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"let's spill the truth, i'm bored." felix groaned.

"huh?" jisung looked at him like he had an arm sprouting from his stomach.

"let's ask each other questions, and we have to answer honestly." felix clarified what he meant.

"oh..okay.." jisung nodded.

"i'll go first. ji! do you want minhos babies?" felix asked.

"for fucks sake, this again?" he sighed. "yes. i want all of his children." jisung deadpanned.

"do you also want to kiss his stupid face?" hyunjin asked.

"wh-what?" jisung blushed.

"you have to answer honestly." felix spoke.

"w-well i-i-i uh..i don't like this game." jisung put his head down. he couldn't turn to his left, he'd be faced with felix's teasing smirk. he couldn't turn to the right, oh god he could never face minho.

"you didn't answer the question." minho whispered into jisungs ear, sending chills through jisungs body and butterflies to his tummy.

"y-you- shut up." jisung muttered.

"that's not nice." minho once again, whispered.

"i need to use the bathroom." jisung quickly got up, locking himself in the bathroom.

he pressed his back against the door as he took deep breaths. his eyes filled with tears, crouching down as he began sobbing. his hands went to his hair, pulling at it.

he was overwhelmed.

his hands went everywhere. pulling his hair. punching his thighs. and scratching his hips. he was overwhelmed and he wanted to crawl out of his own skin.

what the fuck just happened? no. that didn't happen. why would they do that? it's not their fault. why- oh my god. shut up. shut up. shut up. shut up. shut up. shut up. oh.

"sungs, you okay?" minho gently knocked on the door. "you've been in there for a while."

"g-g-go away!" jisung shouted.

"hannie open up please." minho called out.


"han jisung unlock this door." minho said, more serious as he grew more worried.


minho walked to the front of the bus. "hey johnny, there's a rest stop right off that exit. can we stop there and get some snacks?" minho asked, johnny taking the exit.

"yes, we can stop there for you to talk to jisung." johnny said with a light laugh.

"thanks." minho gave a small smile.

they stopped at the rest stop, johnny encouraging them to take a walk with him so he could stretch his legs. they all agreed, minho going back to the bathroom door.

"did i upset you?" he called out. "i'm sorry if i made you uncomfortable i-" the door opened, jisung throwing himself into minhos arms.

"no it's okay. you have nothing to be sorry for. i just got really overwhelmed." jisung whispered.

"i'm sorry." minho whispered back.

"lee minho." jisung giggled through his tears.

"if i ever do anything that makes you uncomfortable or anything just please tell me. i never want to make you uncomfortable or overwhelmed." minho whispered.

"thank you." jisung smiled. "i need a smoke, wanna come with?"

"yeah, let's go." minho lifted jisungs face, wiping his tears gently.

the two sat on the curb, minho lighting the cigarette that rested between jisungs lips.

god his lips are so soft. what are you doing to me han jisung? you're driving me insane.

"sun!" felix called out, running up and hugging jisung.

"i'm so sorry i didn't mean to upset you, i was just messing around i didn't think you'd react like that so i didn't put much thought into it, i'm so sorry. are you okay?" hyunjin rambled.

"hyun it's fine." jisung let out a breathy laugh, taking a drag from his cigarette.

"thank god." hyunjin let out a breath, carefully hugging jisung.

"hey, when the tour is over you could always be a rockstars boyfriend. you fit the role perfectly." felix joked.

"well..i hope." jisung said, minho gently taking the cigarette and taking a drag.

"what does that imply?" minho questioned.

"we'll talk later." jisung blushed.

"oh? what does THAT imply?" minho smirked, thankful that the dark is hiding the blush on his face.

"hyung! we'll talk later! when i'm ready." jisung pouted.

i could kiss the pout off of his lips.

"well, i'll be waiting patiently for you to elaborate." minho placed the cigarette between jisungs lips, brushing his fingers up against them.

jisung blushed, taking a drag.

i could shotgun the smoke with him.

jisung put his cigarette out, throwing the butt away.

"let's go." minho stood up, holding his arm out for jisung to cling to.


jisung smiled to himself, resting his head against minhos shoulder as they walked back onto the bus. their friends followed, everyone sitting down again.

"sorry for my little breakdown earlier. that was so dramatic." jisung let out a small laugh.

"hey, don't invalidate how you feel, okay?" minho was the first to respond.

"it wasn't dramatic at all. that just happens to you when you get overwhelmed and that is okay." chan added.

"you can't control your emotions. don't worry about it sun." felix smiled.

"i love you guys." jisung smiled.

"we love you too hannie." minho responded. "so much." he whispered gently.

jisung blushed, he fought back the urge to leave small kisses on minhos neck. he inhaled the smell of vanilla and cigarettes, smiling to himself.

"hyung can we switch hoodies? i want to wear that one." jisung asked quietly.

"of course! here." minho pulled the hoodie over jisungs head, replacing it with the one he was currently wearing. he put on his hoodie that jisung had on previously, smiling to himself.

jisung laid down, bending his knees so they weren't on felix or changbin. he laid his head in minhos lap, smiling as minho started playing with his hair. jisung drowned everyone out, watching minho as he talked and laughed, loving the feeling of minhos gentle hands in his hair.

"i'm gonna sleep a little bit." jisung whispered.

minho looked down, smiling. "sleep well hannie."

a/n: i'm so exhausted lol. how are you my loves?

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