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"sun are you okay? you haven't touched your sandwich." felix asked quietly, concerned for his best friend.

but him not touching his sandwich didn't go unnoticed by anyone else.

"i'm fine, sorry. just thinking about being on stage again." jisung said, everyone nodding.

i really, really can't get out of it this time.

jisung slowly started eating his sandwich.

but once he started he couldn't stop.

in a few minutes he'd eaten his sandwich and his slice of cheesecake.

which, his body rejected after a few minutes.

jisung got up, rushing to the bathroom.

he was kneeling in front of the toilet, puking out everything he'd just eaten. it felt endless, like his entire stomach was emptying itself out.

his body shook as he threw everything up, trying his hardest to stay conscious.

he finally stopped puking, slowly standing up. he walked out of the stall, immediately collapsing.

the door swung open, revealing a concerned felix. jisung quickly regained consciousness, slowly trying to stand up.

"oh my god, sun! are you okay?" felix asked.

"i'm fine, let me rinse my mouth." jisung stood up completely, holding on to felix's arm.

"here, let me help you." felix gently said. "i'll take you back to the bus so you can rest. you're not performing tonight."

"what? no!" jisung stepped away, feeling his heart rate quicken. "i have to perform!"

"jisung you just threw up, and didn't flush the toilet by the way, and you were regaining consciousness as i walked in here! you need to give yourself a break." felix kept his tone calm even though internally, he was freaking out.

"felix you don't understand i have to perform tonight!" jisung said desperately.

"why are you making such a fuss, sun? you need to take care of your health."

"you just don't understand felix!"

"so help me understand."

"i just- i can't! because i can't even fucking understand! i couldn't describe it to you, and even if i did, you wouldn't get it! please felix i have to perform." jisung begged.

"fine." felix sighed. "on one condition! if you spend the rest of today resting, i'll let you perform."

"thank you thank you thank you so much felix! also, please don't tell anyone what happened. i'm begging you."

"okay sun. this'll stay between us. but right now let's get you to the bus." felix hugged him tightly.

felix let go of jisung, allowing him to rinse his mouth while he went and flushed the toilet. felix really did not want jisung to perform. his health is more important than the performance.

but in the end, it was jisungs decision and felix knew he had to respect that.

"hey, we're gonna head back to the bus, you guys stay here and enjoy your day." felix smiled, holding onto jisung who was still shaking a little.

"is everything okay?" chan asked.

"yeah, we just wanna go back. don't take too long so we can get to our hotel before the concert." felix said, walking away with jisung.

"why didn't we stay at a hotel last night?" jisung asked.

"so we could get to this location in the morning. i don't know the transportation is fucking stupid." felix sighed. "you sure you're good to go on tonight?"

"yes lix, i got this." jisung smiled.

"okay we'll, let's cuddle and take a nap."

"is changbin going to get jealous?" jisung asked.

"no, he's not the jealous type. i don't know how." felix laughed, jisung laughing with him.

"concert time! be ready to go on in ten!" the staff shouted, peeking his head into the dressing room.

"got it." chan gave a thumbs up.

"you're positive you're okay?" felix had kept asking.

"lix i'm okay, really." jisung smiled. he appreciated that felix cared, but he really was fine.

at least, to himself he was.

"hello everyone!" the band shouted their greetings to the crowd, listening to them scream.

"are you guys ready?" minho asked, the crowd cheering.

"i said ARE YOU READYYYYYYYYY?" minho yelled, causing the crowd to scream later.

jisung began playing 'YAYAYA' enjoying the way the crowd screamed the lyrics as the song went on.

"gosh i'm exhausted." hyunjin painted out as they walked off stage.

"i can not wait to get to the hotel tonight." minho sighed.

but he didn't know that felix had arranged their rooms for every hotel.

he was with changbin, of course he'd be with his boyfriend.

hyunjin and seungmin were together, again, boyfriends duh.

chan and jeongin were together, it was most logical for them to room with their boyfriends.

and minho with jisung.

a/n: what could possibly go wrong?

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