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"there they are!" changbin and felix approached their table, taking a seat.

"hey lix, hey bin." jisung greeted as they sat down.

"you're sharing a banana split?" felix asked, raising an eyebrow.

"yeah, why?" jisung asked.

"nothing." felix shrugged, giving changbin a knowing look.

"we're glad to see you eating, but you need real food." changbin chuckled.

"i know i know." jisung chuckled. "maybe i can eat an actual dinner tonight." he shrugged.

"it's always worth trying. just take your time, okay?" minho said softly.

"oh my god even i got butterflies from that." changbin said, playfully hitting minho.

"shut up." minho groaned, slightly shoving him.

"we're all going to watch the sunset later, are you guys joining?" changbin asked.

"we understand if you guys don't want to cause it'd be kind of awkward to be the only single people surrounded by three couples. unless you two start dating so it's not awkward." felix said, eyeing the two.

"gee, thank you felix. i'll propose to him tonight." minho said sarcastically.

"even better." felix slapped his right hand on the table.

"might wanna hurry and get a ring." jisung giggled.

"don't join in on his jokes. he's with his boyfriend so you're automatically on my side right now." minho crossed his arms.

"felix is my best friend, sorry babe." jisung shrugged, grabbing felix's hand.

"you-" minho stated at him in disbelief.

felix stuck his tongue out at minho, causing jisung to laugh.

"changbin." minho looked over at him.

"boyfriend." changbin shrugged, looking at felix.

"this is three against one this isn't fair." minho sighed, exasperated.

"it could be if you guys wanted it to be." felix smirked.

"did you just offer a foursome?" minho shook his head, genuinely in disbelief.

"i'd be down." jisung shrugged.

"what!?" minho yelled, covering his mouth.

"you jealous?" changbin asked, smirking.

"wha- no. i'm not." minho scoffed.

jisung scoffed, wrapping his arm around felix. he pressed a kiss onto the side of his head, smiling.

minho and jisungs eyes met, both pairs of eyes glaring at the other.

"i need to use the bathroom, i'll be back." jisung got up, marching inside to the bathroom.

after five minutes, jisung hadn't returned.

"i'll go check on him." minho sighed, getting up.

he walked into the bathroom, immediately being met with jisung standing by the door.

"ji-" minho was cut off by jisung grabbing him by the collar, shoving him against the wall.

"not jealous huh?" jisung questioned. he leaned closer, ghosting his lips over minhos.

minho whined when his lips weren't met with jisungs.

"fine, i was jealous. i just didn't want to admit it to-"
minho was cut off by jisungs lips on his.

jisung kissed him roughly, allowing his frustration to control the kiss. the kiss was messy as their tongues fought for dominance. after a few minutes, the two separated, breathing heavily.

"fuck." minho muttered under his breath.

"just a reminder." jisung said as he walked out of the bathroom, leaving minho in a daze.

"sorry." jisung smiled, sitting next to felix.

"okay what the FUCK happened in that bathroom?" felix asked as he watched minho walk out, still looking out of it.

"nothing?" jisung looked at felix as if he had an arm growing out of his stomach. "anyways, let's go." jisung said, throwing away their trash.

"you should take the shirt off, you'll get a farmers tan." minho said as he joined them, pulling at the hem of his shirt.

"in a little." jisung shrugged.

"it's my shirt. take it off when you go lay down." minho said sternly. "shit. unless you're not comfortable. i'm sorry i just-" minho rubbed his temples.

jisung reached his hand up, ruffling minhos hair.

"it's okay, min. i'll take it off but only for my biggest fan." jisung chuckled.

"WHO?" minho yelled, again covering his mouth as he realized how loud he's being.

jisung stopped, standing on his tiptoes to whisper in minhos ear. "you."

minho blushed, confused as the butterflies exploded in his stomach.

the two walked in silence, minho feeling too shy to say anything.

"minsung switches." felix whispered to changbin.

"i never thought i'd say it but, yeah. one hundred percent." changbin agreed.

"where'd this confidence come from?" minho asked as the pairs separated.

"i don't know, where'd yours go?" jisung smirked.

"it packed its bags and ran as soon as i opened the bathroom door." minho mumbled.

jisung chuckled, sitting under his beach umbrella.

"i'll take the shirt off if you stay with me~" jisung said in a sing song tone.

"you don't have to tell me twice." minho said, taking a seat on a towel.

jisung smirked, slowly taking his shirt off.

in that moment he didn't care about anyone except minho. all he could focus on was minhos eyes on his body. he didn't care about the cuts and the scars. he didn't care about what his body looked like. he just cared about minhos eyes on him.

"cmon ji! im about to beg you to bend me over." minho chuckled.

"fine fine." jisung laughed, taking the shirt off.

he laid on his towel next to minhos, smiling as he closed his eyes. but that pair of shining eyes never left him.

a/n: tEnSiOn 🤭 ahfkdhwid how are you my loves? what's something that made you smile today? i love you.

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