Chapter 11

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Chris opened the door to Lisa's house for Skye to enter in front of him with Elizabeth. It had been weeks of tension and awkward silences passed between them as he filmed, working late to come home after the girls were asleep. Now it was Scott's birthday, arriving at Lisa's for his party.

Skye was greeted by Lisa who immediately took Elizabeth from her. "Thanks. She's starting to get heavy."

Lisa laughed, "no worries dear. I'm quite used to it by now. Four kids and now four grand babies."

"Right." Skye put Elizabeth's bag in the kids rooms before going to the kitchen to get something to drink. She felt Chris hover behind her, leaning down to her.

"This time, don't hide."

She nodded as she felt him kiss the top of her head, making her blush before he walked away. Once she got a drink, she went to sit outside, being summoned by Scott to sit at the table. She sat next to Chris as he gave her a small smile. She smiled at Scott, "happy birthday Scott."

He grinned at her, looking between her and Chris, "funny what a few months can do."

She blushed as she heard Chris sigh beside her. She felt him squeeze her thigh, making her look up at him. She saw him glance at her lips, giving her a smile before looking away to engage in a conversation with one of his friends, his hand still on her thigh. It had been weeks since they had kissed, she was desperate for it as she bit her lip, trying to think of anything else as she turned to talk to Scott.

Lisa sat next to Skye with Elizabeth as they heard Elizabeth call Skye mama, reaching for her.

Skye felt Chris tense up beside her as she took Elizabeth, standing up with her. She groaned as Chris got up, taking Elizabeth from her to take her inside. She felt everyone watching her as she followed him inside into the kids room. "I'm sorry Chris."

He watched her close the door, leaning back against it as he sighed, "it's not your fault. We knew it would have to happen eventually."

She nodded, watching him place Elizabeth in the play pen as she approached him. She rested her hands on his chest, "it still hurts though, I know. I'm sorry."

"Yeah. It does." He rested his forehead against hers, "I'm trying not to get upset."

"I know." She rested her hand on his cheek as she felt him rest his hands on her hips. She heard him sigh before leaning in to press his lips softly to hers. She moved her hand to his neck as he pulled her closer to him. She heard him moan, teasing her lips with his tongue before pulling away, turning away from her.

"Ugh! I'm sorry. I don't want to fall into you simply because I'm sad."

Skye grabbed his hand, feeling him squeeze it, "I know."

He turned back to her, not letting go of her hand, "I'm confused. I want you. You have no idea how much I want you Skye. But I want to be with you for the right reasons." He looked at Elizabeth who played with a toy as she giggled, "and she's already confused."

She groaned, "she'll come to understand. I have no intention of replacing your wife Chris. Nor do I intend for your daughter to forget her mother. But we can't really explain it to her at the moment."

"I know." He pulled her back to him as he sighed, looking at her.

"I just want you to touch me Chris. You've been avoiding me."

He smirked at her as he brought his hand to her cheek, stroking gently, "I know you do. I've been avoiding you because I want to touch you too. I just.. don't want to move too fast." He kissed her softly once more before pulling away. "We should go back out there so they don't think I've yelled at you or something again."

She giggled, nodding as she gestured to Elizabeth. "Do you want to see if she'll take a nap, or bring her back outside?"

Chris grabbed Elizabeth from the play pen as he led Skye back outside, handing Elizabeth back to Lisa. He saw Scott watching them, "what?"

Scott shrugged, grinning, "nothing. Let's have cake."

Skye went inside to the bathroom. When she finished, she ran into Jon on her way back outside as she sighed.

"Skye. How are you?"

"Jon. Still not interested." She tried to pass him as he grabbed her arm. "Leave me alone."

"Hey!" Chris grabbed her hand, pulling her behind him as he glared at Jon, "I told you before to stay away from her." He didn't wait for a response as he turned to Skye, pushing her gently to walk away in front of him.

She pulled Chris into the kitchen alone as she grabbed his hand, "you told him to stay away from me?"

Chris shrugged, "at my birthday, yeah.

She grinned, "even territorial back then?"

Chris laughed, "I guess so, yeah." He ran his fingers along her arm, "I don't want anyone else to touch you."

Skye nodded, "but you aren't touching me. So why can't someone else?"

Her teasing elicited a small growl from him as he leaned down to her, "because I will touch you and you will be mine."

She grinned, "promises, promises Evans."

Chris laughed as she passed him, going back outside without him.

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