Chapter 10

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Chris watched Skye enter the kitchen the next morning, "I didn't hear you come home last night."

She shrugged, not looking at him as she played with Elizabeth, "I just got in a little while ago."

He sighed, setting a plate of food in front of her a little too hard as she looked up at him, "I don't want you out all night doing who knows what."

"Or who knows who?" She grinned as he clenched his jaw, his eyes darkening, "I can do who and what I like when I'm not on the clock. Dad." She rolled her eyes as she looked down at her plate, knowing he was still watching her.

"I'm going to take Dodger for a walk. Do you want to come with me?"

"No thanks. Have a good day."

He shook his head, not saying anything as he went to the front door. He went to open it, finding a young girl in front of him, "can I help you?"

She smiled, "I'm Cindy? I'm friends with Skye. Anyways, she left her phone at my apartment last night."

He laughed, "she spent the night with you?"

She shrugged, "yeah. Here." She handed him the phone, "I have to go. Big fan. Thanks."

"Thanks." He shut the door, going back to the kitchen to set Skye's phone in front of her, "sleeping with who? You spent the night with your friend? Did you even go out?"

She huffed, grabbing her phone as she put it into her pocket. "For your information, we did go out! And I did dance and flirt with guys. I could sleep with someone if I wanted to. Did you ever think that I don't want to? I don't want to sleep with someone just to say that I did! I want to sleep with someone because... it doesn't matter! My sex life is not your concern or business! Leave me alone!"

He sighed as he watched her stomp to her room. He got Elizabeth cleaned off and changed before grabbing both her and Dodger to go for a walk.


Chris came home a few hours later, putting Elizabeth down for a nap. Skye's car was still in the driveway so he knew she was still hiding in her room. He sighed, hesitating outside her door before finally knocking. He didn't hear anything so he peeked in to find her asleep in her bed. He watched her for a moment before turning to leave.


He hung his head down, turning back to her as she sat up. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to wake you up."

She shrugged, pulling her knees to her chest, "it's fine. What do you want."

He sighed, motioning to the bed beside her, "can I sit down?"

She nodded as she watched him sit in front of her, watching her.

"Seems I'm doing a lot of apologizing." He smiled as she let out a small laugh, resting her chin on her knee. "I'm sorry Skye. Really. And believe me, I know you'd have no trouble sleeping with someone if you wanted to. I think you're incredibly beautiful Skye. I just.."

"Want someone who knows what they're doing."

He laughed, "not exactly. You're right, you should wait to have sex with someone you like. Not someone random. I admire you."

She nodded, "if I hadn't had said anything, would you have slept with me?"

He sighed, "I don't actually know. I haven't slept with anyone but my wife in so long, and that was so long ago as it is. So, no I probably would have wanted to wait."

She smiled, resting her hand on his, "ignore my age and lack of sexual prowess, do you like me?"

He laughed, "I do."

She rested her legs down, crossing them as she leaned towards him, resting her hand on his leg, "and kissing me?"

Chris nodded, looking at her lips, "yes." He brought his hand up to her cheek, running his thumb along her lips, "I do enjoy kissing you."

She shrugged, "then just leave it at that. I don't think either of us are really ready for more?"

He smiled, "I don't think so either." He leaned towards her, "like now?" He saw her blush as she leaned in the rest of the way so he could kiss her, keeping his hand on her cheek as he felt her hand still resting on his thigh.

She felt the electricity through her as she felt his lips making contact with hers. She felt him move his hand from her cheek to the back of her head, keeping her mouth on his as she felt his tongue lightly teasing hers. She moaned, moving closer to him before he finally pulled away.

He placed his hand on hers on his thigh, "can I admit that I was incredibly jealous this morning when I thought you spent the night with someone?"

She giggled, "you were?"

Chris groaned, "I was."

"So you don't want me, and no one else can have me either?"

He laughed, "I never said I didn't want you. I said I shouldn't." He moved away from her, "and I shouldn't. For more reasons than your age or lack of sexual prowess." He smiled as she giggled again.

"Then why?"

He sighed, "because you work for me? Because I'm not sure I'm ready to move on yet?"

She leaned towards him, "I'm not asking you to move on. I'm asking you to get to know me."

He nodded, "I'm looking forward to it. You taking a nap?"

"I was. Yeah." She laid back down as she watched him stand up, "do you want to lay with me?" She moved away to the other side of the bed as she patted the bed.

Chris hesitated but laid down on top of the blanket. Skye turned to face him as he grabbed her hand and she rested her head on his shoulder.

Nanny Series - Chris Evans 💙Where stories live. Discover now