Chapter 1

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Chris begrudgingly opened the door to the girl with dark brown hair and big blue eyes as he held onto a squirmy Elizabeth. "You must be Skye. Please, come in."

Skye entered the house, looking at the baby in his arms with a big grin. "Skye Davis. It's nice to meet you."

"Yeah." Chris turned away from her as she held her hand out to him as he led her into the living room. He turned back to her as he motioned to the couch for her to sit. "My mother tells me that you are CPR certified. Can you tell me more about yourself?"

Skye nodded as Chris sat down across from her, "that's right. I have a bachelor's in early childhood development and I am CPR certified as well as first aid." She held her arms out to Elizabeth as she reached for her, "may I?"

Chris sighed but nodded, "yeah of course. I'm sorry." He handed Elizabeth to Skye delicately as he watched them grin at each other. She certainly seemed more at ease around babies than he did. "I know they've already gone over everything with you and I'm sure you've answered these questions a million times."

Skye shrugged, "it's fine Mr. Evans, really. You're going to be leaving your daughter with me. I get it. Ask me whatever you like."

He nodded, "thanks. So you obviously have experience with babies?" He smiled softly as Elizabeth rested her head on Skye's shoulder. He knew she was desperate for a female around more and Lisa and Anna couldn't be around all the time. He was just afraid of her becoming too attached to this girl.

"I do. I was an only child, so I ended up babysitting a lot of the neighborhood kids growing up. I've been watching babies since I was 16. So I've had a lot of experience, yes."

"Right. Well, you can call me Chris by the way. Mr. Evans makes me sound and feel much older than I am." He couldn't help but smile at her small giggle as she nodded. "So how old are you? You said you're an only child? So you have no qualms about traveling around with me on set with the baby?"

Skye shrugged, "no qualms. No siblings. No boyfriends or girlfriends. My parents are retired to Florida. I see them on holidays, otherwise, I'm basically pretty solitary. I live with my friend Cindy, so she'll be happy for me to move out. And I'm 22. Traveling is one of the biggest reasons I applied for the job to begin with, even before I knew who it was for. I love kids and being able to travel with the parents while watching said kids is definitely a huge perk."

Chris nodded, crossing his arms, "well there's no parents. It's just me."

She groaned, "right. I'm sorry."

He stood up, shaking his head, "no. It's fine Skye. Really. Don't worry about it." He motioned to Elizabeth who Skye had rocked to sleep. "I've been trying to get her to go down for a nap for over an hour. You're a saint. Let me show you where you can put her down so we can talk some more?"

"Sure." Skye stood up with Elizabeth, careful not to jostle her as she did. She followed Chris down the hall to the baby's room as he let her enter ahead of him. She leaned over the crib, setting Elizabeth in gently on her back before pulling a blanket up to her waist. She rested her hand on Elizabeth's chest for a moment to make sure she was going to stay asleep before turning to Chris, shooing him out as she grabbed the monitor on the dresser. She followed him back down the hall, this time to the kitchen as she sat at the kitchen island counter.

"Thank you Skye."

She nodded, "it's my job."

Chris laughed, pulling some water bottles from the fridge before handing her one. "Seriously, she hasn't been letting me get any sleep."

"What is she? 6 months? Might be teething."

He nodded, "yeah. Probably." He handed her some papers, "my schedule for the rest of the year. I want you to follow me as I film. You guys obviously won't always be allowed on set, but I still want you nearby. I don't want to be away from her if I can help it."

Skye grinned, nodding, "yeah. Of course. I totally get it." She looked over the papers as she felt him come to stand beside her, leaning over her shoulder, making her nervous as she felt his breath on her neck.

"So there will be times I have weird filming hours. Sometimes at night, so you'll basically always be on call. I'm sorry."

She chuckled, shaking her head as she looked up at him to find his face inches from her as he cleared his throat, stepping back from her. "That's fine Chris."

He nodded, "you'll get days off when I do."

She watched him yawn, making her giggle a little as he gave her a small laugh. "If you wanted to lay down for a bit, I don't mind looking after Elizabeth. Just show me where everything is."

He nodded, "Lizzie. And yeah." He pointed to a cabinet behind him, opening it for her as she stood up next to him. He got distracted for a moment at the smell of coconut from her hair filled his nostrils as he sighed, shaking his head. "Um.. bottles and formula are up here. And there's some baby food. Usually do that at dinner time. You sure?" He closed the cabinet, looking at her as she smiled at him. She was always smiling, she was far too cheerful for him.

"Absolutely. It's really fine. I don't mind Chris."

"Yeah. Okay. Thank you Skye. Just for like an hour or so."

She grinned, gently pushing him out of the kitchen, "it's fine Chris. Go."

He chuckled, nodding as he walked to his bedroom, closing the door quietly behind him before laying down on the bed. He imagined the way the sunlight hit her hair, making it seem more red than brown at times. He groaned, shaking his head. He would have to keep his distance as to not get distracted. He hadn't been with or even thought of another woman since his wife Melanie died and he was better off alone than letting someone else in.

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