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"min! i see them!" jisung excitedly tugged at minhos arm, pointing to sage and marie.

"are you ready?" minho smiled.

"i'm so excited." jisung smiled back at him, looking up into his eyes.

"the show is yours."

the band walked out onto stage, jisung taking the center mic. minho held onto his guitar, standing next to him. jisung couldn't fight the smile that appeared on his face as the crowd erupted into cheers.

"hi guys! i know uhh that i'm not really a part of the band. you're not really here to see..me! uhm but i'm going to sing a song that really means a lot to me. this song will always hold a very special place in my heart. just like this band. just like you guys. and just like these two amazing and beautiful people i met yesterday. i dedicate this song to sage and marie, this one's for you angels. this is 'iris' by the goo goo dolls."

the crowd erupted into cheers...and tears. chan, hyunjin, and minho especially, standing on the stage with heavy hearts at the boys words.

he doesn't feel like he belongs.

minho began playing, letting the tears slowly fall down his face. he listened to jisungs voice filling his ears. the softness that was so full of emotions. the way he hit each note flawlessly.

he knew he was falling in love with the boy. no doubt about it. but it scared him. more tears fell from his eyes as he played, looking over at jisung. you could see it in his face. you could hear it in his voice. there was so much emotion you could feel it. you could feel the sorrow, the hopelessness. you could feel each and every emotion the boy had put into singing this song.

minho watched the way jisung held onto the mic stand. the way he was pouring his heart out onto the stage, into the song. it made his heart hurt. his heart ached.

the song ended, cheers filling the venue. jisung looked around, smiling as tears gathered in his eyes. he looked over and noticed the tears still running down minhos face. he chuckled, walking over to minho. he cupped his face, looking into his eyes.

"hyung why are you crying?" jisung asked. instead of a verbal answer he was pulled into a hug. the hug quickly turned into a group hug as chan and hyunjin joined.

time skip~

"sage, marie!" jisung yelled as the two women walked back stage.

"that was amazing!" sage said, pulling jisung into a hug.

"you guys really are amazing." marie smiled. "love, you're suffocating him."

sage laughed, releasing jisung.

"come here." jisung smiled, pulling marie into a hug. "you guys deserve so much. this is our last show in america, but let's keep in touch."

the group exchanged instagrams, chan coming over with autographed tshirts.

"these are sick! thank you." sage smiled.

"where are you going next?" marie asked.

"australia." chan smiled, excited to go home.

"where's leo?" jisung frowned.

"he has sensory issues, if we brought him he would've gotten overstimulated and panicky." sage frowned.

"well, here's a shirt for him too." minho handed marie a smaller tshirt with their autographs.

"he'll love it." marie smiled.

"we should go now though so you guys can rest and we can go get leo snuggles. his uncle is currently babysitting." sage smiled.

"we'll keep in touch! good night guys." jisung smiled sadly.

the group exchanged hugs with the couple, smiling as they walked away hand in hand.

"jisung, on the real, your voice is so fucking heavenly." hyunjin said first.

"truly fucking amazing." chan nodded.

"beautiful. the way you sing with so much emotion makes me feel very proud." minho smiled.

"proud?" jisung questioned softly.

minho chuckled, cupping jisungs face. he looked into his eyes, smiling as he spoke. "han jisung, i'm proud of you."

jisung felt tears threatening to fall, but quickly pushed it away. he smiled with watery eyes, pulling minho into a hug.

"fuck, you guys are so cute." felix said as he walked over to them.

"we're gonna head to the bus." minho smiled softly as he held his arm out for jisung to cling onto.

"we'll see you there." chan waved, going to collect his things.

"seriously sung, i'll learn drums. you can be the new lead singer. you're WAY better than me." minho said as they walked out to the bus.

"no way. you're way more talented." jisung shook his head as he walked up the steps to their bus.

"hey johnny." the boys greeted their driver.

"amazing concert." he smiled.

"thank you." both boys bowed as they walked onto the bus, taking a seat.

"you're way more talented." minho said again.

jisung pouted, cupping minhos face.

"by the way, why did you cry earlier?" jisung asked.

"your voice, the emotion, it was all so beautiful." minho left out the part where he was thinking about him.

jisung smiled, leaving a soft kiss on minhos lips.

"thank you." jisung smiled.

minho cupped jisungs face, smiling when he noticed a blush spread across his cheeks.

"i am so proud of you sung." minho gently, and deeply kissed jisung.

"something's bothering you." jisung pulled away. "what's wrong?"

"what? nothing.." minho played off.

"minho i will respect your feelings and privacy but please tell me, does it have to do with me?" jisung asked gently.

minho stayed silent for a second, chewing on the inside of his bottom lip.

"it's complicated." he said quietly. "don't worry about it."

"i'm already worrying about it so you might as well tell me." jisung chuckled, hiding any hint of pain in his voice.

"thats...for another time." minho mumbled.

"i understand." jisung nodded, getting up and locking himself in the bathroom as their friends boarded the bus.

a/n: tell me about your best friend 💗 i'll go first. my best friend is the most amazing thing that's ever happened to me. she's got lots of freckles, like little stars.

her hair frames her face perfectly, enhancing her features. she dresses like a milf and i'm here for it. she's also the funniest person i know.

she makes me feel comfortable and safe. she's the only person that i feel i can really be myself around because i know she won't judge me.

i just love her so much. she's my soulmate.

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