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"hyung. hyung. hyung. hyung." jisung sat beside minho, who was ignoring him, poking his arm. he could see minho slowly losing it. but he persisted.

"hyuuuunnggggg!" jisung got up, standing in front of minho.

the bus came to an abrupt stop, causing jisung to fall forward. minho grabbed onto his waist as he was now on his lap. his heartbeat increased as he looked up, meeting jisungs eyes.

"s-sorry." jisung got up, moving back to his spot next to minho.

"what do you want?" minho angrily sighed.

"attention." jisung shrugged.

"go get it from felix."

"i'm pretty sure he's having sex with changbin in the bathroom."


"he's napping."


"also napping."





jisung sighed, getting up and moving to the couch across from them. he plopped down next to chan, letting out a sigh.

"you here for attention?" chan chuckled.

"yeah." jisung sighed.

"what's going on in that head of yours?" chan turned off his phone, paying attention to jisung.

"well, what if we live in a simulation? what if this earth, everything around us, isn't real? somebody is playing us like sims." jisung said.

"interesting." chan nodded, slightly confused.

"isn't it! it's so crazy to think that. and the fact that everything, literally EVERYTHING in the world was made up. the way we live our lives and the way society works is completely made up by dead people."

"holy shit you're right." chan looked like he just had an epiphany.

"your brain thinks a lot of things when you're lonely." jisung nodded.

"you're lonely?" chan asked. he'd never expected that from jisung.

"yeah." jisung nodded.

"you don't have to be lonely anymore. you've got this wonderful family." chan said softly. "are you friends with anyone outside of this group?"

"nope. i don't talk to people. and no one really wanted to talk to me in school either. i was bullied in school, a lot." jisung paused. "i've never told anybody any of this."

"it's okay sung, i won't judge you. take your time, if you don't want to talk about it you don't have to." chan reassured him softly.

"i was bullied a lot. it got worse after i came out. my dad left me and my mom because he refused to raise a gay son. my mom..." jisung stared blankly.

"she's not good to you, is she?" minho looked up from his phone.

jisung shook his head no.

"she was always abusive. my dad was never home anyways but when he was, he'd step in. he would buy me things to try to cheer me up. i came out when i was eighteen. my dad had never been so angry. it was the first time he'd ever hit me. he cussed me out, called me slurs, packed his bags and left.

"my mom was heartbroken. she became increasingly abusive. started dating drug dealers. tried to sell me a couple times but i never let that happen. at first i though it's my fault she was hurting so bad. i deserved to let her take it out on me. but after a while i realized it's not fair. because i was hurting too."

"is that why i heard screaming whenever she'd come to the hotel?" minho asked softly.

"yeah. she would try to get me to come with her. she'd abuse me when i told her i wasn't going."

"sun." felix stood in front of the bathroom door with tears in his eyes. everyone had their heads peeking out of the beds.

everyone had been listening.

"sorry for eavesdropping we-"

"it's okay lix. i don't expect privacy on a bus." jisung chuckled.

"she acted so nice in front of all of us." jeongin frowned. everyone got up to join the three on the couches, listening to jisung.

"she acts nice in front of everyone. i've seen it since i was a child. she'd play nice and then next thing i know, i'm getting dragged by the hair and thrown to the ground!" jisung laughed. only jisung laughed.

"sun that's not-"

"felix let him laugh it's his trauma." hyunjin lightly slapped the boys thigh.

"yeah that was my cute, fun, quirky childhood." jisung smiled. "this bracelet is the one my dad bought me after he caught my mom holding a lit cigarette to my arm."

"holy shit."

"i still have a little circle scar on my arm from it."

"...i'm sorry i want to see." felix said, grabbing ahold of jisungs hand.

"okay." jisung took a deep breath, pulling his hoodie sleeve up. everyone grimaced at the sight.

"i'm sorry sung." chan frowned.

"you don't need to be sorry, it's not your fault." jisung shrugged it off.

"my baby!" felix sobbed, wrapping his arms around jisung.

jisung laughed it off, holding the man in his arms.

"hey lix, i'm okay. but now at least people know that my mothers an evil skank so if she stalks me again, i know felix will be the first one to fight her off."

"i don't know, minho might beat him to it. the way he held onto your waist earlier." chan looked between the two.

"HE WHAT?" felix jumped up.

"lix relax! i fell and he caught me. no big deal." jisung shrugged.

"yeah, no big deal. minho couldn't breathe when you were on his lap and he was holding your waist and oh god his face when he looked up at you." chan added.

"chris you have two seconds to shut up bitch." minho warned him.

"or what?" chan challenged him.

"i'll kill you."

"liar. you said that to me and i'm still alive. i even told you how to do it!" jisung narrowed his eyes at minho.

"don't worry sungs, he wants to take you out. on a date not killing you." hyunjin smirked.

"WHAT? no. ew. never." minho grimaced, trying to hide the blush on his cheeks.

"then why are you blushing?" chan teased.

a/n: my my my 😈

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