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"that hurt so bad." jisung frowned as the artist finished the tattoo.

"here." minho lifted jisungs wrist, placing a soft kiss onto the tattoo.

"hyung!" jisung whined, a blush spreading across his face.

"they're cute though. let's post a picture on instagram." minho smiled, taking out his phone. he gently grabbed jisungs hand, interlocking their fingers. he made sure both tattoos were visible, taking a couple pictures.

their artists finished wrapping their tattoos, giving them care instructions. minho paid for the tattoos, holding his arm out for jisung to hold onto as they left the studio.

"can we head back now? i'm tired?" jisung asked with a yawn.

"of course. let's go." minho smiled. he got them a taxi, giving the address of the hotel.

as soon as they made it back to the hotel they changed, jisung laying down to go to sleep first. minho texted the group chat full of currently drunk people, making sure they were all okay. he'd ended up staying awake until he ensured that they'd all arrived to the hotel safely, going to each room to make sure they drank water and were in bed.

"morning sunshine." minho said as he grabbed a water bottle, handing it to jisung.

"where's lix? he normally wakes us up." jisung asked, tilting his head.

"he's hungover." minho chuckled. "we're gonna go out and get hangover soup for breakfast."

"okay i'll get ready." jisung nodded.

"jiiiiii my head hurts and i feel nauseous." felix whined as he wrapped his arms around jisung.

"did you drink too much pixie?" jisung chuckled.

"yeah." felix giggled. he looked down, the wrapping around jisungs wrist catching his attention. "did you get a tattoo?"

"uhh yeah! it's matching with minho hyung." jisung said shyly.

"okay." felix smirked. "is that what my phone has been blowing up about all morning?"


"hm. cute." felix ruffled jisungs hair, walking back over to changbin.

"ji, what do you wanna order? it's on me." minho asked as they sat down.

"you don't have to waste your money, i won't be able to eat everything." jisung said quietly.

"well, do you want to try to eat something? do you think you could, even if it's just a couple bites?"

"yeah..i want to try." jisung kept his eyes glued to the table as if it was the most interesting thing.

"then it's worth a shot, yeah? if anything happens i'm right here for you. but don't say it's a waste of money cause it's not hannie." minho said gently.

"okay..." jisung finally looked up at minho. "i'll give it a shot."

"order whatever you'd like." minho smiled.

"here's your ramen, hannie." minho smiled, setting the bowl down gently.

"thanks hyung." jisung picked up his chopsticks, hesitantly taking a bite.

"just try and take it slow, okay?" minho whispered.

i think i'm in love.

"thanks hyung." jisung smiled, taking slow bites of his ramen.

"hey sun, those tattoos are so cute!" felix smiled as he looked at the picture they'd posted.

"felix, off your phone. that's rude, let's enjoy the meal." chan scolded.

"aw fuck off, look at this." felix said as he turned his phone, showing everyone else at the table.

"wait." hyunjin grabbed the phone, zooming in on the picture. "are you...holding hands?"

"yeah." minho nodded.

"huh. cute." hyunjin smiled.

jisung took his phone out, going through the comments.

cute! 🥹

i'm in love w those 🤧

do i smell a couple? 🤨
bae you can't smell through a screen 🙄

fags 🤢


sobbing i love you guys


is minsung sailing????? 👹

minsung otp wbk 🙄‼️


that's gay 😏

that's gay 🤢

how 😭 cute 😭 i'm 😭 so 😭 happy 😭 for 😭 you 😭


ew 🤢

i knew jisung is a fag, didn't know he was infecting everyone else with it.

the homophobia is not it. kys if you have a problem w it.


jisung set his chopsticks down, turning off his phone.

"you okay hannie?" minho asked.

"uh yeah. i'm just gonna go to the bus. please just finish your food, i need to be alone for a few." jisung said calmly.

"okay...text me if you need me, yeah?" minho said gently.

jisung got up, walking back to the bus. he grabbed his pretty floral box out of his bag, locking himself in the bathroom.

"i think he was reading comments." minho pulled out his phone, going to their post. he scrolled through the comments, feeling his blood boil. "shit."

"what?" felix asked, looking over at minhos phone.

"shit!" minho stood up, rushing out of the restaurant.

he ran to the bus, looking everywhere.

"hannie? are you okay?" he called out, his eyes landing on the door to the bathroom. he ran to it knocking repeatedly. "hannie?"

"please go away." jisung sighed.

"jisung are you okay? open the door." minho knocked softly.

"I SAID GO AWAY!" jisung screamed.



"i'm not leaving you, jisung."

the door opened, an angry jisung pushing past minho. he put the box back into his backpack, zipping it up. tears gathered in his eyes as he refused to look at minho.

"hey, jisung. come here." minho tone was gentle, yet still stern.


"han jisung."

"go AWAY."

"i'm not going anywhere."

"god why do you have to be so stubborn? why can't you just leave. me. alone?" jisung sounded more like he was pleading.

"because, you don't deserve to be alone when you've got a lot going on up here." minho gently ran his fingers through jisungs hair.

a/n: ooouuu what happens next 🤨😏 i feel like i'm about to knock out 🤷‍♀️ how are you my loves? i love you all and i'm so proud of you. don't be too hard on yourselves, okay?

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