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"What's that?" I ask, swinging my arms over the side of the tub. Apparently, the bath is just for me. I begged them for about five minutes to get in but they refused. Instead, they've been massaging me. Cassius is at the opposite end massaging my feet, and Milo is behind me massaging my shoulders. Aiden, however, is unzipping a pretty pink bag.

"Guess," Aiden says, with a devilish grin on his face.

This piques my interest. "Mmmm, clothes?"

"No, princess. Not clothes. Toys." he says, spreading the bag open for me to see. Toys. A lot of them. Big ones, small ones, oddly shaped ones... you name it. "You've only ever used a rose before. That changes today."

How does he know I've only ever used a rose? I look at Cassius to ask him but he immediately bows his head to avoid my gaze. Perverts. I look back at Aiden and then at his huge bag. "Those look... intimidating."

"Don't worry, love. He won't use all of them today." Milo says, massaging me deeper. I relax into him and breathe in deep. He's really good at this. I'll have to remember to make them do this more often.

Aiden takes the opportunity to pick out a purple toy and brings it to me. It's cute. Like a rabbit. I giggle at the thought and he smiles at me. "Cute right?" he asks and I nod. "I will use at least five of these on you today, princess.1 If you cum without screaming, I will let you choose what we use next. If you fail, for every scream, I will add a stimulant. understand?"

He's standing over me now. His cute smile is gone. All that's left is a hint of mischief in his eyes. I swallow and nod up at him.

"Words, princess."

"I understand."

"Tsk tsk. How do I like to be addressed?" Aiden asks, tilting my jaw all the way up and bending down. He doesn't kiss me but his face is so close I can feel his breath on me. He keeps his eyes on mine, waiting for a response.

"I understand, Daddy," I whisper.

"Mmhmm. That's right, baby," he whispers back and kisses me. His hands move from my jaw to my neck to grip my throat. He runs his tongue across the bottom of the top row of my teeth before tilting my head back and pushing his tongue further in. He slowly runs the tip of his tongue across the roof of my mouth from back to front and It feels so fucking good. The way he licks me makes me tingle. I want more but he pulls away from me and brings the toy to my mouth.

"Be a good girl and lick this from me, baby."

I stick my tongue out and wrap it around the thick part of the toy. I can feel the massages from Cas and Milo getting more intense. Slower and harder. I know they're watching me but I can't look away from Aiden. The look he's giving me is making my pussy pulse. I move my head forward to take more of the toys in my mouth and when it hits the back of my throat I moan. Aiden immediately pulls the toy out and I swear I can see a hint of anger on his face when he looks at it.

He kneels next to me and puts his hand in the water. He rubs the toy against my clit and now I know why he said no when I asked him for bubbles earlier. The water is so clear, they can see everything. "Spread your legs."

I do as my daddy tells me and he slowly slides the toy inside of me. Remember the rules. No screams. "C-can I moan?"

"Yes. As loud as you want but only internally. If your lips part, you fail." Aiden says and my eyelids fall. I nod and close my lips. Internally. As loud as I want. Aiden slides the toy all the way inside and tells me to open my eyes. I look down at it and he presses a button to make it vibrate. I squeeze his hands and moan, making sure to bite my lips so they don't part. This feels good. Really good.

Milo brings his hands up to massage my neck and Cas brings his hands up to massage my thighs. The sudden movement makes me lean back into Milo and look at Cassius. Mistake, both were a mistake. Milo bends down to whisper in my ears. His hot breath makes the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. "Look at how insatiable he looks. He's not the only one. When we finally get to fuck you, you'll have to beg us to stop." Insatiable is indeed one word to describe the look in Cassius's eyes right now. He looks like he wants to devour me whole.

I'm not sure which will leave me in a bigger mess. Cas and Milo fucking me at the same time or Aiden overstimulating me with his toys. All I know is that this feeling right now makes me want to scream.

I'm not sure when my eyes moved back to look at Aiden but his gaze locks me in place this time. This time he's looking into my soul. I try my best to hold my moans in but it feels too good. I don't feel like I'm in control of my body. 

His toy, i-It's stimulating my G-spot and clit at the same time. I can barely breathe. I squeeze his arm tighter and he uses that as a cue to push me over the edge. He presses the toy again and twists it.

Fuck fuck fuck fuck. I can't do it. I try to push his hand away but he pushes it in deeper and I scream at the top of my lungs. Letting it all out. Feeling every vibration it's sending through me.

My eyes are closed now and my head is in Milo's hands. I must've thrown it back. I'm tired. I want to sleep right here. It feels nice here. Like heaven.

Hands crawl up my body and lips kiss my forehead. "Time to open your eyes, baby. I need you to turn over." Aiden.

I open my eyes to Aiden holding a butt plug and a different toy. "Round two." 

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