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"Are you stupid?"

Dahyun rubbed Chaeyoung's back. Tell her to calm down while Chaeyoung throw her to look away.

Tzuyu licks her lower lip. That morning, she went out with Dahyun and Chaeyoung. She woke up early than Taehyung and she leave quickly.

She also told Dahyun and Chaeyoung everything and who is the person that tells her so.

And now, Chaeyoung glared at her.

"You trust Irene more than your husband?" Chaeyoung asked again.

"It's not like that, Chaeng-ah. I try to not trust her. But, she shows me their pictures together. And she gave so many proofs!" Tzuyu talked back.

Chaeyoung rubbed her face. Dahyun cleared her throat before she looked at Tzuyu.

"Tzuyu, it's not what you think. Let me ask you, do you love Taehyung?" she asked softly.

Tzuyu shut her mouth for a while. Then she nodded slowly. Dahyun sighed. She holds Tzuyu's hand and squeezes it softly.

"If you love him, you will trust him. Before you judge, listen to his explanation first. Don't jump to a conclusion. You have to ask him first, make him tell the truth. Not acting like this, Tzuyu-ah."

Tzuyu got slapped by Dahyun's words. She admitted that her actions look unmatured.

Chaeyoung just crossed her arms and watched them. Before she becomes angrier with Tzuyu, better she shut up for a while.

"Okay," Tzuyu mumbled.

Dahyun smiled. She then glanced at Chaeyoung.

"You wanna know the truth?" Chaeyoung finally opens her mouth.


Tzuyu looks at her. Chaeyoung stared at her and spoke. "Irene was Taehyung's ex-girlfriend. Ex," she said.

Dahyun nodded. "Yes."

Tzuyu froze at her spot. She then looks away, avoiding eye contact with Chaeyoung.

"So? Why are you still here? Why don't you go to Taehyung's office and talk to him? I'm sure he is waiting for you right now."

Taehyung just nod. He smiled a little.

"Alright, Jimin-ah. I will check the file back. Don't worry." he said before ending the call. After he put his phone on the desk, he sighed.

He can't even focus on his work after fighting with Tzuyu yesterday night.

Taehyung glanced at the clock. Fifteen minutes left before lunchtime. Usually, he will eat at home with Tzuyu. But today, maybe he will eat at the restaurant nearby.

Or maybe, he will skip his lunch.

"Alice, come into my room," he called Alice through the intercom.

A few seconds later, Alice knocked on the door and went in. She bows at him while smiling.

"Did I have any meetings after lunch?" he asked.

"No. I've checked your schedule. You're not having any meetings after lunch."

Alice replied while nodding her head. She have checked his schedule before she came to his room.

Taehyung smiled at her. "Alright. I will take an EL because I'm not feeling well. So after lunch, I will go straight home. If someone wanna meet me, say I will meet her or him tomorrow." he gets up from his seat.

Alice nodded. "Alright."

After she replied, Taehyung told her to leave. Then he grabbed his car keys and went out of his room.

Tzuyu just sat on the sofa and stared at the television. Chaeyoung told her to meet Taehyung at his office, but she refuse.

Because she didn't want to bother his work time. So she decided to went home first. She has finished cooking for lunch.

"Is he gonna come back home for a lunch like usual?" she asks herself.

Then she squeaked.

"Of course not!"

Suddenly, someone unlocked the main door. Tzuyu looked in the direction and Taehyung went into the house.

He closed the door and turned. Their eyes met. Tzuyu slowly gets up from her seat. She walked closer to him while Taehyung just standing there.

"Em..a-are you hungry? I-I have cooked for lunch." She suddenly stuttered.

Taehyung just smiled a little and shook his head. He then went upstairs. Tzuyu sighed and slapped her head. "Pabo, Tzuyu." she cursed at herself.

Since Taehyung didn't hungry yet, then she is not gonna eat too. She went upstairs, straight to their room.

She take a deep breath before she opened the door. Tzuyu stepped into the room and saw Taehyung on the balcony.

Tzuyu slowly walked toward him and stop behind him.


She called, making Taehyung turn and face her.


Silence. Tzuyu didn't know how to start it. She just looks down while playing with her fingers.

Finally, she sighed.

"I'm sorry," she mumbled.

Taehyung just stared at her. He can't be mad at her. Because it was his fault too. Jimin has told him that Irene is the one who came to their house and tell Tzuyu yesterday night.

"No, it's my fault too. I'm supposed to tell you because you are my wife. So no secret between us." He said.

"No. It's my fault. I should listen to your explanation first." Tzuyu still mumbling.

Taehyung holds her both hands and Tzuyu lookup. Their eyes meet again. And it makes Tzuyu's heart beat faster.

"But, it wouldn't happen if I told you the truth. Yes, I was in a relationship with Irene before. But we broke up one year ago. Even though we were in a relationship, I never love her. Trust me. I will never love her and fall in love with her. Because since 6 years ago, my heart belonged to you. Only you. Even though I try to hate you but I still love you. I'm sorry for not being honest." he confessed.

Tzuyu just stared into his eyes, letting him explain everything.

Taehyung sighed again. "Just, please trust me," he added.

Tzuyu slowly nods.

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