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"i'm exhausted." jisung sighed as they got off stage.

"we told you to-" hyunjin was cut off by felix.

"it's okay sun. just get some rest when we get to the hotel. i'll bring you some food." felix smiled gently.

"okay." jisung nodded.

minho walked into the hotel room, handing jisung a bag with food packed in it.

"i thought lix was coming?" jisung questioned as minho sat on his bed.

"emergency came up. probably just fucking changbin." minho shrugged.

wow he wasn't mean to me.

"oh..okay. thank you."

for some reason jisung felt pressured to eat.

i mean felix isn't here so i could just set it aside. but minho hyung...i'll eat just a little.

jisung slowly began eating. but as usual, once he started he couldn't stop. he ate all the food in just a few minutes, immediately regretting it.

he got up to rush to the bathroom, instantly dropping to the ground. minho panicked, rushing out of his bed. he assisted jisung who was slowly sitting up.

"are you okay?" minho asked gently.

jisung just nodded, feeling tears well up in his eyes. he couldn't even put into words what he was feeling. he was overwhelmed with emotions, sobbing into his hands.

"hey, what's wrong?" minho panicked even more. "do you want me to call someone else?"

jisung shook his head no, wiping away the tears that wouldn't stop falling.

minho gently placed his hand on jisungs back, soothing him.

"you don't have to talk about it." minho said gently.

jisungs body shook as he sobbed harder. jisung wrapped his arms around minhos waist, sobbing onto his shoulder. minho was taken back, but wrapped his arms around the fragile man. he continued to soothe him, rocking them slightly.

jisung finally calmed down, pulling away from minho and wiping his face.

"don't tell anyone about this..." he said quietly.

"you don't need to worry about that." minho scoffed as he got up, holding out his hand to help jisung stand.

"i'm serious. especially me passing out. only felix, hyunjin, and now you know about that. don't tell anyone." jisung said, his tone going cold.

"i won't."

"pinky promise?" jisung held up his pinky.

minho chuckled at his actions, interlocking their pinkies. "pinky promise."

"thank you." jisung sighed. "i like this side of you. you're too mean to me."

"huh?" minho was taken back by how blunt jisung was being.

"from now on, i'm going to get you to not hate me." jisung declared.

"good luck." minho mumbled, going back to his bed.

"i'll need it." jisung sighed, going to the balcony for a smoke.

thirty minutes later, felix came rushing into their hotel room.

"hey sun! how was dinner?" he asked with an innocent smile.

"hmmm how was YOU dinner." jisung narrowed his eyes.

"amazing." felix said as he flopped down next to jisung on the bed. "how are you feeling..you know.."

"minho knows." jisung sighed.

"he does? how?" felix sat up.

"i ate and then i got up to go to the bathroom and i passed out." jisung said quietly.

"sun, this is really worrying me. are you sure you can continue?" felix asked.

"yes, i'm fine lix." jisung reassured him.

"are you sure? you don't have to be their drummer if-" felix was cut off by minho.

"where would we find another drummer? if it starts to be too often we'll take it to management."

"no. i'm okay. trust me." jisung smiled.

"three days in a row, sun." felix sighed.

"i know..but trust me!" jisung felt himself getting worked up.

"you need to see a doctor." minho said gently, not wanting to upset the boy any further.

"i'm okay, really. it's not a big deal!"

"jisung this is your health." felix sighed.

"can we change the subject." jisung said quietly.

"since when is minho nice to you?" felix narrowed his eyes.

"i'm not that horrible! but i still hate him." minho looked offended.

"i'm making it my goal to make him not hate me." jisung nodded.

"this should be...interesting." felix looked between the two.

"so, you ditched me to have sex with your boyfriend?!" jisung playfully shoved felix's shoulder.

"in my defense, he's really-"

"i don't wanna know!" jisung covered his ears.

"fine, hater." felix playfully scoffed. "minho hyung do you wanna know?" felix wiggled his eyebrows.

"no, i'll pass." minho said.

"suite yourselves."

"lix, sharing is not caring." jisung said, rolling his eyes.

"i- woooooooooww. remember you said that."

"wait no, do not use my words against me in the future." jisung said quickly.

"okay, i gotta go back to changbin hyung. you need rest. we have another performance tomorrow."

"night lix." jisung hugged him.

"good night, sun. good night minho hyung." felix waved as he left.

i need melatonin if i want any sleep.

jisung sighed, getting out of bed and grabbing his bag. he grabbed the bottle of melatonin, taking one. he sighed, laying back down and spacing out.

i got this.

by the end of tour, minho hyung wont hate me.

i don't know how the fuck i'm going to achieve this.

a/n: plot twist 😝🫶🏳️‍🌈

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