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"han jisung give me your wardrobe." felix said as he hung up the clothes that were neatly folded in a box.

"but your own." jisung shrugged.

"hey sungie, what's this?" minho called out, holding up a black box that was decorated with dark red and purple flowers.

"uh..that's very precious to me." jisung gently took the box out of minhos hand.

"what's in it?" felix asked, looking over at the box.

"nothing." jisung shrugged, putting it inside one of his bags.

"it's pretty." minho commented as he continued unpacking.

"thanks." jisung had a small smile, feeling any panic in him die down. "my dads are coming to help unpack."

"cause eight people weren't enough?" minho chuckled.

"oh shush, it'll get done faster." jisung giggled, placing a small kiss on minhos lips. "speak of the devil." jisung sighed as he heard a knock on his door.

"come in!" minho shouted.

the door opened, the couple walking in.

"hey dad, hey other dad." jisung greeted the two with a hug.

"hey jiji, woah..full house." insu chuckled.

"yeah, it's a little chaotic but things will get done faster this way." jisung nodded.

"ask him!" minjun urged, gently pushing insus shoulder.

"ask me what?" jisung questioned.

"let's step out onto the balcony." insu headed towards the door, jisung following closely.

"dad, is something wrong?" jisung asked worriedly as insu shut the door.

"no, nothings wrong. i was just wondering if you would be my best man at my wedding..?" insu asked quietly, fear of rejection taking over.

"dad! i'd love to!" jisung smiled.

"minjun is going to ask minho, he really loves you both." insu said with a soft smile.

"i can't wait." jisung spoke happily.

"okay, we can unpack now." insu smiled as they walked back inside.

"UGH I LOVE YOU!" minjun yelled as he threw his arms around minho. "INSU HE SAID YES!"

"babe you're so dramatic." insu laughed.

"i'm so happy." minjun smiled.

"i am too." insu said with a soft smile on his face.

"it's nice to properly meet you, by the way. i'm glad you've changed and are putting in effort for jisung." felix smiled, bowing towards insu.

"you know, i spent years letting the guilt eat away at me. especially once i realized my feelings for minjun. a piece of advice for you kids...if you regret it, do everything you can go fix it. but also understand no one owes you forgiveness." insu replied. "the least you could ever do, is apologize to someone if you've hurt them or done them wrong. you owe them an apology, they don't owe you forgiveness."

"you know, you're not as bad as i thought you were." hyunjin shrugged.

"no, i definitely fucked up. but i learned from my mistakes. the day i left i said and did disgusting things. i did the one thing i promised myself i'd never do because of my parents. i hit my child. jisung may forgive me but i'll never forgive myself." insu shook his head.

"but the important thing is that you learned and grew from your mistake. as long as it doesn't happen again, it's okay." jisung spoke softly.

"you're right. let's lighten the mood, you're all invited to my wedding!" insu smiled.

"YES!" felix screamed.

"oh my god i have to figure out what to wear." hyunjin slapped his hand over his mouth.

"so, when is our precious minsung getting married?" minjun asked.

"honestly, probably not for a while. that's a conversation for us when we think we're ready for that." minho answered.

"conversation? not a surprise proposal?" felix shook his head.

"felix." minho sighed. "it's important to make sure both of us are ready. i can still do a surprise proposal, just after i know that marriage is something he's ready for."

"why are we talking so far ahead into the future?" jeongin asked. "let's just live in the moment."

"he's right." chan nodded.

"of course you agree with him, he's your boyfriend." felix playfully rolled his eyes. "me personally? mine and changbins wedding is already planned on pinterest and i have all our kids names picked out. all i'm waiting for is a ring, but that's okay cause i'm patient when it comes to him."

"you're insane." seungmin chuckled.

"oh come on, you can't tell me none of you have thought about it." felix spoke, exasperated.

"he has a point. we've all had to have thought about it at least once." hyunjin nodded.

"okay, why are we standing around chit chatting? we can talk while the apartment gets unpacked." minho shook his head.

"fine." hyunjin groaned.

a/n: hello my loves! how are you guys?

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