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"LEE HAERI!" jisung shouted as he chased after the five year old.

she laughed as she ran away from her father who she "accidentally" flour bombed. she ran behind minho, squealing as he picked her up.

"i'm gonna get you!" jisung tickled her, smiling as he listened to her laughter.

"okay! i think someone's up past her nap time." minho giggled.

"you're right, good night." jisung was breathing heavily as he stopped tickling their daughter.

"haeri, let's go lay down. daddy needs to take a shower." minho said as he held her properly.

"appa i'm not tired!" she whined.

"how about this..i'll read you a story and if you're not asleep by the end of it, we can watch a movie." minho smiled.

"okay!" she spoke excitedly.

"are you giving her a bath first?" jisung giggled as he wiped her flour covered face.

"okay, a nice warm bath should get you tired. let's go little one." minho tickled her tummy, carrying her upstairs.


"did you clean the kitchen?" jisung asked as he took a seat on the couch.

"yeah, while you were showering." minho nodded as he cuddled up to jisung.

"honey you didn't have to. you bathed haeri and put her down for her nap, i could've cleaned up." jisung pouted.

"i just figured i'd clean up for you." minho shrugged.

"well, thank you. i appreciate it." jisung pressed a gentle kiss onto minhos lips.

"you're welcome my love." minho smiled.

"what do you want to watch?" jisung asked.

"you getting naked." minho smirked as he ran his hand up jisungs torso.

"tonight." jisung chuckled.

"why not right now?" minho pouted.

"we're having friends over for dinner, remember? you know changbin and felix are gonna get here any minute now." jisung giggled.

"what the fuck did we walk in on?" they heard from behind them, causing them to jump.

"still as horny as when they met." changbin shook his head.

"we need an alarm for the door." minho sighed.

"where's haeri?" felix asked, wishing he could forget the conversation he overheard.

"napping. since when were you guys here?" jisung replied.

"since you asked minho what he wanted to watch." felix said as he got the chills.

"oops." minho chuckled.

"please let's talk about anything but that." changbin shook his head.

"what's for dinner?" felix asked.

"we were just gonna order pizza and watch movies, honestly. haeris request." jisung shrugged.

"she's so cute i can't wait to adopt." felix squealed.

"you've been married for like eight years." jisung chuckled.

"we're in the process of adopting right now." changbin smiled.

"oh really? that'll be fun." minho held back a laugh.

"i'd tell you to fuck yourself but looks like you prefer jisung." felix shrugged.

"oh just sit down." jisung laughed.


"APPA!" haeri screamed from upstairs.

minho had never dropped anything and ran so quickly. he rushed into her room, running to her side.

"what's wrong princess?" he asked quickly.

"i had a bad dream." she cried.

"what happened baby?" he frowned, picking her up and sitting on her bed with her in his lap.

"something bad happened to daddy! and-and you were getting pulled away from me!" she sobbed.

"oh princess..do you wanna go see daddy? see that he's okay?" he spoke gently.

she nodded against his chest and he stood up, walking down the stairs with her in his arms. she continued to sob, and only sobbed harder when she saw jisung.

"daddy!" she sobbed as she reached out for him.

"oh baby, what's wrong?" he worriedly asked as he took ahold of her.

"she had a bad dream, that something bad happened to you." minho answered for het as her sobs got louder.

"hey angel, i'm okay." jisung smiled.

"i love you." she cried.

"oh honey..i love you." he held a sad smile as he ran a hand through her hair. "let's calm down okay? daddy is okay. he spoke gently.

she nodded, following jisungs breathing pattern to calm down.

"leo's here, do you wanna go play with leo?" minho asked gently.

"yes." she nodded as minho wiped her tears.

"haeri, who's your favorite parent?" felix playfully whispered.

"i don't have a favorite." she shrugged as she was now completely calm.

"what!? that's impossible everyone has a favorite!" he spoke dramatically, making the girl laugh.

"if i chose a favorite than the other will be sad...i don't want to make appa or daddy sad!" she responded.

"bless your heart." felix frowned. "okay okay, go play with leo." felix giggled.

"bless leo's heart. he's a teenager and spends his time playing barbies." jisung giggled as he let go of haeri.

"he's raised by amazing moms, that's why." minho smiled as sage and marie approached them.

"why thank you." sage bowed as a smile played at her lips.

"pizzas here!" chan announced as he opened the door.

"i'll help you grab them!" jeongin rushed over to help his husband.

"let's watch saiki k while we eat." hyunjin suggested as he grabbed the plates.

"you and your obsession." seungmin chuckled.

"cmon, let's eat!" jisung shouted for leo and haeri.

"thank you appa!" haeri smiled as she accepted the plate from minho.

"i love nights like these." jisung smiled as he took a seat next to minho.

"i'm really thankful to have all of you." chan smiled.

"lee jisung, it's u." minho whispered to him, leaving a kiss on his cheek as he sat down.

"lee minho, it's u." jisung replied with a smile.

the end ☹️

a/n: i'm so emotionally attached to this book oml. thank you all so much for reading, i hope you enjoyed its u ☹️🫶

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