Chapter 26

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"You should get married on the beach, or somewhere exotic."

Skye rolled her eyes at her friend Cindy as they sat talking about wedding stuff. Cindy had brought magazines and spread them all over the kitchen table at Skye and Chris's house. Skye groaned as she looked at everything in front of her. She was glad when she heard the front door open and Lisa and Scott appeared in the kitchen a few moments later. "I'm so glad you guys are here. Help me rein in Cindy."

"Rein me in? Why? You only get married once... hopefully. Might as well do it right the first time."

Skye groaned, resting her forehead on the table as she felt Scott rub her back, sitting beside her. "It's okay Skye. We'll figure out what you want." He shot Cindy a dirty look as she recoiled, leaning back in her seat.

Skye looked up at Scott, "thank you. I don't want something big. I don't have any family. A big wedding will make that all the more obvious than it already will be. I don't even have anyone to walk me down!" She stood up from her seat, pacing in the kitchen when she heard Chris enter, watching her.

"Sweetheart, what's wrong?" He grabbed her hand to make her face him, pulling her body to his as he wrapped his arms around her.

"I'm feeling overwhelmed. And some people are not helping. My parents won't be able to come because my mom can't fly right after having surgery." She smacked Cindy on the back of the head lightly as she scoffed.

"I'm sorry Skye. I got a little carried away. Sit, so we can talk."

Skye sighed, looking up at Chris, ignoring Cindy for the moment. "I don't have anyone to walk me down. I don't want something big."

He shrugged, "I want what you want. I don't particularly want anything big either. But this is all your call. I will do and pay for whatever you want Skye."

She laughed, "thanks." She looked around the table at Lisa and Scott before looking back at him. "I just want something small. Just immediate family? Your siblings and that's it. Maybe we can even do it here?"

"That's all you want?"

"Yes." She grinned, "I'd rather spend the money on a honeymoon."

He smiled, "oh yeah? And where do you want to go?"

She shrugged, "I don't actually know yet."

Chris laughed, "well, wherever you want is fine by me."

"Fine. Get out of here so I can look at dresses."

Chris grinned, leaning down to kiss her before moving his lips to her ear, "we could get married naked."

She giggled, blushing as she pushed him away, "get out!"


Skye paced nervously in the bedroom as she waited for Cindy to come and get her. She turned when she heard the door open, seeing Cindy enter in her red dress she picked out, carrying their flowers.

"Are you ready love?" She handed Skye her flowers while inspecting her long sleeve wedding dress, "you look amazing."

Skye offered her a small smile, "thanks. You don't think it's too simple?"

Cindy chuckled, "it looks amazing on you. And it's very much you. I love it, and so will Chris."

Skye nodded, "okay. Go on and tell them we're ready. I'll come out once I hear the music."

Skye took a few deep breaths once she heard the music playing

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Skye took a few deep breaths once she heard the music playing. She stepped out of the bedroom to the back patio where Scott had laid down rose petals for her to follow to the makeshift alter they made hanging with lights.

 She stepped out of the bedroom to the back patio where Scott had laid down rose petals for her to follow to the makeshift alter they made hanging with lights

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She found Chris at the end, in a simple black suit, standing with the priest. She watched him smile as she approached, holding Elizabeth. He handed Elizabeth to Scott as Skye handed her flowers to Cindy to the side. Chris grabbed her hands in his, "you look beautiful." He smiled at her blush as she nodded.

"Thank you. It's November and cold. Let's not dawdle." She smiled as everyone laughed, but she kept her eyes on Chris while the priest went through the vows.

Chris slipped her wedding band on her finger, holding onto her hand as he did. "Skye, you gave me a new home for my heart that I never thought I would find. You've been patient and kind and careful to ensure that Elizabeth doesn't forget her mother. When a lot of other women would have been insecure, you've been strong and confident and carved out your own place in our hearts without overshadowing or feeling like you needed to replace her. I love you so much and I can't wait to begin a new chapter with you as my wife."

Skye sniffled as Chris brought a hand up to her cheek, running his thumb over a stray tear. "Chris, you've been stubborn and difficult at times as you tried who you really were and how you were really feeling. But you allowed me to see parts of you that you don't let anyone else see. You let me break down your walls when you didn't have to and I love you for that. For letting me in, for trusting me with Lizzie, for loving you both." She slipped his band on his finger, impatiently waiting for the priest to wrap it up as she looked up at Chris.

Chris smiled when he could finally grab her waist, leaning down to lock his lips onto hers as he heard his family clap behind them. He pulled away to look at her, "I love you."

She grinned, running her hand up to his hair, "I love you. Now take me inside, it's cold out here."

He laughed as he led her into the living area where they had set up a few tables for a small reception. Before they could sit, she heard music playing as Chris pulled her to his chest, "dance with me first as my wife and then we'll have dinner."

She nodded, wrapping her arms around his neck. "Okay."

He leaned down to her ear, "can we talk about kids now?"

She laughed, pulling back to look up at him, "why don't we talk about that on our honeymoon?"

He grinned, "deal."

🎵 She is my rock and my rolling thunder,
I've been the spell she was under,
I, I love that girl,
She is my cigarettes and champagne,
She's got me strong but I'm not running,
I, I love that girl,
I, I love that girl
She is the days I can't get over,
She is the nights that I call home,
For you I'll always wait,
Caught in the waves of hesitation,
Lost in the sea of my own doubt,
For you I'll always wait,
For you I'll always wait
She is the flames in the fire, she's raging,
I've been the spark in the war she's waging,
I, I love that girl,
She came along and she spoke so sweetly,
Changed everything, took my heart completely,
I, I love that girl
I, I love that girl
She is the days I can't get over,
She is the nights that I call home,
For you I'll always wait,
Caught in the waves of hesitation,
Lost in the sea of my own doubt,
For you I'll always wait
In city bars and empty cars,
It's 3am, I wonder where you are,
And the crooked smiles,
And the worn out miles between us,
And I wonder where you are
She is the days I can't get over,
She is the nights that I call home,
For you I'll always wait,
Caught in the waves of hesitation,
Lost in the sea of my own doubt,
For you I'll always wait
For you I'll always wait
For you I'll always wait🎵

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