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"Where's Aiden?" I ask milo who's eating Apple Jacks out of the box at the kitchen table.

"Right here, princess"

I turn around and see Aiden walking into the kitchen shirtless. Without my permission, my eyes roam across the jaguar tattoo that's on his right shoulder to the wings that are on his chest and then to the tattoo that goes down the side of his neck that says "patience".

"Princess?" Aiden says grabbing my attention before I can admire the rest of his tattoos, some of which are new.

I clear my throat "yes we're going shopping for cars today. Can you please show me some you think I'd like."

It's been a week since volunteering to handle the organizations money problem and so far we've only spent one hundred million. This would be much easier if we could just donate all the money but we can't exactly show up to clean charities with bags of dirty money and ask them to take it.

I decided the organization needed a cleaning service so we bought one. We offered a signing bonus for the amount of work it takes to clean up a dead body and for the odd hours. That coupled with a building for the workers to live out of as well as company vans and cleaning supplies came up to one hundred million and since it something we'll have to keep spending money on, one could say I'm a genius.

"You're going shopping for cars?! OMG can I come?!" An annoyingly squeaky voice says causing Milo, Aiden and I to turn our heads.

Oh goodie, it's none other than Emily. This is the third time she's been over here this week. Apparently Cassius told her he wasn't interested in a relationship and she suggested they become sex buddies but I can tell she thinks that by him fucking her, he'll eventually like her.

"Great, look who's here. Again." I say looking at her with a bored look.

"Yeah, that's our cue to leave." Milo says grabbing his cereal box.

"Right behind you." Aiden says scratching the back of his head and following behind milo.

"What's your problem with me jade?" Emily says walking up to me.

"Oh there's plenty. Do you want me to list them?" I say smiling up at her.

Emily is about three inches taller than me, maybe 5'9 or 5'10. She has pale white skin and red hair. She's actually really pretty, just a bit pathetic.

"Look I know we haven't gotten along in the past but if I'm going to be Cassius's girlfriend, we should at least try."

"Girlfriend? Cassius's girlfriend? Have you met Cassius?" I say laughing. That man is as emotionally detached as I am and that's saying a lot.

I sigh "Emily whatever you and Cassius have going on is none of my business. I don't like you because you're a racist and just an overall bitch so just stay out of my way and we won't have a problem." I pat her on the shoulder and walk out of the kitchen. I'm sure she want's to cuss me out but she knows I'd slit her throat before she can finish her sentence.

I walk into Cassius's room to go tell him we're leaving in twenty minutes but I find it empty. Where the hell is he?

I walk to Aiden's room which is across from mine to find him and Milo looking at cars on his desktop. "We're leaving in twenty." I tell them before walking to my room to go get ready only to find Cassius sitting on my bed. "Hey bug."

"Hey. Your girlfriend is still here. Is she staying?"

He stands up "She's not my girlfriend. What's your problem with her? You've been telling me to date for years." He says furrowing his eyebrows.

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