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Chris rocked his newborn baby girl, Elizabeth in his arms as his wife Melanie watched him. He grinned at her as he heard their mothers enter the room behind him. He handed Elizabeth to his mother in law, Anna as she smiled at him. He watched their mothers fussing over the baby when he heard Melanie behind him.


He turned back to her to find her pale as she reached her hand out towards him. "Yeah love." He grabbed her hand in his as she groaned, "what is it?"

She shook her head, "I don't know."

He pressed the call button for a nurse. He watched Melanie's eyes go heavy as she passed out, dropping his hand, "Mel?!" He saw a nurse come rushing into the room as she checked her vitals.

The nurse pulled the blanket down, finding blood pooling between Melanie's legs. She pulled the blanket back up, "we have to take her."

"Take her? Take her where?" Chris didn't get a response as he watched them wheel her away from him as he looked at Lisa and Anna who looked as confused as he felt. "What's going on?"

Lisa shook her head, "I don't know son. Just sit." She grabbed his hand, leading him to the chair in the corner as she tried to keep him calm.

Chris looked up as a doctor finally entered the room, a solemn look on her face. "What's going on? Where's my wife?" He leapt to his feet as the doctor approached.

"I'm sorry Mr. Evans, your wife lost too much blood. It happens sometimes, her uterus didn't contract the way it was supposed to. She had a blood hemorrhage."

He shook his head as he felt sick to his stomach, looking at his daughter in his mother's arms, "what do you mean? She's just gone? She can't be just gone!"

The doctor nodded, grabbing his arm, "I'm sorry, I can take you to see her.."


6 months after the sudden death of his wife, Chris feels the need to return to work to help take his mind off his grief. After interviewing more than a few people for the position with the help of his mother and mother in law, he finally hires Skye Davis as his full time nanny. She accompanies him as he films, wanting to be near his daughter as much as possible.

Will she be able to push through the tough exterior and walls he built up? Or will he keep her at arms distance, not wanting her to replace his wife or his daughter's mother?

❤️**Coming Soon**❤️

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