Chapter 25

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"You got this?" Skye looks at Scott as he plays with Elizabeth on the floor of their suite.

He scoffs, feigning offense, "I have babysat my niece loads of times you know."

She rolled her eyes, "yeah yeah. I know. I'm sorry."

"Let's just go sweetheart." Chris placed his hand on her back, nudging her towards the door, "don't worry." She watched him share a look with Scott as she exited into the hallway but ignored it. Chris turned to Skye after he shut the door, "are you ready?"

"So ready! I've never been to Disneyland, let alone in Paris."

"What?!" He sighed, "I promise we'll go to all of them when Elizabeth gets older... and when we have kids of our own?"

Skye stopped walking to turn back to him, "you've thought about that?"

Chris gave her a small shrug, watching her, "I have. Is that okay?"

She grinned up at him, placing her hands on his chest, "of course it is. I just.. didn't know you thought about our future."

"Of course I do. Don't you?"

She chuckled softly, "of course I do Chris. All the time."

He offered her a small smiled, "good. We can talk about it later. Come on sweetheart."


Skye watched Chris as they sat down for dinner at a small restaurant outside of the park. He chose a table in the back of the restaurant away from everyone else. "Chris. What's the matter? You've been quiet most of the afternoon. Did I do something? Our talk this morning?"

"No! Not at all." She watched him flag down the waitress and didn't say anything until she brought them some wine which he poured himself as Skye watched him, "what?"

Skye shrugged, "I don't know. You're acting weird and you've been distant most of the afternoon, like I said. What's the matter Chris?"

"I'm nervous."

She laughed, watching him as he finally met her eyes, "nervous? About having dinner? As if we haven't had dinner together hundreds of times by now."

Chris grinned, "I know. But this one is different."

"Why is it different?" She shrugged slightly before she saw him place a box on the table. She felt her heart begin to race as she stared at the box, "what is that?"

"I have thought about a future with you Skye. I've had you back with me for over a year now and we've known each other for more than two years. I love you Skye."

She nodded, "I love you too Chris. What's in the box?"

Chris laughed, picking the box up off the table. He opened it, eliciting a small gasp from her as he did. "Skye Davis, I love you. I don't want to run from each other anymore. I want a future with you, and have more kids with you. Will you marry me?"

"Chris!" She swiped at a stray tear on her cheek as she nodded, "of course I will. I love you too." She leaned forward to kiss him as he slipped the ring on her finger.

He rested his forehead on hers, "you pulled me out of the dark and you've taken care of not only Lizzie, but me as well. And all I want to do is take care of you and love you."

"That's all I want too Chris. I can't have imagined that this would have ever happened after entering your house the first time. I honestly thought about quitting so many times in the first couple months. But I saw past the masks you were trying to hide behind and I'm glad I stuck it out."

Chris chuckled, "I'm glad you did too. I know I made things more than a little difficult when we first met."

"Meh." She teased him, leaning back in her seat as the waitress came to take their order.


Skye followed Chris into the suite to find it quiet, Scott watching tv quietly on the couch in the living area. "Hey."

Scott leapt to his feet when he heard them enter, looking from Chris to Skye, "so?"

Skye chuckled, looking from Chris to Scott, "you knew?"

Scott laughed, grabbing her hand, "of course I knew. Why else would I fly all the way to Paris to watch Elizabeth for one day?" He looked down at her hand and back up at her before pulling her into a hug. "Welcome to the family officially."

She laughed, "well, not officially until we say I do, but I appreciate the sentiment Scott. Thank you." She looked around the room, "Lizzie asleep in her room?"

"Yes. Don't worry. I have my own room for the night." He smiled as she laughed before kissing her on the cheek. He hugged Chris, "congratulations and goodnight. Try not to be too loud."

She blushed slightly as he winked at her before leaving them alone in their suite. She turned back to Chris, "you flew your brother out here just to propose to me?"

He shrugged, resting his hands at her waist, "yes. I wanted some time just the two of us. We hardly get that."

She nodded, wrapping her arms around his neck, "I know. You were nervous I would say no?"

He blushed slightly as he shrugged, "I thought maybe you would think it was too soon. Or that it wasn't a good idea. I don't know."

She sighed, "it's the best idea Chris. I love you and I don't want anyone else but you. Now, take me to bed Chris."

He grinned, lifting her by her thighs as she wrapped her legs around him, "yes ma'am."

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