Chapter 20

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Skye moans softly, feeling Chris's beard lightly brushing along the delicate skin of her neck as he peppers it with soft kisses. "Chris.."

"We need to get up. My mother will be here with Lizzie soon." Though he doesn't stop, his hand running along the curve of her waist as her back presses against his chest.

She pushes back against him as she feels him hard against her. She groans, "that doesn't feel like you want to get out of bed, pushing your morning wood against my ass like that." She gasps as he does just that, pressing the long hard shaft against her.

"Not morning wood, Skye wood." He smiles as she lets out a sleepy laugh and he trails his hand down her thigh. He pulls her leg back, over his before gripping his cock, lining it up at her entrance. He feels her push back against him again as he groans, "I'm not the only one that isn't ready to get out of bed. Tell me what you want sweetheart." He only hears whines as she pushes back again, making him chuckle. "No, words. I need words sweetheart."

She groans, "please Chris, I want to feel you inside me. Now." She hears a small growl from his chest from her urgency. Before she gets any warning, she feels him thrust into her quickly with a grunt as he gripped onto her hip. "Fuck Chris."

He only laughs, pressing his lips to her back, up to her neck. He doesn't take his time, his movements quick and forceful as he wraps his arm around her, pressing his middle finger to her clit. He pushes against it in small circles as he allows her moans to guide him. She reached behind her, placing her hand on his neck, pulling his lips to hers as she turned her head to his. She grinded back against him as his tongue quickly dominated her mouth, making the heat pool in her stomach. He knew he was close, barely pulling his mouth from hers, "cum for me sweetheart. You know I love it." He doesn't have to wait long, pressing his lips to hers in time to feel her clenching and contracting around him, sending himself over the edge with her.

Skye turned to face him, crushing her mouth to his before getting out of bed. "I need to take a quick shower before your mom gets here."

Chris nods, sitting up, "I'll get you some clothes from your old room."

She watches him get up to leave the room as she went to the bathroom. Once the water warmed and she was in the shower, she heard Chris enter, watching her wash her hair as he stepped in with her. She looked back at him, "my old room? I don't have a room here anymore?"

Chris smiles, resting his hands at her waist, "of course you do. But it's my room. Our room. We'll have to figure out how to proceed. I know you aren't ready to come back, and I don't want you to come back as an employee. I want you to come back as my girlfriend. If that would be something you would want."

Skye nods, leaning into his chest as she let him wrap his arms firmly around her, "I do. But you're right, I'm not ready yet." She pulled back to look up at him, catching his gaze, "I'm ready for the girlfriend part, but not the moving back here part."

He grinned, nodding, "good enough for me. For now."

They finish their showers quickly, Skye pulling on some leggings and an old t-shirt before braiding her hair back out of her face. She heard the front door open a she stepped out of the bedroom. She smiled as Lisa made it to the living room as she did and Elizabeth recognized her, reaching for her. "Lizzie!" She grabbed Elizabeth from Lisa as she kissed her head.


Skye looked up at Chris as he leaned against the doorframe of the living room, "she said my name."

He nodded, coming to stand in front of her as he pulled out his phone to show her the pictures he had of her and Lizzie. "I've been continuing what you were doing, differentiating between you and her mother. She's been trying to say Skye for a while."

"Chris.." She shook her head as a stray tear fell down her cheek. Chris quickly wiped it away with his thumb. "How did you know I would come back?"

He shrugged, "because I love you. I knew you would have to come back to me at some point."

She shook her head again, trying to keep herself together as she turned to Lisa who just stood off to the side. "It's nice to see you Lisa."

Lisa grinned, giving Skye a hug, "you too. I'm glad you're back. And I look forward to having you over for July 4th. Granted you aren't planning on disappearing again?"

Skye laughed, "not disappearing, no." She looked at Chris as he only grinned before walking Lisa out. When he returned, he found Skye on the ground with Elizabeth, playing with her.

He planted himself beside her, resting his head on her shoulder, "you have no idea how glad I am that you're back. I missed you. We missed you."

She rested her head against his as she smiled at Elizabeth, "I missed you both too."

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