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"what do you think about this one?" jisung asked, showing minho one of the apartments he'd been looking at.

"that's really nice! bookmark it please." minho smiled as he looked through the pictures.

"okay love birds i'm gonna be sick." felix laughed.

"says you!" jisung scoffed.

"i can't believe we're going back to korea. it's going to be so weird not being around you guys all the time." hyunjin frowned.

"i know! but i gained a lot over the course of the tour so, thank you guys." jisung smiled.

"when are you two moving in together?" chan asked.

"as soon as we rent an apartment." minho smiled.

"you should move into our building! it's so nice and our neighbors are moving out next week. everything should be ready by the time your leases end." felix smiled.

"send me the info, that'd be really fun." jisung smiled. "are you okay with that min?"

"of course. i agree it would be fun." minho nodded.

"i'll talk to the landlord when we get back and send you guys the information!" felix squealed.

"you're amazing thank you." jisung smiled.

"uh, duh!" felix happily replied.

"we're at the airport, let's go!" johnny announced.

back in south korea 🦋

"baby i'll get your luggage." minho offered.

"no it's okay! i can get it." jisung smiled.

"at least let me take your suit case." minho frowned.

"okay you big baby." jisung chuckled.

"it's so crazy that they wouldnt even speak to each other when we left and now they can't stay away from each other." hyunjin smiled.

"you're welcome. my master plan worked." felix smirked.

"what?" seungmin turned to him.

"originally i was going to book them two separate rooms. but i decided to book their rooms together so they'd be forced to be around each other more. and then they'd eventually become friends. and then fall in love and live happily together." felix smiled proudly.

"you did gods work." changbin chuckled.

"somebody had to." felix shrugged.

"we appreciate you felix!" hyunjin cheered.

"cmon, let's go. johnnys waiting outside." chan smiled at his kids- friends.

"hey love birds! are we leaving you or...?" jeongin called out.

"we're coming, sorry." jisung giggled.


"sungie can i go to your place? i don't wanna go back to mine. and i'll miss you too much!" minho whined.

"of course." jisung smiled, kissing minho gently.

"okay love birds you're the next stop." johnny chuckled.

"thank you!" jisung called back.

once johnny arrived at jisungs apartment complex, the two got off. jisung pulled out his keys, struggling to find the right one as they approached the elevators.

"you don't have to carry my suit case for me, my arms work you know." he said playfully as he found his key.

"i know. but i want to." minho smiled.

"lee minho you'd give me the world." jisung chuckled. "i'd give you the moon and all the stars in the sky."

"you already do, every time i look into your eyes." minho replied.

"you're so cheesy!" jisung laughed.

"you love it! and you just said the cheesiest shit ever." minho smiled as jisung unlocked the door.

they walked in, seeing the mess that jisung had left behind. there were clothes everywhere, random pieces of trash and a few cups sprawled out.

"shit i am so sorry for the mess this is so embarrassing." jisung rambled as he shut the door.

"hey, don't worry about it. i don't mind." minho said gently.

"i'll clean this up, you can rest." jisung hurriedly set his bag down, taking off his shoes.

"now why would i do that? i'll help you." minho said as he took his shoes off.

"it's okay you really don't need to." jisung said quickly.

"hey, you're stressing yourself. it's okay, i promise." minho grabbed his shoulders, looking into his eyes gently. "take a deep breath. we can clean tomorrow."

jisung slowly inhaled and exhaled, his eyes fluttering shut as he controlled his breathing.

"thank you." jisung said quietly.

"always my love. let's just get in bed, yeah? we're both exhausted."

"no really, thank you. you're so patient and understanding...i couldn't ask for a better boyfriend. i mean, no one is better than you anyways but." jisung pulled him into a hug.

"we can have a cleaning date tomorrow, sound good? and afterwards we can take a bubble bath and we can watch movies." minho smiled.

"that sounds amazing." jisung had a small smile resting upon his face.

"let's go change into pajamas. you should probably change out of that hoodie, it's kinda hot in here." he chuckled.

"oh- no it's okay. i'm fine like this. i'll just blast the air conditioner. i feel cozier." jisung reassured.

"are you sure? it's all you've been wearing for the past week."

"mhm, i'm sure. thank you though. really, min. thank you." jisung fought back tears.

"hey, what's wrong?" minho asked gently.

"i just love and appreciate you so much." jisung sobbed.

"i love and appreciate you, sungs. thank you for showing me what it's like to be loved." minho smiled.

"thank you for showing me what it's like to be loved." jisung softly muttered.

"let's get changed into pajamas, it's almost four a.m." minho said softly.

jisung just nodded against his chest, separating to open his suit case and turn on the air conditioner. jisung just changed into pajama pants, keeping the hoodie on. he crawled into bed, quickly being joined by minho.

"good night sungs, i love you." minho smiled as he held his boyfriend in his arms.

"good night min, i love you." jisung said sleepily, holding minho tight.

a/n: it really sucks that after a couple hours of interaction i get so drained. how are you my loves? anything happen recently?

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