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"a cat café?" minho asked excitedly as they arrived at jisungs favorite café.

"i knew you'd like it." jisung smiled as they entered.

"like it? i love it!" minho said as he dragged jisung inside.

"sunshine! did you miss me?" jisung asked as he approached the black cat.

"what do you want, it's on me?" minho asked gently as he approached his boyfriend with the cat.

"oh no, no, no. we will pay for the dates we plan. since i planned this one i'm paying." jisung said sternly.

"fine." minho sighed, holding his hand out for the cat to sniff.

"auntie choi!" jisung smiled as he approached the counter.

"oh my sunshine!" the older woman smiled. "i've missed you!"

"i was on tour with a band." jisung smiled excitedly.

"did you bring a friend today? you're always alone." she said quietly.

"he's actually my boyfriend." jisung smiled widely.

"well then! yuna! come take over for me."

"hi jisung! your usual?" yuna asked as the owner walked from behind the counter.

"times two please." jisung smiled, taking out his card.

"well hello!" auntie choi smiled as she approached minho.

"hello." minho bowed, petting sunshine.

"i heard you're my sunshines boyfriend!" she smiled happily.

"ahh, yes." minho returned her smile.

"min! this is auntie choi, auntie this is minho." jisung introduced as he approached them.

"let's go sit." she smiled, leading them to a table.

yuna walked over, setting down two iced americanos and two slices of cheesecake.

"thank you yuna." jisung bowed.

"so, are you two on a date?" auntie choi asked.

"yes. i had to show him my favorite café." jisung smiled happily.

"well i'll stop bothering you two now, enjoy your date!" she smiled as she walked back to the counter.

"this place is cute." minho smiled.

"this is my safe place." jisung smiled. "i'd come here ever since i was younger when i needed comfort. or just time alone. its where i'd come to feel okay for a couple hours."

minho had a soft frown adorning his face. he brought me to his safe space.

"i'm glad you feel safe enough to share this with me." minho spoke softly.

"duh, you're literally the love of my life." jisung said as he took a sip of his iced americano. "you're my safe place in human form."

"i love you. let's stop by my apartment to see my cats." minho smiled.

"yes please!" jisung excitedly smiled. "who watched them while we were on tour?"

"my neighbor. you can meet her too! you'll love her. her name is sana and she's a veterinarian. and her wife chaeyoung makes the best cookies." minho rambled.

"i can't wait to meet them." jisung smiled.

once the two finished at the café, they headed to minhos apartment. when they walked in, two women were making out on his couch.

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