Chapter 15

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Chris paced as he read the headlines on his phone, most equating him to another Hollywood cliché. The nearly 40 year old man dating a 23 year old girl who also happens to be his nanny. He groaned, seeing his publicist's name popping up on his phone. He hesitated, considering sending her to voicemail before answering. "Megan. Hi."

'You sound calm for someone all over all the gossip sites.'

"Fuck. I don't know what to do." He took the call outside, standing on the back patio in the cold as he watched Dodger running through the yard.

'Is it true? Are you dating your nanny?' She seems to take his silence as confirmation as she continues. 'Is it serious with the girl Chris?'

Chris doesn't know what to say, "I mean.. fuck. I don't know how to answer that. It could be."

Megan scoffs on the other side of the phone line, 'that's not very convincing Chris. It's either serious or it isn't. Choose.'

He shakes his head, staring at the ground, "it's not. Yet."

'Good. Then it's not serious. I can work with that. I'll be in touch.'

"Megan, wait..." The line went dead before he could explain, "fuck!"

Skye heard Chris cursing outside, making her come to stand in the doorway of the patio. "Chris? Are you okay?"

"No. Yes. I don't know." He called Dodger back into the house closing the door as he avoided Skye, passing her to go to the kitchen.

"Chris?" She ran her hands up his back, feeling him tense. She began to rub his shoulders as he let out a soft moan. He finally sighed, turning to face her as he rested his hands at her hips. "Are you okay?"

He pulled her to his chest as he rested his head on hers, "you always make me feel better."

She let out a small laugh as she wrapped her arms around his midsection, "I didn't do anything."

He sighed, "that's just it, you don't have to. Just having you around is enough." He watched her pull away slightly to smile up at him, making his heart ache worse than it already did.

"Do you want to talk about it?"

Before he could respond, he heard his phone ding. He pulled away from her, looking at the message from Megan. It was a statement that needed his approval.

'Though despite their sometimes flirty relationship, Chris Evans vehemently denies dating his nanny. Their relationship is strictly professional.'

He groans again, reading over the message on his phone.

Skye looks from him to the phone, taking it from him and she read the statement. "Oh." She felt her face flush with embarrassment as she handed the phone back to him. "Well there you have it."

"Skye. It's just a mock up. I haven't approved it. But I have to say something."

She nodded, trying to control the anger welling inside her, "and the default is to cast me aside. As if none of this has meant anything."

"No. Of course not." He tried to reach for her but she took a step back, away from him. "I have my reputation to consider. My career." He sighed, "of course it hasn't meant nothing."

"Right. Seemed pretty professional when you had your dick inside me!"

Chris clenched his jaw, anger rising as he shook his head, "keep your voice down! Don't wake Lizzie!"

She scoffed, "if she wakes up, I'll take care of her. After all, that's my job right?!" She grabbed his phone before he could, sending off confirmation to Megan. "There. Strictly professional. Let's pretend the last few months never happened, I know I will!"

"Skye wait!" He watched her rush to her bedroom, slamming the door behind her. "Fuck!" He went to her room, entering without knocking as she pushed against him.

"I still deserve to have my own space and privacy! Get out!"

He watched her tear stained cheeks as she yelled at him, but her struggling against him didn't deter him from wrapping his arms around her anyways. She eventually calmed down, letting him hold her for a few minutes before she pulled away.

"You weren't the only one to let someone in. But it was all wasted time and stupid. I was stupid to think this could work out. That you could want me. So stupid." She looked up at him, his eyes dark and cloudy like they had been when she first arrived there. "But that's it. I'll be going to Florida to visit my parents for Christmas. I hope you understand."

She turned away from him as he groaned, "Skye. It's just a bad time. I don't want this to be the end."

She hung her head down, staring at the floor as her voice become softer, quieter, "well it is. Your reputation is secured. That's all that matters. You've had your fill of me. Please go."

"Skye..." His voice was pleading as he reached out to grab her shoulder, but she only pulled away from him.

She heard him hesitate but finally leave her alone, closing the door softly behind him. She threw herself onto the bed, not keeping back the tears any longer, falling asleep on a tear stained pillow.


"Are you sure you don't want to come over for Christmas?"

Skye smiled at Lisa as she came to visit with Elizabeth a couple of days before Christmas. She looked at Chris who only stared down at the counter before looking back at Lisa. "I appreciate the invite, but I've decided to go and visit my parents in Florida." She stood up from the counter, "in fact, I should go pack."

Lisa offered her a smile as she left before turning to Chris, hitting him in the arm. "What did you do? You chose your reputation over what you could have possibly had with that girl? Because of how old she is? You knew how old she was when you first started fooling around with her. Why does it matter now?"

"I don't know! Because it's more real now? Before it was confined to just the two of us here. But out there is different. The things they'll say about her. About me. I couldn't put her through that."

Lisa scoffed, "you couldn't put yourself through it you mean."

Chris sighed, wondering if she was right. If he was being stupid, letting his mind, and ultimately his ego, outweigh his heart.

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