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"i'm home!" chan excitedly shouted as the group made their way to a hotel. "i get to see my family, felix gets to see his family!"

"it's so sweet how excited he is." jisung frowned.

"chan hyung you should take us on a tour." jeongin said excitedly.

"god kill me now they're so sweet." jisung groaned.

"awww sun! don't be so bitter!" felix laughed. "but i do need to pull you aside, let's go to the back of the bus."

felix pulled jisung, sitting as far back as possible. felix made sure to be as quiet as possible, aiming for as much privacy as they could get on a bus.

"do you wanna talk about what happened between you two?" he asked in a soft voice.

"lix i can't. i'm sure you've pieced together enough to figure out that this situation doesn't revolve around me and it would be so disrespectful to him to tell you about it without his permission. as much as i wish i could just cry my heart out to you right now, i can't." jisung was getting overwhelmed, pulling at his hair as he spoke.

"i understand. i'm sorry sun. just know that whatever's going on, you guys will work through it." felix gave a reassuring smile.

"thank you, lix." jisung sighed, dropping his hands to pick at the skin around his thumb.

"i'm always here for you, sun." felix smiled.

"thanks pixie. you can go ahead i need a little space right now." jisung smiled.

"okay sun, i'll ttyl xox." felix blew a kiss, causing the boys to break out into a fit of laughter.

jisung sighed as felix walked away, opening the window next to him. he pulled out his cigarettes, placing one between his lips. i wish he was here to light it for me. he lit the cigarette, closing his eyes as he took a drag.

i miss him. i miss his lips on mine. why does it hurt so bad?

let him take his time you pushy bitch.

i understand he's traumatized, he can take his time. that doesn't make it hurt any less.

it's not like he cut you off, stop being so dramatic.

there's still a distance between us from where we used to be.

it's not his fault you're so fucking needy! so annoying and clingy.

it's all going to be okay. he will let you know when he's ready to move forward in your relationship.

"sun? you okay?" hyunjin asked, walking towards him.

jisung looked up, feeling the tears fall from his eyes.

"huh? yeah i'm fine. sorry." jisung walked to the bathroom, locking the door.

do it.

you deserve it.

jisung took a deep breath, pressing the cigarette to his arm. he continued to try and control his breathing as he put the cigarette out on his arm. his body shook as he dropped the cigarette butt into the trash can.

"hey sung, we're at the hotel. do you want me to wait for you?" minho called from outside the door.

jisung sighed, opening the door and throwing himself into minhos arms. he let out his sobs that he was trying to control a couple seconds ago. minho didn't waste any time wrapping his arms around the fragile boy, holding him close.

"i'm sorry." jisung sobbed.

"for what, sung?" minho asked gently, that heavy feeling weighing on his heart.

"i'm so fucking needy and annoying and you don't deserve to have to put up with me. i'm so sorry." jisung sobbed.

"and who told you this? yourself?" minho asked, patting jisungs head gently. he felt jisung nod against his chest, placing a kiss on top of his head. "well, you're too mean to yourself sungs. you're a human and you have needs. there's no shame in that. i think it's better when people voice their needs.

"i don't believe in too "needy." and you're not annoying, never. you like a lot of attention, there's nothing wrong with that. like i said, you're human. everyone has different needs and you can't be happy if your needs aren't being met. but trust and believe i will do anything to meet your needs.

"the whole part where i don't deserve to HAVE to put up with you is completely false and horribly worded. i don't HAVE to do anything. i choose to keep you by my side because i genuinely enjoy your company. you're so fun to talk to and your eyes light up when you're talking about your favorite things. i don't 'put up' with you. i genuinely enjoy being around you.

"don't let that mean, but pretty little head get to you, okay?" minho finished his rant to a calmer jisung in his arms.

"thank you. i lo- really appreciate you." jisung smiled.

"sung..." minho smiled softly. "we'll have a calmer talk after you've rested."

"okay hyung." jisung nodded, hugging minho close. "wha- felix where did you get popcorn?" jisung pulled away from minho slowly.

"what fucking kdrama am i watching?" seungmin said as he looked between the two.

a/n: pulled out the dramatics for this one 🫶 have you eaten? had water? how are you? rant to me about something, anything. good or bad. whatever's on your mind.

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