Chapter 9

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Chris knocked softly on her door as he heard her groan. He let himself in to find her sitting on the end of her bed as he closed the door behind him. "Don't be embarrassed. Guys love girls that orgasm easily. It's great for our egos."

She giggled as he came to sit beside her, "really?"

He laughed, grabbing her hand, "god yes! That was extremely hot, please don't be embarrassed."

She nodded, "it's not just that.."

"Okay. Then what."

She blushed as she stood up, staring at the ground. "I've only ever done it by myself, never with anyone else."

"Oh." He shrugged, "so what?" He watched her continue to stare at the ground, "wait, are you a virgin?"

"No." She looked up at him as he watched her, "I've only been with one person and it wasn't great so I never really sought it out again. Everyone I've dated since then, we never got that far."

"Oh. You've only been with one person?"

She nodded as she watched him stand up from the edge of the bed. She groaned as she watched him think to himself. "Chris?"

He shook his head, "I mean, you're practically a virgin. And I've been stupid thinking that.... or not thinking really. I feel a little bit like a dirty old man right now Skye."

"What?! Why?"

Chris groaned, looking at her, "because you're 16 years younger than me. Barely out of school, zero experience. And not just sex, but in general. Zero life experience. I'm sorry. This could never... ugh."

She watched him grab the handle of the door, "you were fine 5 minutes ago with my amount of life experience."

"I know I was an idiot. I'm sorry Skye."

She scoffed as she watched him leave her room as she started sobbing.

Chris groaned as he closed the door behind him as he rested his head on the door. "Fuck." He wasn't sure how many times he would have to make her cry to learn that he should stay away from her.


Skye left the kitchen in the morning with Elizabeth as Chris entered, grabbing her arm.

"Skye wait."

She pulled away from him, "I'm fine. Going to go play with the baby."

He sighed, grabbing Elizabeth as he placed her in the play pen in the living room before dragging Skye back to the kitchen. He saw her looking at he ground as he sighed, "I'm sorry for how everything came out last night. Came out harsher than I meant."

"It's fine." She continued to look at the ground until she felt him grab her chin, making her look up at him as she swatted his hand away. "No. Now I feel led on. Now I feel stupid."

He groaned, "you were honest and vulnerable with me and I'm sorry I took advantage of that. Last night never should have happened."

She scoffed, "why? Because I've only had one actual sexual experience? How many would I have to have for you to be comfortable with Chris?"

"That's not.."

She shook her head, pushing him, "no! Tell me! 100? A girl has too much experience, she's used up. Not enough and she isn't experienced enough to be with. So what's the number? 5? 10?"

"Skye, it's not just about that. It's about the fact that I'm 16 years older than you and I shouldn't have taken advantage of the situation!" He sighed, lowering his voice. "I'm saying I shouldn't have crossed the line."

She nodded, "funny how you didn't have the problem until after you found out my lack of sexual experience." She poked him in the chest, "led! On! Now if you excuse me, I have a job to do." She left him standing in the kitchen alone as she went to play with Elizabeth and Dodger outside.


Chris came home from filming the next night which was Friday to find Skye in a tight blue dress and heels. "Where are you going?"

She shrugged, handing him Elizabeth, "it's my night off, and you're not my keeper, remember?"

"Skye.." He saw her turn to face him as he sighed, "yeah. Be careful, okay?"

Skye nodded, "I will. You're off tomorrow right?"

Chris nodded, "yeah. Why?"

She grabbed her purse and a jacket, "because I'm going out with my friend and I don't know if I'll be back tonight. Night."

He groaned as he watched her leave to do who knows what because he was an idiot.


Skye let herself into Cindy's apartment to find her watching tv on the couch.

"Woah! You look hot. Where are you going?"

Skye shrugged, "out, with you. Let's go."

Cindy laughed as she stood up to go to her room. She closed the door, leaving it a bit open so they could talk, "and the lack of warning?"

"It was a last minute decision. I want to dance and drink, and grind on a cute boy... or girl. I don't care."

Cindy opened the door as she turned away from Skye for her to zip up her dress. She turned back to her, "does this have anything to do with the hot dad you're working for?"

Skye sighed, "I don't want to talk about it. I told you, I want to dance and drink and..."

"Yeah yeah." Cindy put her hand up to make her stop, "fine. But you'll have to tell me eventually. Let's go."

Nanny Series - Chris Evans 💙Where stories live. Discover now