Chapter 28

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**5 months later**

Chris walked into the living room of their rental to Skye giggling at her phone. "What is so funny? And where is my daughter?"

"Lizzie is already in bed honey, I'm sorry." She handed him her phone, "I told you the fangirlies would lose their shit at your mustache."

He laughed at the endless array of TikToks before handing the phone back to her. He watched her toss it onto the coffee table as he rested his hand on her stomach, "well, then they're really going to go crazy over this in a few months at the premiere. How are you feeling?"

"We are fine Chris." She moved to the end of the couch, propping her feet up on his lap, "would be nice for someone to rub my feet."

He laughed, "anything for you. Any other fangirl musings?"

She shrugged, "they like your fluffy hair. There's been some pictures from your film set."

He watched her roll her eyes as she laid back, "jealous?"

"No. You're mine. Probably just the hormones." She glared at him as she heard him laugh at her.

He continued to rub her feet and legs as he watched her. "Are you looking forward to the premiere?"

She groaned, "yes and no? It's my first one with you in three years. I'm nervous. First time at a public event with you in general."

He moved, positioning himself behind her on the couch, making her lay on her side as he rested his hand on her stomach, "it'll be fine sweetheart."

She scoffed, "yeah well, some of your fans still refer to me as your child bride."

He laughed, rubbing her stomach, "well you're the one carrying my baby, so who cares what everyone else says. I love you and that's all that matters to me."

"I love you too babe."

He smiled, kissing her neck as she let out a small moan. He felt her push back against him as he ran his hand over her waist, "yeah?"

"Yes. Keep going Chris." She moaned as he pulled her leggings and underwear down, hooking an arm around her, his hand on her wetness.

He groaned, pulling her pants down the rest of the way off before pulling her leg back over his. "So wet already for me." She responded by reaching behind her to palm his erection through his jeans as he moaned. "Babe." He quickly undid the fly of his jeans, pulling his cock out before lining it up at her entrance.

She pushed back against him as he entered her slowly, pushing all the way in. "Keep going."

He smiled at her whimper as she rocked back against him with each thrust. He pressed the pad of his middle finger to her clit, rubbing in small circles while he kissed and nipped at her neck. "Never get tired of this."

She giggled, "you better not." She felt the waves gathering inside her as Chris continued his movements. "Chrisss."

He buried his face in the crook of her neck as he felt her contract around him. He grunted, chasing his own orgasm before emptying inside her. He peppered her neck with a few more kisses. "Come on. Let's get you to bed sweetheart."


**2 months later**

Chris watched Skye rub her stomach as they sat in the back of the car on the way to the premiere. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah. Just nervous and baby is kicking."

"Well sweetheart, come on." He got out of the car, turning back to help her out.

She tried to focus on his hand holding hers as she heard everyone shouting for them to turn every which way for pictures. She was thankful when they finally got to the interviews, most of them fawning over her growing baby bump.

'How far along are you?'

Skye smiled at the interviewer, "about 5 and a half months."

'Really? Do you guys know what you're having yet?'

She smirked, "a baby, that's for sure."

Chris laughed, "we are keeping the sex of the baby a secret from the public for now. You'll have to wait. I'm sorry."

'That's so great. I'm so happy for you guys.'

Chris smiled at her, "thank you. We appreciate that. We are very happy and can't wait." He nudged Skye along with him into the theatre. He turned to her inside, "you did well. Are you okay?"

"I'm fine babe. Just want to sit down."


**4 months later**

"Chris honey, I need you to stop pacing. Everything is going to be fine."

He groaned, turning back to Skye as she tried to focus on breathing. He stopped, grabbing her hand, "I know. But last time..."

Skye sighed, "I know honey. But it won't be like last time."

He leaned in, resting his head against hers, "you promise?"

"Yes Chris. I promise. Now I need you to calm down because we need you and you're stressing me out."

He chuckled, sitting on the edge of the bed, "I'm sorry. What do you need?"

She smiled at him, "just for you to hold my hand, please. And call the nurse because I think it's time..."

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