Chapter 13

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Chris came home a week later after filming, hearing Skye with Elizabeth in Elizabeth's room. He removed his coat and shoes before grabbing the bag in his hand, going to stand in the doorway of her room. Skye was on the floor with Elizabeth, showing her a picture of Melanie.

"See? Mama!" Skye would then point to herself, "Skye!" She laughed as Elizabeth only giggled. She motioned to the picture, saying mama for Skye. She smiled, "I know. My name is harder. We'll get there." She turned, almost jumping at Chris standing in the doorway, watching them with a smile on his face. "I'm sorry." She motioned to the picture, "I've been working on helping her establish the difference between the two of us."

Chris only sat on the ground beside her as Elizabeth crawled out him. He kissed Skye on the cheek, "thank you."

She rested her head on his shoulder as she watched him with Elizabeth, "you're welcome."

Chris placed the bag in front of Skye, "I got Lizzie a Halloween costume. I know she can't have candy or go trick or treating yet. But I didn't want to miss her first costume."

Skye laughed, pulling out the costume, turning her giggle into an 'aww.' It was a little princess costume, "it's so cute. She'll look amazing."

Chris smiled, "she'll be the star of the show at the Halloween party at my mom's house." He heard Skye laugh her agreement beside him as he watched her stand up to hang the costume on the back of the door. He stood up with Elizabeth, "go on. I'll put her to bed." He watched her kiss Elizabeth on the head before leaving, closing the door behind her softly.

Skye cleaned up the kitchen from dinner, warming up food for Chris. She set it on the counter with a fork and some water when she felt him come up behind her to wrap his arms around her waist. She rested her hands on his arms, feeling his chin on her shoulder before she turned to face him.

He smiled down at her as she turned to face him, resting her hands on his chest as he leaned down to kiss her. He finally pulled away, sitting at the counter to eat, "thank you, for saving me food. Without you, I would probably just come home and go to bed without eating."

She shrugged, "my job to take care of you." She leaned on her elbows on the counter beside him, "both of you. I don't mind." She stood upright as he ate, "I'm gonna change and go to bed." She heard his voice from the doorway as she started to walk away.

"Your bed, or mine?"

She chuckled, turning back to him to see a grin on his face, "which would you like?"

"Mine." He saw her grin, blushing slightly as she disappeared down the hall. When he finished eating, he cleaned up his dishes before making sure all the lights in the house were off. When he entered the bedroom, he found Skye asleep with Dodger curled into a ball at her feet on the bed. He smiled, slipping out of his clothes to his underwear before crawling in beside her. He pulled her to his chest as he heard a small contented moan in her sleep.


Chris watched Skye come out of her room in jeans with a black corset and black cat ears. She had a tail tucked into the back of her jeans. "That's it? That's your contribution to Halloween?"

She laughed, shrugging as she looked down at her outfit, "I don't really care much for Halloween." She inspected him, "what are you? Marty McFly?"

Chris grinned, "that's right. I love Halloween. And I love dressing up."

She nodded, "well, you are an actor." She smiled as he laughed, knowing she was right. She watched him pick up Elizabeth before grabbing her arm.

"I um.. I know we've gotten closer the last few weeks. But I want to just keep it between us for now. No one knows about us except for my mom. And I'm not ready to tell anyone yet."

"Oh." She nodded as she looked up at him. He wanted to keep her a secret from his family and friends. A part of her understood why, but it didn't make it hurt any less as she smiled, "sure Chris."

He watched her smile and nod but knew that he hurt her feelings, "I mean, I'm just not ready yet Skye. It would be the same no matter who it was. Please understand."

She smiled at him again as she grabbed Elizabeth from him, "of course I do Chris. It's really fine." She leaned up to kiss his cheek, "I'm going to take Lizzie out to the car to get strapped in."

Chris watched Skye as they drove, seeing her stare out the window silently. He rested his hand on her thigh but she didn't move or say anything, just left it there. "You look adorable if I haven't said that already." She finally looked at him, giving him a small smile.

"Thanks." She followed him into Lisa's house as Elizabeth was taken from her by his mother, making her laugh. She ignored everyone, going to the kitchen to get a drink before going to the living area where she sat off to the side away from everyone as she watched them laugh and greet each other. Her thoughts are interrupted by Scott coming to sit beside her. She turned to him, giving him a smile, "hey Scott."

"Hi Skye!" He nudged her shoulder, "you look cute."

She smiled, touching the ears on her head mindlessly, "thanks." She got up when she heard a knock on the door, alerting them to trick or treaters. She grabbed the bowl of candy, opening the door to greet the kids. She held the bowl out to them as they each grabbed some candy as she felt someone come up to stand behind her. She knew it wasn't Chris as she stepped back to close the door, turning to see Jon as she groaned, "just leave me alone."

He grinned down at her, "you look adorable." He leaned over, checking out her ass, "I like your tail."

She only rolled her eyes as she tried to pass him but felt him pull on her tail, "stop it!" She turned back around quickly, slapping his hand as he pulled his hand away.

"Oh. Kitty has claws."


She heard the booming voice of Chris behind her as he placed his hand on her back. She moved away from him as he continued to glare at Jon.

"I don't know how many times I have to tell you to keep your hands to yourself."

Jon smirked, "why? Because she's yours? Fucking your nanny Chris?"

Skye feels the heat radiating off Chris, his jaw clenching, nostrils flaring.

"Of course not. But that doesn't mean you get to touch her when she's explicitly said no." He doesn't wait for a response before his fist makes contact with Jon's nose as he head Skye gasp beside him.

She watched him shake his hand, pushing Jon out the front door before turning back towards her. "Chris, I—" Before she could finish, another girl from the party came up to him to fawn over him, pulling him into the kitchen to grab ice for him. She huffed as she felt Lisa come up to her, the party mostly resuming around her.

"I thought you guys were together."

Skye shrugged, "he doesn't want anyone to know yet." And with that she went to hide in the baby's room the rest of the night alone.

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