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when jisung woke up, he was alone in bed. all the trash and dishes were cleaned up, his clothes sorted into piles based off what they were. and the smell of pancakes filled his apartment.

"min?" he called out as he crawled out of bed.

"hi my love! did you sleep well?" minho asked as he placed pancakes onto a plate.

"yeah." jisung nodded. "why'd you do all this by yourself?"

"you were exhausted and i couldn't sleep. plus, i just wanted to." minho shrugged.

"i'm going to go brush my teeth so i can kiss you." jisung walked into his bathroom.

stay calm. don't freak out. he just did something nice because he wanted to. there's no reason to feel bad.

jisung took a few deep breaths, grabbing his hygiene bag and getting his toothbrush and toothpaste. he brushed his teeth, blocking out any thoughts.

"are you going to take the hoodie off?" minho started to grow worried. "it's hot."

jisung took a seat, sighing.


"are you okay?" minho asked gently, placing a plate in front of him.

"yeah..." jisung muttered.

"ji...you don't have to lie to me about being okay." minho assured gently.

"i...i relapsed. and i didn't want you to see it." jisung spoke quietly.

"hey, that's okay." minho said softly. "there's no shame in it. and you don't have to feel bad about doing it."

"thanks min." jisung smiled.

"always. i love you." minho got up, sitting next to jisung.

"i love you." jisung softly connected their lips.

"you need to take your meds after you eat." minho said quietly.

"i know, thank you love." jisung smiled.

"of course." minho smiled.

"we should go on a date tomorrow. i wanna show you my favorite café." jisung smiled.

"sounds exciting. i can't wait." minho returned his smile, taking a bite of his pancakes.

"the pancakes are really good." jisung smiled as he took another bite.

"only the best for the best boyfriend in the world." minho smiled.

"do you have to do that while i'm eating?" jisung bit back a smile as a blush spread across his cheeks.

"yes." minho nodded.

"just eat your food." jisung chuckled.


"gosh this fucker." minho sighed.

"i know! he literally had the chance to profess his love and he's leaving?!" jisung nearly screamed at the tv.

"and his bitchass boss! i can't stand her." minho added.

"right like hon, he's gay. it'll never happen. he's got a pretty little dancer waiting for him." jisung rolled his eyes.

"one sec, someone's calling me." minho rolled his eyes as he answered the call from the unknown number. "hello?"

"hey minho, it's younghyun."

minho rolled his eyes.

"what do you want?"

"we should meet up and talk." younghyun answered. "i'll text you the address."

"and who said i wanted to talk to you?"

"please, minho."

"fine." minho rolled his eyes, hanging up.

"was that younghyun?" jisung asked quietly.

"yeah. he wants to meet up and talk." minho responded.

"do you miss him?"

"no. i got over the hurt and now i'm just angry." minho sighed. "let's get dressed."

"i'm going with you?" jisung sounded shocked.

"i don't want to see him, i need someone there who can keep me calm. who better than my cute boyfriend?" minho smiled.

"okay." jisung nodded.

the two changed, heading to the address that younghyun had texted. they walked into the empty bar hand in hand, immediately spotting younghyun and sungjin.

"hey minho!" younghyun smiled.

"the fuck do you want?" minho sat down across from him.

"oh...who are you?" younghyun turned to jisung.

"i'm his boyfriend. now what do you want?" jisung glared at him.

"i know he's meeting his ex but you don't need to be jealous." youngyun chuckled.

"you're delusional. don't get it twisted. i'm not jealous. i just don't like you." jisung scoffed.

"anyways...minho. i just wanted to tell you in person that sungjin and i are getting married. and we wanted to invite you.."

"why do i care?" minho asked. "keep the invitation."

"you could at least be happy for me." younghyun scoffed.

"you know, i don't know how you'd think i feel after what you put me through. but i hate you. and i'm in a happy and healthy relationship now. you were nothing but a piece of shit boyfriend and i blamed it on myself. i spent too fucking long blaming myself for your actions. and sungjin? you disgust me too! you're a homewrecker.

"i hope you two are happy but i also wish the worst for you. i hate you so much. i have so much resentment against you. i didn't agree to come here for you, i came here for me. to get the closure i deserve. don't you dare call yourself a man after what you put me through." minho snapped.

"wow..." youngyun muttered. "i didn't know it affected you that much."

"of fucking course you didn't! you never cared to listen to me. everything you did was to benefit yourself. you didn't fucking care about me." minho scoffed.

"minho...i truly am sorry." younghyun apologized.

"and i truly don't give a shit. i wish you and your homewrecker fiancé the worst. i really do. goodbye." minho said as he stood up.

"minho wait!" younghyun called after him.

"no." jisung glared at him, walking away with minho.

"that felt good." minho sighed contently as he got into his car.

"i'm glad my love. but the audacity of this bitch." he rolled his eyes.

"let's go home." minho smiled. "and thank you."

"anything for you." jisung kissed him softly. "i'm glad you feel better."

"i got the closure i deserved. i have the most amazing boyfriend in the world. i know now what it's like to be genuinely loved. i feel so much better."

"let's go home." jisung smiled widely.

a/n: hi my loves! how are you guys? i love you and i'm so proud of you and you're valid.

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