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"thanks lix but you didn't have to do that." jisung smiled.

"yes i did. you getting treated like that because someone else isn't fair." felix hugged him, leading him off the bus.

"minho." chan called out.

minho looked up, tears gathering in his eyes.

"it's okay." chan said gently, pulling minho into a hug. "you need to apologize to him. but take your time. i know you're struggling with this too."

minho only nodded. he sighed, walking off the bus with chan.

how the hell do you apologize?

everyone got their food, getting back on the bus.

"hey guys i lied, i'm too tired to be on the road all night so we are going to stop at a hotel tonight. you can have a rest day tomorrow and then we're back on the road." the bus driver called out, everyone nodding and thanking him.

"jisung." minho called out. it was two thirty six a.m. and neither of them could sleep. jisung hummed in acknowledgment. "can we talk?"


"i want to apologize."

"so felix's words really got to you."

"me ignoring you was because i felt guilty. which was the wrong way to approach it. i'm sorry for the way i've treated you." minho sat up. each word was sincere. he was genuinely sorry.

"i forgive you." jisung said quietly.

"friends?" minho asked.

"friends." jisung smiled.

"i may not be used to this yet, please be patient with me." minho gave a shy smile.

"thank you hyung. it means a lot." jisung smiled, sitting up to face him. "do you want a cigarette?" jisung asked, getting out of his bed.

"sure." minho got up, joining jisung in getting their shoes on.

jisung grabbed his room key, cigarettes, and lighter. they walked outside, sitting on the curb. jisung pulled out a cigarette and placed it between his lips. minho gently took the lighter from him, lighting his cigarette.

jisung took a drag, handing the cigarette to minho. they didn't say a word the entire time they were out there. they just sat in a comfortable silence passing the cigarette back and forth.

jisung scooted closer to minho, laying his head on his shoulder as he took a drag. minho leaned into his touch.

"how are you enjoying tour so far?" minho gently questioned.

"it's been...an experience." jisung chuckled.

"well...let's make it the best experience." minho smiled.

"thanks." jisung said softly, a smile spreading across his face.

jisung put out the cigarette, throwing it in the trash can near by. minho got up, following him back into their room.

"good night jisung." minho mumbled quietly as they got into bed.

"good night hyung." jisung smiled.

"sun, wake up." felix shook jisung gently.

"good morning lix. good morning hyung." jisung said sleepily as he sat up.

"you can get ready first. we're spending the day together." minho said gently.

"what?" felix questioned, looking at minho as if he's gone insane.

"why?" jisung tilted his head.

"do you not want to?" minho asked.

"no! i mean yes i want to." jisung became flustered.

"i want to make it up to you." minho blushed as he looked away.

"oh...have fun." felix smirked to himself as he left their hotel room.

"i'll go shower now." jisung said as he got up.

"meds." minho said sternly.

jisung sighed, grabbing his bag. minho got up, getting a water bottle as jisung got the pills he needed. minho opened the water bottle, handing it to jisung.

"thank you." jisung said quietly when he finished taking his medications.

minho just hummed, going to pick out his clothes for the day as jisung went to go shower. minho sat there, staring at the clothes as his mind wandered.

his lips are so soft. it drives me crazy that i keep thinking of his lips on mine. especially when it was purely just because he was proving a point.

ever since the kiss, minho had been constantly thinking about jisungs lips on his. how soft they were. how their lips fit together like two pieces of a puzzle. it was driving him insane. so he tried to ignore it.

"hyung, you can go shower now." jisung said as he walked out of the bathroom, drying his hair.

minho hummed, getting up and entering the bathroom. jisung sat on his bed, deciding to scroll through his phone. he dropped it on his face when he got an incoming call.

from his mom.

"what?" jisung groaned as he answered the phone.

"that is no way to talk to your mother. you think you're all that just because you've been hanging around some rock stars?" she scoffed.

"what do you want?" jisung sighed.

"where are you fag?"

"none of your business."


minho walked out of the bathroom, gently taking the phone from jisungs hand.

"hey! leave him alone you crazy bitch. he is a grown man and no longer a concern to you." minho said, hanging up the phone.


"don't let her stress you out and don't take any more of her calls." minho said, walking over to pack up his stuff.

"thanks hyung." jisung smiled. "so what are we doing today?"

"we're going to a café, going shopping, and going roller skating." minho said, a small smile on his face.

"sounds fun, can't wait." jisung smiled, getting his shoes on.

a/n: SSHEKAHDJSHDKFHAKBDSKJDO minho we love to see it 🫦💆

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