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⚠️TW/ talks of suicide attempt, threats⚠️

"i really don't want to see you ever again." jisung said as tears slowly dropped down his chubby cheeks.

"jisung...i'm sorry. i had no idea." shinsoo half ass apologized.

"no. this isn't something that i can just forgive and forget. it's my ruined childhood. my agonizing middle school years. my inability to function normally without meds. it's the waste of a perfectly good clean wrist. it's the cuts that littler my body. it's the way i will never feel like i'm enough. it's my eating disorder. it's the way i feel so much guilt for the things you did to me.

"you don't understand what you've done. you never will and you don't even want to. quiet frankly, you don't give a fuck. you've done the most unimaginable things to me and you want to sit here and say sorry? is sorry going to fix the damage you've done? is sorry going to give me my childhood back? is sorry going to fix my fucked up head?

"it's not. and you know damn well you're not sorry. you just want to get out of this since i won't let you turn it on me this time. i'm not your punching bag. i'm not a toy for you to yell at and throw around. i'm a HUMAN god damnit shinsoo. i have thoughts and emotions and a father who abandoned me because i'm gay. and a mother who verbally, mentally, and physically abused me for as long as i can remember. and amazing friends who care so much about me. and someone special who means the world to me.

"get the fuck out of here with your apologies. i don't want them. i don't need them. i need you out of my life completely. lose my number and forget you ever gave birth. i may never forget what you've done to me but i know it will be so easy for you to forget about me. to move on with your life." tonight was it. tonight was jisungs breaking point. he'd simply had enough.

"han jisung you don't mean that. i gave birth to you, fed you, clothed you, put a roof over your head, i'm your mother!"

"that's the bare minimum! you did that but you know what you didn't do? you didn't love me. you didn't care about me. you didn't support me. you were never there for me. you're not a mother. you're just a birther." jisung argued.

"i'm going to kill myself if you don't-"

"yeah? do it. you weren't there for me any time i attempted." jisung scoffed, wiping the tears off of his face.

"you don't mean that."

"then why threaten it? you're fucking insane if you think that shits going to work on me. you've used it on dad, it's not going to work on me."

"ji!" chan called out as he walked out with the remainder of their friends.

"not now chan hyung!" jisung snapped.

"you're so fucking miserable." shinsoo chuckled.

"because of you! you ruined everything you monster!"

"i'm a monster? you ruined my life. i never should've had a kid. i didn't want you! your father insisted on keeping you. your birth made me so unhappy." shinsoo snapped.

"so you took it out on me? a baby?! all through my life? you're unhappy so i had to be too? you're fucking insane. you should've aborted me instead of telling dad if that's how you were going to be."

"trust me i wanted to."

"oh but if i killed myself you would've been all 'oh nooo my baby i love you so much' you fake bitch." jisung mocked. "i should've taken more pills. cut deeper. anything to get me out of this miserable life."

"do it then. go jump off the roof since you're so eager!"

"i fucking hate you dumb cunt!" jisung shouted.

"i hate you more!"

"shinsoo?" a man called from behind her.

"dad?" jisung felt his heart drop.


"god welcome to the fucking party." jisung sobbed.

"what are you doing here?" shinsoo asked.

"my secretary had been keeping an eye on you. i was notified that you landed here and..i had to see you. let's go now, you've tormented him enough." he spoke calmly.

"no i'm not done yet." she turned back to jisung.

"i hate you both so much." he whimpered.

"jisung...you and i should talk."

"you abandoned me with my abusive mother after i came out. no thanks." jisung was visibly shaking.

"and that was a mistake. a huge one. and i know i can never make it up to you but i will always be so sorry to you jisung." he said desperately.

"as far as i'm concerned, i don't have parents. fuck you and fuck shinsoo."

"han jisung, cmon." he pleaded.

"no! i'm done with this hell that i was born into. i need zero contact with both of you in order to move on with my life." he fought.


"y-you..no. i- both of you get out of my sight." jisung turned around, being met with minhos chest and two warm arms wrapping around him. minho placed a gentle kiss on top of his head, rubbing his back.

"you two are awful..how could you do that to a human being." he said with tears in his eyes. "you have no clue how much he means to me. and seeing you two? seeing the damage you've done? i'm going to be sick. you have no right to call yourselves parents. stop bothering him. you've ruined his life enough."

"who..are you?" jisungs father asked slowly.

"connect the dots dumbass." minho scoffed. "you don't have to worry, i'll take care of him. since you guys clearly couldn't. i'd do anything for him. and while i'm a romantic partner rather than a parental figure, at least i'd go to the moon and back for him. i love him. more than anything. and i'll do anything to protect him."

"shinsoo let's just go. we'll deal with this later." he spoke, pulling the woman to his car.


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