Chapter 3

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Skye got all her stuff put away on Friday afternoon as she carried empty boxes out of her room as Chris noticed.

"Here. Let me help you." He grabbed the boxes from her, leading her to the garage where he shoved them into the recycling bin. "Trash and recycling comes out here. Trash gets taken out every Sunday night, recycling every other week." He saw her smile and nod at him as he sighed, motioning for her to go ahead of him. He watched her walk ahead of him in her short shorts and crop top t-shirt, exposing her back to him as he groaned, looking at the ground. "I have Lizzie for the night, if you want to take a shower and just get settled in. There's pizza in the kitchen."

"Sure. Thanks Chris." She saw him hesitate before rushing away to the kitchen. She sighed, going to her room before going into the bathroom to take a shower. When she finished, she wrapped her hair in a towel before wrapping one around her body. She exited the bathroom almost running into Chris as he was on his way to his room. She could see him blush before staring down at the ground.

"Buy yourself a robe." Chris grumbled before going into his room, slamming the door behind him as he heard her close her own door to her room quietly. He groaned, shaking his head before resting it back against the door. "Should have hired a man."

Skye huffed as she went into her own room, drying her hair with the towel before changing into pajamas. She waited until she was sure that Chris and Elizabeth were asleep before she snuck to the kitchen, warming up a piece of pizza from the fridge. She hopped up onto the counter, eating the pizza quietly.

Chris jumped when he entered the kitchen to find Skye sitting on the counter, eating pizza. He heard her groan, jumping down as she mumbled an apology. "It's fine. I couldn't sleep."

"I didn't want to bother you." She washed her hands quickly before rushing away back her room, shutting the door quietly as she did.

Chris sighed, shaking his head. He had waited until he was hoping she was asleep so he wouldn't have to run into her. He grabbed some water before going back to his own room.


Skye got dressed in the morning in a blue sundress and sandals, leaving her hair down as she exited her bedroom. This time she made sure there was no one around before leaving, walking down the hall to the kitchen. She found Chris in the kitchen with Elizabeth, "happy birthday Chris." She saw him give her a small smile as he continued to feed Elizabeth.

"Thank you. Can you make sure Elizabeth's bag and her are ready to go by 12. You too."

Skye nodded, grabbing a yogurt from the fridge. "Of course."

Chris watched her, "you can make yourself an actual breakfast if you want. And there's a Keurig on the counter with tea and coffee."

"Thanks. I'm okay." She saw him nod, going back to Elizabeth. She hesitated before leaving the kitchen, turning back to him. "Do you want to talk about it? Your first birthday without her. Must be hard." She saw him wipe off Elizabeth before grabbing her to stand up. She could see she had upset him, starting to apologize when he interrupted her by handing her Elizabeth.

"No. I don't want to talk about it. You work for me, that's it. We are not friends Skye. Stop trying to be. Stop smiling at me, stop being nice to me. I just need you to help me with my daughter, nothing else. You understand?"

Skye nodded, trying to control the tears that were welling already in her eyes as she looked down at the ground. "Sorry."

"Just go get her cleaned up and changed. Please."

She didn't respond as she set the yogurt on the counter, rushing away to Elizabeth's room so he didn't see her cry.

Chris groaned as he picked up the monitor from the counter, hearing Skye crying as she changed Elizabeth. He came across much harsher than he had intended, but that didn't change that he meant what he said. He didn't want or need her to be his friend. He went to his own room, taking a shower to change before the party.


Chris watched Skye climb into the backseat beside Elizabeth as they got ready to leave for his mom's house. "You can sit in the front." He had noticed she avoided looking at him since the kitchen as she did now.

"It's fine. I prefer to sit back here with her." She pulled on her seat belt as she watched him hesitate out of the corner of her eye before finally sighing, closing the door. She looked up at him in the rear view mirror to see him watching her every so often. She looked away from him, out the window as he continued to drive in silence. She would only look away from the window to check on Elizabeth as she cooed beside her, making her smile. She mumbled quietly to herself, "at least someone likes me."

Chris sighed, knowing Skye didn't think he heard her as he pulled into the driveway of his mom's house.

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