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"i can't believe we actually finished it all in one night." hyunjin sighed as he plopped down on the couch.

"i can. there were ten of us unpacking." seungmin chuckled.

"i know everyone's exhausted but im ordering some pizza." insu announced.

"we should all just pass out." minjun giggled.

"they need food first." insu looked over at his fiancé.

"he's right." minho agreed.

"i'm just gonna go lay down." jisung smiled.

"you're not gonna eat?" his father asked with a frown.

"no, i'm okay. just not really hungry." jisung said as he walked into his bedroom.

"i'll go check on him." minho said as he followed jisung into their room.

minho shut the door, locking it behind him. he crawled on top of jisung, laying his head on his chest.

"you okay?" he asked softly.

"yeah, just not really hungry." jisung nodded.

"do you think you could try and eat a little bit?" minho kept his voice gentle.

"i'm just scared of my dad finding out." jisung whispered.

"hey bub, it's okay." minho sat up, kissing jisungs forehead. "you need to nourish your body, but don't force yourself okay. now, do you want to try and eat a little?"

"i do, i'm just scared." jisung sighed.

"hey, i'm here with you. every step of the way, okay?" minho assured him.

"thanks min." jisung smiled, wrapping his arms around his boyfriend.

"anything for you." minho connected their lips softly. jisungs arms wrapped around minhos neck, pulling him closer.

minho smiled into the kiss, pulling away.

"you sure you wanna eat?" he asked softly.

"you sound like you don't want me to." jisung chuckled.

"no! no i promise i want you too. i just want to make sure that you're eating for you. not for me." minho quickly assured.

jisung just looked at him for a second.

"while i'm struggling to eat for me can i eat for you?" jisung asked quietly.

"okay...just don't push yourself okay?" minho nodded softly. "and in the end, i want you to get to a point where you're eating for yourself, not me."

"okay." jisung smiled, connecting their lips once again.

minho pushed jisung to lay down, his arms were on either side of jisungs head playing with his hair. jisungs hands slipped under minhos shirt, slowly running across his skin.

"pizzas here!" insu yelled from outside the door.

"god damnit." jisung groaned as minho got up. the two laughed as they exited the room, joining everyone else in the living room.

"you guys could've fixed your hair at least." felix cleared his throat.

"oops." jisung shrugged.

"dirty bitches...fucking while we're right outside." hyunjin shook his head.

"OKAY HYUNJIN. first of all, MY DADS are right there. second, we only made out a little, chill." jisung shouted at him.

"it's okay, we're all human." insu raised his hands.

"there's no shame in having sex." minjun nodded.

"oh my god." jisung whined.

"oh this is golden. he looks like a tomato." felix laughed as he pointed at jisung.

"felix shut up." jisung groaned.

"one. normal. meal." chan sighed.

"no such thing." changbin shrugged.

"so jisung, what's been on your mind?" chan asked. "besides minho."

"you don't wanna know." jisung snickered.

"yes i do." felix smirked.

"not that kind of you don't wanna know." jisung laughed.

"yes i do." felix frowned.

"i'll just skip over that. can we talk about how my boyfriend is the prettiest man to ever exist?" everyone swears you can see the hearts in jisungs eyes as he leaned his head on minhos shoulder.

"nope you're not being all gross and in love. shut up." seungmin shook his head.

"then what are we?" hyunjin frowned.

"...gross and in love." seungmin muttered.

"let's just watch a movie or something." jeongin groaned, grabbing the remote.

"let's watch young adult matters." jisung said quickly.

"okay, i haven't seen it." jeongin nodded as he put it on.

"before we start, i'm warning you it's really graphic." jisung warned.


"jisung what the fuck is wrong with you?" felix asked, in shock.

"i love lesbians." minho sobbed.

"babe they weren't lesbians. but they were definitely more than friends, less than lovers. they were definitely in love." jisung chuckled, wiping his own tears.

"fuck that stupid ass movie!" hyunjin sobbed.

"who the fuck decided that was okay?" jeongin asked.

"that was...insane." insu mumbled.

"it gave me a whole new perspective on life." minjun nodded.

"i'm going to bed, you can all just sleep here." jisung announced.

"cuddles and kisses!" minho stood up excitedly.

"i'll go to my apartment and get more pillows and blankets." felix nodded.

"i'll help." changbin stood up.

"okay, good night." jisung waved.

"night!" everyone else called back.

"wanna shower with me?" minho asked as they shut their room door.

"yeah. no shower sex cause i'm tired." jisung said as he took his shirt off.

"so wash up quickly and then cuddles?" minho asked excitedly.

"yes my love." jisung giggled.

a/n: hi my loves? how are you? i'm very drained tonight. i was in and out of sleep all day, but i think it's cause my mental health is getting bad again.

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