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"morning my love. how are you feeling?" minho asked as jisung woke up.

"hi baby. i'm feeling okay. sore but i'm fine. how are you feeling?" jisung smiled.

"i'm also sore, but doing okay." minho smiled.

"last night was amazing." jisung smiled, cuddling into minhos chest.

"i agree. felix should be on his way to wake us up soon."

"he'll be okay, we're grown men." jisung laughed lightly.

"he might have a heart attack and make you take a pregnancy test."

"then you have to take one too!" both boys laughed loudly as the door opened.

"morning love birds." felix smiled as he walked in.

he observed the naked pair from the pecs up, noticing the hickeys littering their necks and chests.

"no WAY!" he yelled. "let's go pregnancy test." felix said, going to grab jisung.

"cmon minho hyung. you need one too." jisung laughed.

"wait what?" felix asked. ".....WHAT?"

"lix i'll give you all the details you want later but please just not in front of minho hyung!" jisung whined.

"oh so NOW you're shy." minho laughed.

"oh my god no way okay. congratulations love birds i fucking knew it i will let you get dressed now but YOU mr. lee jisung are telling me ALL the details later." felix rambled as he left the room.

"i told you." minho laughed.

"i figured it'd happen." jisung shrugged.

"let's go shower." minho said, sitting both of them up.

"together?" jisung asked excitedly.

"yes my love, together." minho chuckled.

"let's go why are we still sitting?" jisung quickly got up.

"no shenanigans mister. people are waiting on us." minho said, following after him.

"okay okay." jisung sighed, minho giving him a look of disbelief. "what? shower sex is hot!" jisung defended himself.

"well, shower sex will have to wait until tonight after dinner." minho giggled as he grabbed his toothbrush.

"okay okay!" jisung sighed, smirking to himself.

jisung joined minho at the sink, grabbing his own toothbrush.

minho playfully bumped jisungs hip as he brushed his teeth, both of them giggling. once they finished brushing their teeth they got in the shower. minho kissed the nape of jisungs neck softly as he reached for the shampoo.

"may i wash your hair?" he asked sweetly.

"of course, my prince." jisung giggled, running his hair under the water.

the two finished washing up, quickly getting dried off and dressed as they were already late for breakfast. they went to the dining hall, walking hand in hand.

"there you guys are, we were about to eat without you. chan made you guys both plates." felix said as they sat down.

"thanks hyung." jisung smiled.

"mhm, i figured you guys would need it." he said, eyeing the couple.

"chan hyung!" felix whisper yelled.

"lix it's okay, i figured you'd tell them." jisung chuckled.

"i only intended on telling binnie but everyone overheard since they were all sitting here!" felix defended.

"lix it's okay." jisung laughed.

"how'd things go with your dad?" hyunjin asked.

"things went really well! he definitely has changed a lot on terms of he's gay but other than that he's the same dad that loved and protected me until i came out. and his fiancé is so sweet too! they're moving to korea and getting a restraining order for us on...her." jisung smiled.

"that's good! i'm glad things are going well." hyunjin smiled.

"thank god, i would've beat his ass." chan sighed, his shoulders dropping.

"thanks number one dad." jisung giggled.

"anytime kid." chan smiled.

"are you gonna eat?" minho whispered to jisung as the table carried on with conversation.

"oh...yeah." jisung nodded slowly, picking up his fork.

"don't pressure yourself. it's okay." minho said gently.

"no it's okay, i need to try or i'll never get better." jisung pushed.

"okay sungs...i'm proud of you." minho pressed a kiss onto the side of jisungs head as he picked his own fork up.

"so minsung....still up for that foursome?" felix asked.

"what the fuck." chan sighed.

"lee felix." minho gave him a warning look.

"just a question." felix shrugged.

"a bad one." seungmin muttered.

"seriously hyung, we're trying to eat." jeongin laughed.

"don't worry lix, we can discuss it later." jisung winked.

"no we can not. i don't like sharing." minho shook his head.

"but hyung! sharing is caring!" felix whined.

"awwww..really? too bad i don't care." minho deadpanned.

"y'all are a mess." changbin shook his head. "but i'm with minho on this one."

"binnie!" felix gasped.

"don't even." minho shook his head. jisung noticed his change in mood, his heart dropping.

i upset him.

i hurt him.

"okay lix...let's stop joking." jisung said, pushing his plate away. "i'll be back."

god han jisung you took it too far.

jisung rushed into the bathroom, locking himself in a stall. he allowed the tears to run down his face as he kneeled over the toilet. he puked his guts up, laying against the wall as he heard the door open.

"jisung." minho called out.

he's really mad.

"yeah...?" jisung shakily called out.

he's...scared? minho felt his heart break.

"can you come out of the stall? or open the door?"

jisung flushed the toilet, slowly getting up. he exited the stall with his head down, refusing to look at minho.

"i'm sorry." he started crying again. "we were just joking but we took it too far and i'm sorry for upsetting you i didn't mean to. i won't do it again i promise i'll be more careful with how i joke with him." jisung rambled, being pulled into minhos embrace.

you made a mistake, han jisung. you cant. make. mistakes.

"thank you for apologizing. it's okay, i just don't like you making sexual jokes with him, okay? only me. only i get to be intimate with you like that." minho said softly.

"okay. i won't make anymore jokes like that." jisung nodded.

"thank you." minho gently kissed the top of his head.

"i really am sorry min."

"it's okay sungs. let's go brush your teeth again." minho gently rubbed his back.

a/n: how are you my loves? did anything good happen today? anything bad? tell me about it.

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