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jisung stayed up all night, practicing the songs for tour. he turned his phone off after it started blowing up.

at dinner chan had posted a picture of him, announcing him as the drummer for their tour and explaining what happened to changbin. as a result, everyone started following his instagram and blowing up his comment section.

he hadn't even realized that the sun was coming up, or that he had to meet with the band for practice in five hours. he was trapped inside his own little world, practicing the songs on the drums. his arms were going numb as he had been drumming all night.

when his arms hurt too much to continue, it was already eight a.m. he let out a sigh as he looked at the time, walking over to his bed and letting his body collapse onto it. he set an alarm for eleven, letting himself fall asleep.

"jisung is late." minho pointed out with a cold expression on his face.

"cut him some slack, it's his first official day." chan tried to reason with him.

"you'd think he'd want to be on time then." minho snapped back.

"he's five minutes late, damn. who the fuck pissed in your cereal?" chan rolled his eyes.

"sorry i'm late!" jisung rushed in, setting his bag next to the drum kit.

"it's about time." minho scoffed.

"what?" jisung awkwardly asked quietly.

"let's just start practicing." minho rolled his eyes.

"wait, jisung you look like hell. no offense. do you want some water, something to eat?" chan asked, concerned for his well-being.

"no it's okay! i'm fine, we can start." jisung gave a small smile, picking up his drum sticks.

chan just shrugged, grabbing his guitar. the boys practiced all afternoon, their four friends coming to watch. at around six, they all decided to go get dinner.

"you guys can go ahead, i'm just gonna go home and practice more." jisung bowed.

"you sure mate? you should probably rest." chan gave another look of concern.

"i'm sure, maybe next time?" jisung asked.

"okay, yeah. see you later jisung!" chan bowed.

"how rude." minho scoffed, making jisung freeze.

"what?" felix asked.

"you'd think if he's gonna go on tour with us, he might as well eat with us."

"he's going to be surrounded by us twenty four fucking seven on tour anyways, might as well let him enjoy the last month with any alone time he can have." hyunjin stepped in.

"jisung, you go ahead." chan spoke softly, pulling minho to walk away. "what the fuck is your problem?"

"get the fuck off me, chan." minho snatched his arm back, freeing himself from chans grip.

"let's just have a nice dinner, please. no fighting." jeongin groaned.

"whatever." minho sighed.

jisung sighed as he walked into his apartment. he set all his stuff down, immediately going to practice more. he needed to get every song perfect.

he turned his phone off to avoid any distractions and then poured all his emotions into the drums. at some point he felt tears rolling down his face, but chose to simply ignore it.

when minho arrived to his apartment, he slammed the door. he threw his stuff down, looking at his surroundings.

i'm still finding his stuff laying around my apartment. i'm still finding photos of us. he makes me sick. when i think about him, i feel sick.

he groaned in frustration, going to watch tv. but instead the tv just served as background noise while minho stared ahead, lost in his thoughts.

thinking about him.

the next morning, minho felt like hell. he took some ibuprofen before leaving for band practice. he was very much not looking forward to seeing jisung.

he felt bad, jisung didn't do anything to him. but he couldn't stop the anger and hurt when he saw him, because when he looked at him, all he saw was him.

"he's late again." minho groaned.

"maybe he had a rough night?" hyunjin shrugged.

"or maybe minhos just impatient." changbin chuckled.

"whatever changbitch." minho rolled his eyes.

"that was a hate crime. homophobe." changbin played a look of offense.

"i'm literally- okay whatever." minho sighed, taking a seat on the couch.

"sorry i'm late!" jisung rushed in.

"yeah, so, are you gonna be late everyday? cause if you keep this up we can just have changbin play through the pain." minho didn't even give him a second to put his stuff down before he began with the harsh words.

"i'm sorry." jisung bowed.

"whatever, let's get to practice." minho rolled his eyes.

"here, have some water." chan offered jisung a water bottle with a smile.

"thank you." jisung bowed.

they began practicing, jisung immediately messing up. it was one tiny slip up, but it was enough to set minho off.

"god damnit cant you do anything!? if you can't play our fucking songs just leave!" minho turned around, yelling.

"hey, it's only his second practice. once we practice more he'll be able to play it flawlessly." chan stepped in front of jisung.

"and, everything we've heard him play ever has been perfect. it was one tiny mistake." hyunjin joined in.

"you know what? whatever. if you mess up during a concert it's you who's going to be embarrassed. it's you who's going to go viral cause you fucked up." minho turned back around.

that's right. i just need to practice more.

a/n: hi loves! how are you guys? i love you all and i'm so so soooo proud of you! just know that whatever you're feeling is valid, so allow yourself to feel it!

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