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"Mmm. Is a little bit of patience too much to ask for?" Her voice. God, her voice is so sexy.

"That is not where I want your hands, bug." Her skin is so soft. She smells so good. I can taste her, kissing my way up her neck to her lips. She giggles at my light kisses and it goes straight to my dick.

"I'll get to it soon, I promise. Just let me patch you up first. You're the only one left." She says, turning her head from me again to focus on my wound. Is it bad that I don't care that much about it? She made sure our cuts were deep enough to leave a scar so of course it hurts. I would just much rather release than relief at the moment. It's been too long since I've had her in my mouth, too long since I've felt the inside of her.

The other two are somewhere inside this room but she's the only thing I can focus on right now. For my wound, she chose my stomach, for Aiden, she chose his chest, and for Milo, she chose his neck. There's just one problem with my placement; It's right on my V line. Sexy as fuck, yes but really close to where I actually want her to touch.

Every time she pierces my skin with the needle, she brushes over me and my stomach dips. The torture I'm enduring has absolutely nothing to do with physical pain.

"Why don't you just use the stapler? It's faster." I ask her, looking up at her beautiful face. The amount of focus she has right now is no joke. I'd almost take her seriously if not for the sexy lace she's wearing or the obvious thigh squeezing. She's turned on.

"The stapler is messy. It'll leave an ugly scar. Plus, it hurts like a bitch. I don't want to hurt you more than I already have." She says, continuing her slow and calculated movements.

"Then let one of us help you. The sooner you finish, the sooner we can get started on all the fun we have planned," says Milo from God knows where.

"No. These marks, they're... a symbol. I'm the only one who can do this to all three of you. It means you're mine. I should be the only one to cut you and put you back together." she says, running the last stitch. "Plus, I'm finished."

I see the possessiveness on her face as she watches her handy work. I push up on my hands off the bed again. I kiss her properly this time and she doesn't move. She's on her knees beside me on the bed but I want her closer so I grab one of her legs and pull it across me, forcing her to sit right where I want her: on top of me.

She gives in just a little before pulling away. "Cas! You'll rip your stitches," she says slowly tracing my wound to inspect it. I let her do as she pleases because now I can feel her. I hold her thighs in place on top of me and rub my dick at her entrance through our clothes. The other two take the little moan she lets out as a sign to join us and she giggles.

"Okay, let's get started."

Or not. Someone's knocking at our door. Why is someone knocking at our door?!

Amaris freezes and my head snaps to the source of our problem. "What the fuck do you want?!" I yell through the closed door and it takes a little while for the person to respond.

"I need to speak with Amaris." Fucking Sam. I'll kill him. Milo picks Amaris up off of me and Aiden goes to grab her robe. I make my way over to the door while calculating how long it would take Amaris to forgive me for killing her best friend.

When I get to the door I open it slightly. "Sam, I consider myself to be a very forgiving person but there's only so much a man can take and you've interrupted something very important so I will give you 5 seconds to say something I want to hear before I rip your eyes out of your head."

Sam stands at the door with a tablet in his hand and he looks at my wound before he realizes he's only left with 2 seconds. "Amaris" is all he says and the little bit of patience I had runs out. I go to grab him but by this heavenly smell and gentle touch on my arm, I'm guessing it's Amaris who stops me.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04 ⏰

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