Chapter 24

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"What is that?!" Skye looks up from her book as she sits in their hotel suite once Chris came back from filming. She stood up as he stood still with a smirk on his face.

"You don't like it?" He laughed, running his hand over his face, "it's not that bad, is it?"

She approached him, "for one, I've only ever seen you with a beard. For two, a mustache? I don't know." She laughed as he pulled her to him hard, wrapping his arms around her waist, "your fangirlies are going to go crazy when they see this."

Chris laughed, "I only care about one fangirl." He cocked his head to the side, hesitating for a moment, "well, two. Lizzie asleep?"

She wrapped her arms around his neck, "yes. She's not going to recognize you in the morning."

He ran his lips along her neck, hearing giggles as his mustache tickled the delicate skin there, "then maybe we have time to get you used to it." He pulled back slightly to look at her, "perhaps break it in?"

Skye didn't respond, only pulled on the bottom of his shirt, pulling it up and over his head before tossing it onto the floor. "Pants. Bed." She heard him chuckle, but do as she asked as she quietly closed the door between their room and Elizabeth's. She turned back to see Chris on the bed already in only his boxers, an obvious erection already pressing against the thin fabric. She grinned, undressing quickly before climbing onto the bed, straddling him.

Chris groaned as she grinded against his cock, wetting the fabric of his underwear as he did. "This isn't exactly what I meant."

She grinned, "oh, I know what you meant." She leaned down to kiss him, feeling a hand come up to the back of her head, keeping her mouth on his.

Chris watched her move up until his mouth was inches from her wet core. "That's more along the lines of what I was thinking." He heard her chuckle before he grabbed her thighs, forcing her to lower herself over his mouth.

Skye gripped onto the headboard as she felt Chris's mouth on her, taking his time to fully explore every inch of her. She gasped as she felt him bring two fingers up, thrusting into her hard as she bucked against him. "Chris..." She felt him smirk against her as he took her clit into his mouth, nipping at it. "Fuck."

Chris felt her grinding against his mouth, pushing herself against him as she moaned louder. He thrusted his fingers into her quicker, adding a third finger as she let out a gasped moan. It wasn't long before he felt her legs quaking on either side of his head as she tried to stifle her moan with her head resting against the headboard to watch him. He felt her juices running down his chin as he removed his fingers, pulling her down to capture her mouth with his.

She moaned into his kiss as he flipped her onto her back, kissing down her jaw and neck as she felt him pull his underwear off, pressing his hard cock into her side. "Chris.."

"I know sweetheart." He gripped her waist, flipping her onto her stomach underneath him, eliciting a small squeal from her as he did. He gripped her hips, bringing her to her knees as he thrusted into her from behind.

"Fuuck!" She heard him groan, wrapping his arms around her, pulling her up on her knees as he held onto her firmly. He wrapped one arm around her waist, his middle finger pressing into her clit, forming tight circles around is as she pressed back into him. He other arm wrapped around her waist to her breasts, taking his time to tease each nipple with his fingers, pulling and pinching as she groaned.

Chris felt her coming apart for the second time of the night, clenching around him like a vice, pulling him in as he moaned, pressing his lips to her shoulder. Her contracting around him sent him over the edge, thrusting a few more times before releasing deep inside her. He released her, watching her fall onto the bed under him as he moved to lay at her side. "How do we feel about the stache now?"

Skye giggled as she turned to face him, resting her head in the crook of his shoulder, "I like it slightly more than I did before. It will certainly take some getting used to, that's for sure."

"I'm happy to repeat this process as many times as you need to sweetheart." He smiled at her small giggle again as she leaned her head up to look at him. He rolled her to her back, pinning her slightly under him as he kissed her. He ran his lips along her jaw to her neck and shoulder and back up to hover over her mouth as she moaned.

"You're making me want to go again Chris."

He laughed, "give me a few minutes and your wish is my command. But before that, I have a few days off in a few weeks when we're in Paris. Scott is going to come to take care of Elizabeth so that we can have a day just to ourselves. How does that sound?"

She wrapped her arms around his neck excitedly, "really? Where are we going?"

"Disneyland?" He laughed as he smile got bigger, "I take it that sounds like fun?"

"Are you kidding me? Just being in Paris is insane enough, but Disneyland Paris? I can't wait!"

"Well." He ran his fingers along her arm wrapped around him, "there's going to be a lot more of this in the future. I plan on spoiling my girls every chance I can. I would bring Lizzie, but she won't really remember. And I wanted some time just the two of us."

She gave him a small nod, "I don't need you to spoil me. I love you for you, not what you can give me. But on the other hand, who am I to say no if you insist."

He laughed, "I insist." He moved so his body pressed firmly to hers, and she spread her legs to make room for him as his cock started to spring back to life, "just like I insist on another round." He smiled as she moaned softly for him as he pressed his lips back to her neck.

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