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⚠️TW/ ed, throwing up ⚠️

"thank you for having us." jisung smiled as he walked into sana and chaeyoungs apartment.

"anytime!" sana smiled. "are you moving into minhos?"

"actually, sana, we're moving into a new apartment together." minho said gently.

"what." her face dropped. "you won't be my neighbor anymore? i won't get see the babies?"

"you can always visit! we're not moving far." jisung assured her.

"fine." she frowned as they all sat around the table.

"this pasta looks amazing." minho smiled.

"....yeah." jisung smiled at them. he didn't know why he felt sick to his stomach.

"you okay jisung?" chaeyoung asked.

"yeah...i'm okay." jisung smiled but he was frustrated.

why can't i just eat like a normal fucking person?

"eat up!" sana smiled widely as she began eating.

everyone began eating.

everyone except jisung.

jisung wanted to try, he really did. he'd been doing better! he was healing, right?

"aren't you going to eat?" sana asked with a frown.

this triggered something in jisung.

"oh..yeah! uhm..sorry." jisung smiled as he began eating.

"hey my love don't force yourself." minho whispered to jisung.

"it's okay, i want to." jisung smiled.

he felt so hungry. but at the same time, he had no appetite as he ate the pasta too quickly.

within a few minutes of conversation, jisungs bowl was empty. he chugged water, feeling the guilt that washed over him.

"wow, you were hungry." sana said, impressed that jisung ate so quickly.

"haha yeah..i left my phone in minhos apartment so i'm just going to go grab that real quick. i'll be back." jisung smiled as he stood up.

"do you want me to come with you?" minho asked, gently grabbing jisungs hand.

"no, it's fine." jisung smiled.

"are you sure..?" minho asked hesitantly.

"yes." jisung spoke a little more seriously this time.

he left sana and chaeyoungs apartment, walking into minhos. he quickly found the bathroom, locking himself in. he knelt on the ground, grabbing onto the toilet seat as he threw up everything he'd just eaten.

"ji...you okay?" minho asked gently from outside of the bathroom door.

"min i told you to stay there!" jisung began sobbing as he puked his guts up. "you should be having fun not worrying about me."

"jisung do you hear yourself? i am in love with you how could i not worry about you?" minho frowned. "you're my top priority. i'd much rather take care of you right now then sit around talking while you're struggling."

"i just ruin everything..." jisung let out a tiny sob.

"hey...no you do not. i'm unlocking the door." minho said as he picked the lock.

he walked in, kneeling beside jisung who was still throwing up. he gently rubbed jisungs back in an attempt to soothe him.

"i'm sorry." jisung whispered as he rested his head on the toilet seat.

"you have nothing to be sorry for." minho whispered back.

"i...i..m...l..." jisungs body went limp as he fell unconscious, minho grabbing him to prevent him from hitting the ground.

minho held him against his chest, wiping the tears from his face. he ran his fingers through jisungs hair, waiting for him to regain consciousness.

when he began regaining consciousness, minho waited patiently for him to be completely conscious. he slowly helped him stand up, flushing the toilet. he turned on the sink water, cupping his hand to fill it with water for jisung. he silently helped jisung rinse his mouth, grabbing a washcloth and dampening it.

he pat jisungs face with the cold washcloth, jisung just staring at him as more tears gathered in his eyes.

minho grabbed an extra toothbrush from under the sink, putting toothpaste on it as he helped jisung brush his teeth.

"why do you have to be so helpful." jisung said as he began sobbing. minho cupped his face gently.

"because i can't lose you. i love you so much. and despite me showing you the worst parts of myself first, you still fell in love with me. you deserve someone who will give you the world and stay by your side when you're at your lowest." minho replied gently.

jisung pulled minho into a hug, holding him tightly. the boys sobbed in each other's embrace, feeling the comfort of each other.

"i love you." jisung whispered against minhos chest.

"i love you." minho whispered back, placing a kiss on top of jisungs head. "i told sana and chaeyoung that we had to go. they want to help start packing tomorrow."

"okay." jisung whispered.

"do you want to just stay here?" minho asked gently.

"yes please." jisung whispered.

"okay my love. let's go get comfy in bed. i'll bring the cats in." minho said as he gently led jisung to his bedroom.

"thank you." jisung whispered once again as minho covered him up.

"anything for you." minho placed a gentle kiss on his lips.

a/n: this chapter makes me ugly sob. how are you my loves?

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