Chapter 21

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Skye answered the door to her apartment the following Friday evening to find Chris in front of her in a dark gray suit with a white button up shirt that was unbuttoned at the top. "Chris.." She hissed softly, running her lower lip through her teeth as she inspected him from top to bottom.

He grinned, "I was thinking the same thing." He eyed her up and down in her little black dress. It fell half way down her shin with a split up the left side, showing off her thigh. He grabbed her waist at the same time he felt her wrap her arms around his neck, their lips finding each others urgently as she pulled him into her apartment, slamming the door behind him as she pushed him against the door. Chris groaned as she ran her hands down his chest, resting them at the band of his slacks. He finally pulled his mouth from hers, "we're supposed to be going out sweetheart. Not staying in. I promise we can finish this after dinner though."

She sighed, looking down at her hands on his pants, inspecting the obvious tent in his slacks, "fine." She looked back up at him to see him grinning at her, "you sleeping here?"

He nodded, "yeah. Carly took Lizzie."

"Lucky you have such a big family to help you."

Chris grinned, "lucky to have such a big family to help me when I'm not too stubborn to ask for it."

Skye laughed, picking up her clutch, "funny how that works, huh?"

"Yeah yeah. Let's go." He nudged her gently out the door ahead of him before grabbing her hand, locking his fingers in hers as they walked.


Skye watched Chris pull up near the harbor in downtown Boston, stopping to come around to help her out of the car, "what are we doing?"

He didn't say anything as he led her down to the docks, standing in front of a boat, "dinner cruise. I rented the whole boat so we won't be disturbed."

"Really?!" She followed him onto the boat, into a formal dining room. She turned to him, placing her hand on his chest, "you know, I would have been happy with pizza and a movie."

"I know." He brought his hand up to her cheek, "that's why I wanted to do something more for our first official date. Now, do you want to eat inside or outside?"

She looked around at the empty dining room, "outside so we can watch the sun go down."

He grinned, "that's what I thought." He led her out onto the upper deck where he already had a private table set up for the two of them. He pulled out her chair as he watched her sit down before he sat across from her.

"Already knew what I would choose?"

He nodded, pouring them both some wine, "I did. Yes." He looked up as a waitress brought them both salads and water before leaving them alone again. "I also ordered for you... salmon or steak?"

She grinned, watching him as he anticipated her answer, "steak.." She watched him sigh, relieved as she giggled softly.

"Just making sure."

She nodded as she leaned towards him, "I don't like seafood and I'm allergic to shellfish."

He chuckled softly, "well that's good to know. Fuck."

Skye laughed as she watched him for a few silent moments, "I love you."

He gave her a wink, "I love you too."

Once they finished eating, Chris watched Skye lean against the rail on the top deck, watching the sunset as the moon appeared in the sky. He leaned against her back, resting his hands on either side of her on the rail, caging her in as he began to lay kisses along her shoulder and neck.

She moaned softly, pressing her body back against his as he wrapped his arms around her. "This was nice. I loved it. Thank you Chris."

"Good. Next time we'll have a more traditional date. I just wanted our first one to be special." He smiled down at her as she turned around to face him, grabbing the back of his head to pull his lips to hers. He moaned as she ran her other hand down his chest like she did in the apartment. This time she doesn't stop as she grips him through his pants, making him hard under her touch. He pulled away, feeling her hand still on him as she offered him only a smirk, "Skye. What are you doing?"

She shrugged, looking around, "this whole boat, there isn't one dark corner we can fuck in? You said after dinner."

He let out a small groan, grabbing her hand as he pulled her away from the railing, into the inside of the boat. He found an empty room inside, quickly shutting the door behind them before he had her pushed up against the wall. "You're trouble."

She nodded, letting out a whimper as she hiked up her dress quickly to her waist as she watched Chris undo his pants, pulling his cock from his underwear. She gasped softly as he gripped her thighs, lifting her quickly. He pushed her underwear to the side, entering her urgently as she wrapped her arms around his neck. He gripped her ass cheeks, keeping her spread for him as he thrusted into her hard, causing her to moan out loud.

"You have to be quiet sweetheart. Don't want to alert the entire crew to your pleasure."

She shrugged, "let them hear. Just fuck me Chris."

He growled in her ear, thrusting into her harder at her commands. He nipped at her earlobe before letting his lips trail along her jaw to her lips. He brought a hand down between them, pressing his thumb to her clit, pressing in firm circles as she gripped onto him tighter. It didn't take him long to make her come apart around him before he finished, emptying himself inside her. He set her feet back on the ground once he was sure she could stand. He put himself away as she adjusted her underwear. "What happened to my timid, inexperienced girl?"

She giggled, wrapping her arms around his neck once he finished tucking his shirt back in, "you ruined her in all the best ways."

Chris laughed, "I'm okay with that. As long as it's all for me."

She grinned, nodding, "for you always."

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