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⚠️TW/ eating disorder, throwing up⚠️

"min i'm nervous." jisung frowned.

"hey, it'll be okay. your dad is trying to fix what he broke but remember you don't owe him forgiveness. it's totally up to you whether you forgive him or not." minho said gently, wrapping his arms around jisungs waist.

"do you think his boyfriend will like me?"

"he'll love you. and if he doesn't, i can fight." minho said, causing the boys to break out into laughter. "your dad should be worried about if your boyfriend will like him."

"he hurt me so badly but i can't help but think he's a good person that did a bad thing you know? and i can't even imagine how badly he must've struggle with his sexuality. if today goes well i might forgive him." jisung sighed.

"that's totally up to you, i'm here for you. always."

"thanks min." jisung smiled.

"always, my love." minho turned jisung around, kissing him gently. jisungs back met the mirror as his arms wrapped around minhos neck. he tilted his head, deepening the kiss.

"okay, we don't want to be late." minho giggled as he pulled away.

"you're blushing." jisung smiled as he pointed out.

"so are you." minho shrugged, going to put his shoes on.

"jisung!" insu called from where he was sitting with minjun.

"hi." minho and jisung greeted, bowing to the two.

"it's nice to meet you! i've heard a lot about you." minjun smiled.

"i just found out about you yesterday, but it's a pleasure to meet you." jisung smiled.

"is this your boyfriend?" minjun asked, gesturing to minho.

"yes." jisung couldn't fight back the smile that spread across his face.

"awwww, that's so cute!" minjun gushed.

"so..jisung. we have something to tell you." insu spoke up nervously.

"what's up?" jisung grabbed minhos hand, holding it tightly.

"minjun and i are getting married. and moving back to korea. and getting a restraining order for your mother. one for you on her as well." insu nervously smiled. "are you okay with that?"

"dad, it doesn't matter if i'm okay with it. you're a grown man and your own person, that decision is up to you. i think it'll be nice though." jisung smiled.

"your opinion does matter, you're my son. i regret so deeply what i did to you. and i always will." insu fought back tears.

"dad, you did a bad thing. it was really bad but you're human. you made a mistake, but you learned and grew from it and you're trying to fix it. i appreciate that." jisung said gently.

"thank you, jisung." insu smiled.

"you do have some shopping trips to make up for lost time." jisung laughed.

"anything you want." insu joined his laughter.

"so minho, do you just do the band for a living?" minjun asked.

"yes, we're pretty successful so i'm able to live comfortably." minho nodded.

"i'm sad that tour's technically over." jisung frowned.

"hey, at least you got your dream of being a rockstars boyfriend." minho chuckled.

"and i got the best rock star out there." jisung smiled.

"you two are so cute!" minjun gushed.

"so are you two." jisung chuckled.

the four ordered their food, talking amongst each other as they ate. jisung began zoning out, feeling that familiar feeling that follows him when he eats.

"jisung, you doing alright?" his father asked, concerned.

"i'll be back." jisung quickly got up, leaving behind the plate that he emptied too quickly for his body's liking.

"i should go check on him." minho bowed as he stood up, rushing after his boyfriend. "ji, you okay?" he asked gently as he walked with him into the bathroom.

jisung just shook his head, rushing into a stall. minho crouched down behind him as he began throwing up his lunch. he gently rubbed jisungs back, softly reassuring him that it's okay. he occasionally pat jisungs back as he puked harder.

jisung sighed, sitting up, flushing the toilet, and leaning against minhos chest.

"hey my love, stay with me." minho said gently, running his hand through jisungs hair.

"i-i think i'm okay no...ow." jisung said, feeling himself losing touch with reality. minho held him gently, waiting patiently for him to regain consciousness.

jisung opened his eyes, looking up to be met with minho gently looking at him.

"is none of this too fast for you?" jisung asked softly.

"i don't care about that. you're han jisung and this is what feels right with you." minho smiled softly, placing a gentle kiss onto jisungs forehead.

"i love you." jisung smiled.

"i love you." minho gently helped jisung stand up. "let's rinse your mouth and then get you some water. you need to hydrate."

"i drank all of my water, i'll order more." jisung nodded.

"it's okay, just drink mine." minho smiled, cupping his hand under the faucet as he turned the water on.

"no min, that's yours." jisung spoke, rinsing his mouth.

"sungs i promise it's okay." minho said as he turned the faucet off, drying his hand.

"you're not giving up, are you?" jisung sighed as he gently grabbed minhos hand.

"nope." minho smiled, leading them out of the bathroom.

"fine." jisung sighed as they sat back down, accepting the glass of water that minho passed to him.

"hey, you guys were gone awhile..everything okay?" insu asked as he noticed his sons pale face.

"everything's fine, thank you dad. we should probably go now though." jisung stood back up.

"we should too, we have a lot of packing to do." minjun nodded.

"will i be able to look forward to more lunches in korea?" insu asked hopefully.

"yes, thank you for today. i love you, dad." jisung smiled, pulling his father into a hug. "it was nice to meet you, other dad." jisung hugged minjun.

"see you in korea, bud." insu smiled.

"it was nice meeting you both." minho bowed to them.

"we look forward to seeing you more." insu smiled.

"see you laters!" jisung waved as they exited the restaurant.

"oh! sung, there is something i wanted to talk to you about when we get to the hotel." minho said as he suddenly remembered he had plans.

"about what?" jisung asked.

"it's something serious. nothing bad! i promise. but still something we should have a conversation about."

"o...kay..." jisung nodded.

"hey, i told you. it's nothing bad." minho pressed a kiss onto the side of his head.

a/n: hi my loves! how are you guys doing? have you been resting well? eating and hydrating properly? talk to me 🫶

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