Chapter 4

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Skye followed Chris into the house to where Lisa was.

"Skye! It's nice to see you."

Skye nodded, giving her a small smile, "it's nice to see you again too Mrs. Evans."

Lisa shook her head, "Lisa is fine dear. Please." She watched Skye and Chris as she accepted her granddaughter from him. "Happy birthday son."

Chris smiled, kissing his mother on the cheek, "thanks mom."

Lisa nodded as he disappeared into the backyard. She turned to Skye, "don't worry about the baby. She's surrounded by family. You can just relax and enjoy yourself Skye."

"Sure. Thanks Lisa."

"There's drinks over here." Lisa motioned behind her on the counter. "And now that Chris is here, I'm sure he'll start the grill soon." She motioned to Shanna and Carly, introducing them to Skye before she rested her hand on Skye's shoulder, "are you okay honey?"

Skye nodded, "I'm fine." She left the girls in the kitchen, going to the back patio door to see Chris interacting with who she assumed was his brother and his other friends. She sighed, pulling a book out of her purse, sitting in a chair in the living room alone. She set her purse next to her on the floor as she read.

Scott nudged his brother as Lisa came outside with Elizabeth and his sisters. "Where's your nanny?"

Chris shrugged, looking around. "I don't know."

Skye looked out the window as everyone grabbed food. Once everyone was done, she made herself a plate, going into the kitchen to eat alone when she heard someone enter.

"Skye. Right? I'm Scott." He offered her his hand as he noticed her timidly taking it, giving him a small smile.

"Nice to meet you Scott."

He nodded, "you don't have to hide in here sweetheart. You can join us outside."

She shook her head, "I appreciate that. You guys have your family thing going on though. I don't want to intrude. Best to not cross lines."

Scott sighed, "there's no lines to cross Skye. But if you're more comfortable being alone, I won't push you."

She nodded, looking back down at her food, "thanks." She heard Scott leave and come back a second later, making her sigh.

"Did Chris say something to you? I know he's a little difficult right now."

She scoffed, "it's' fine."

Scott sighed, resting his hand on her shoulder, "it's not fine. What did he say?"

She looked up at him, "nothing. It's fine Scott. Just let it go." She stood up, throwing her stuff away. "And for the record, you can be mourning and not be an ass." She left him alone in the kitchen, going back her chair in the living room as she watched him walk past her outside. She heard them singing happy birthday to Chris before Lisa came inside with Elizabeth. Skye stood up, "you need something?"

"I was just going to lay her down."

"I can do that. Please. Let me." Skye saw her hesitate, but transfered Elizabeth to her gently.

Lisa pointed down the hall, "second door on the left." She watched Skye nod before disappearing down the hall.

Skye laid Elizabeth in the crib gently before shutting the door slightly so she could still hear her if need be. She went to sit back in her chair when Scott handed her a slice of cake. She smiled, "thanks." She watched him walk away as she sat to eat her cake before getting up to throw it away. When she left the kitchen she almost ran into a man with dark hair who smiled at her.

"Hi. I'm Jon. Chris's friend."

She nodded, trying to pass him, "Skye."

He grinned, "pretty. Can I get you a drink?"

She shook her head, "not interested." She heard him scoff as she passed him, seeing Chris behind him as she looked at the ground, going back to her chair.

Chris pushed his friend Jon once they were in the kitchen, "don't hit on my nanny."

Jon laughed, "why not? She's cute."

Chris rolled his eyes, "leave her alone."

Jon sighed, "whatever." He grabbed a drink, passing Chris as he went back outside.

Chris grabbed himself something to drink before leaning on the doorframe of the living room, out of sight of Skye as he watched her reading quietly, away from everyone. He sighed, going back outside to sit next to Lisa.

"What did you do to that girl. The girl I met before was bubbly and sweet. I don't understand why she's all alone inside."

Chris shrugged, "I don't know."

"He said something to her. I tried talking to her too and she said it was better not to cross any lines so it was better she be alone. Chris was an ass to her." Scott grunted as Chris hit him in the arm, "it's true!"

"What did she say?"

Scott shrugged, "she didn't. I told you, that she didn't want to feel like she was intruding and that she didn't want to cross any lines."

Lisa sighed, "you better be nice to that girl. She's nice, that's why I chose her. Most qualified that also happened to be the most genuine."

Chris rolled his eyes, "it's fine. Just stay out of it. If she wants to hide in the living room, then let her hide in the living room." He looked up as Skye came out with Elizabeth, looking at Lisa.

"Did you want her. I don't mind watching her."

"I'll take her." Chris stood up, reaching out to Elizabeth as he watched Skye look down at the ground, away from him. "Thank you Skye."


He sighed as she scurried back inside without looking at him. He turned to his mother and brother, "yeah. Alright. I'll fix it when we get home."

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