Chapter 6

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Skye sat on the floor in the living room, playing with Elizabeth when Chris came in with Dodger. She smiled as the baby laughed as he licked her face before Chris got him to lay down.

"He loves her. I'm just afraid of him accidentally hurting her."

Skye shrugged, "he's fine Chris." She watched him sit next to her as Elizabeth crawled to him.

"So. Can I ask why you haven't been scooped up by another family yet? You're so great with Lizzie."

She sighed, "oh. Um... your mom didn't tell you about it?"

Chris shook his head, "no. Why? Something I should know?"

"Not something I'd like to talk about but I'll tell you if you want." She saw him nod as she sighed and continued, "I was a nanny for a family. But the father kept flirting with me even when I told him it made me uncomfortable. He would go out of his way to do it. Grab me, kiss me, grope me. I told the wife but she said he was just friendly. Then she found him kissing me, completely one sided and unwanted, and accused me of trying to sleep with her husband and fired me."

Chris nodded, placing his hand on her, "hey, I'm really sorry." He looked around, "wanna to come to the park with me so Dodger can run around?"

She grinned as she stood up with him. She grabbed his hand before he could walk away, "thanks for believing me."

He smiled at her as he squeezed her hand. "Well my mom clearly believed you. And besides, I know how men can be. So I believe you. Let's get ready to go."


Skye ran around with Dodger while she watched Chris push Elizabeth on the little baby swing. She watched a man approach her as Dodger came to sit by her side.

"Beautiful dog!"

She nodded, patting Dodger on the head, "thank you. He's actually.." She was going to say 'not mine'.

"I'm Derrick."

He interrupted her, making her sigh as she saw Chris watching them. "Skye."

"Skye. That's pretty. You from here? I've never seen you here before."

She shrugged, "I'm sorry. Im not really interested, just trying to enjoy the nice day."

Derrick took a step towards her as Dodger gave him a small growl, making him laugh as he stopped. "Not interested in what? Talking?"

"Yes." Before she could say anything else, Chris came up to them, handing her Elizabeth as he stood in front of both of them.

"I believe she said she wasn't interested."

Derrick scoffed, "two guard dogs it seems. Fine."

Chris turned back to Skye after Derrick walked away, "are you okay?"

"Im fine Chris. Like I said, I'm used to it."

He sighed, "I know." He knelt in front of Dodger, petting his head, "such a good boy."

Skye laughed, "it's really fine Chris."

He stood up, taking Elizabeth as she reached for him, "okay. Let's just go home?"

"Sure." She followed him to the car, putting Dodger in the back as he strapped in Elizabeth. She climbed into the front seat as he smiled at her.

"I prefer you up here with me."

Skye blushed slightly, nodding as she looked out the window as he drove.


Chris found Skye in the living room in shorts and a hoodie, reading after putting down Elizabeth. He sat beside her, "so tell me more about yourself Skye. You said you're an only child? Must have been nice."

She chuckled, setting the book down on the coffee table. "I was really lonely as a kid actually." She pointed to the book, "I read a lot." She smiled, "I mean, I'm not sure I would have wanted as many siblings as you, but one would have been though."

He laughed, "right. It was a mad house for sure at times."

She nodded, "I want a mad house. Kids running around everywhere." She pulled her knees up to her chest, wrapping her arms around them as she rested her chin on her knee. She looked back at Chris to see him watching her, making her blush.

"Me too. I've always wanted a big family." He paused, seeing her chew on the corner of her mouth. "So you said your parents live in Florida? Where are you from? Here?"

"Yeah. Boston, born and bred." She smiled as he grinned.

He nodded, "well, I'm glad my mom found you." He rested his head back on the couch as he crossed his arms over his chest, "I don't know how people do this alone."

"Lots of people do it alone. But I think if you can have help, you should always accept it. Some people are too stubborn to accept help."

He laughed, turning his head to look at her, "like me?"

She giggled as she shrugged, "maybe."

He sighed, "yeah. I'm no good at asking for help, or accepting help. I'm working on it."

"I know you are." She patted his leg, "I know it's hard, you weren't meant to be doing this alone." She felt him grab her hand before she could pull it away.

"I wasn't. But things happen right? Even if we hate it and don't understand it?"

She nodded, "yeah." She leaned back, putting her feet on the ground as she rested her head on the back of the couch like him, looking at him. She sighed, "I um.. I lost my best friend last year. She was like my sister, we had been friends since we were 15. She got into a car with someone she hadn't realized was drunk. He ended up killing a car full of people."

Chris groaned, interlocking his fingers in hers, "god, Skye. I'm sorry."

"Things happen, right?"

Chris sighed, looking back at the ceiling, "yeah." He felt her move to rest her head on his shoulder as he rested his head on hers, sitting in silence for a while.

She finally sighed, pulling away slightly to look at him, his face inches from hers, "I should go to bed."

Chris nodded, bringing his hand up to her cheek, "okay."

She leaned into his hand before placing her hand on his, moving it to kiss his palm before pulling away completely to stand up. "Goodnight Chris."

He watched her grab her book from the table as she passed by in front of him, "goodnight Skye." He rested his head back, staring at the ceiling again.

Nanny Series - Chris Evans 💙Where stories live. Discover now