games in the dark? Have you been up all night playing that?"

He looks around shyly and lets out a nervous laugh. "Maybe." I would scold him but I don't have the energy. 

"Cut that off and come help make breakfast," I tell him, walking back over to the kitchen and he does as he's told before following me.

I open the fridge and take out the eggs, bacon, milk, sausage, cheese, and a bottle of water. When I say I take it out I really mean I tell Aiden what I need and he gets it for me. As soon as I opened the refrigerator and felt the cold air I took a step back. It is wayyy too early for me to freeze to death. 

"Okay. Here's what we're making: French toast, hash browns, eggs, bacon, and sausage. Does anyone want to add anything or substitute? Also, how does everyone want their eggs?" I grab the marker that sticks next to the whiteboard on the fridge and start taking orders. 

"Can I have pancakes instead? I'm going to have my eggs however you're having yours." That's Milo. 

"Sure, Bubba. Does anybody else want pancakes?"

"I want pancakes too. And I'd like my eggs scrambled, please." That's Sam.

"Okay. Do you want cheese in it?"

"Yes. I'd also like to help." 

"No. Next."

"I want French toast and scrambled eggs, bug." That's Cas. I'm facing the fridge so I'm not sure who's chatting with Sam behind me but I can hear him complaining about me not letting him help.

"Shhhhh! No chatting, please. I need to hear everybody's requests." Aiden's right next to me so I tell him to go next.

"French toast and fried eggs." He says before kissing my forehead and handing me my water. oh. right. I was thirsty. 

Since I can't drink and speak at the same time I turn around and point to Jerome. "I-It doesn't really matter to me. I can eat whatever you guys eat here." He says this but he looks like he has more to say. I put down my water and ask him to describe it. 

Jerome is from a different country so I think he might just be too shy to ask for what he wants out of fear of being too difficult but I've eaten Belizean food before and I'm sure I can make him whatever he wants if he helps me.

"It's called fry jack. It's basically like fried dough but not sweet like doughnuts." He says and I smile.

"Yes. I've eaten it before but i've never made it. Will you help me? You can make the dough and I'll fry it for you." 

He seems a little surprised but he smiles and nods. "Yeah, no problem."

"Okay, everybody! let's get started!" I say clapping my hands. Milo walks up behind me and ties an apron around my waist. Now I feel like a real chef. "These are your tasks: Jerome is going to work on the dough for the fry jacks, Cassius is going to work on the bacon and sausage, Milo will work on the eggs, Aiden will work on the hash browns and I'll work on the pancakes and French toasts."

Everybody scatters to grab their ingredients to get started and I look over to see Sam pouting. *sigh* Maybe I should give him something easy to do. "Sam, how about you help me with the pancakes? Would you like to make the batter?"

He smiles and shakes his head. "Yes, please." Such a big baby.

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