Chapter 16

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Brian looks at his daughter Skye as she sits on the couch, flipping through her phone. He plops next to her, "you know mom and I love having you here, but don't you have a life and a job to get back to?"

"Nope. No job, no life, no boyfriend."

Brian chuckled, "now I didn't mention anything about a boy. Is that why you're still here? Avoiding a boy?"

She rolled her eyes, turning to look at him, "a man. And.. sort of."

"Are you pregnant?"

Skye scoffed, "no daddy, of course I'm not. I'm on birth control. God, like that would make my life better right now, a baby of my own. No way."

Brian laughs, crossing his arms, "okay then. What is it? What happened?"

Skye sighed, contemplating telling him the truth. "I know you don't really follow celebrity gossip, but you know who Chris Evans is? He played Captain America?"

"Oh right. Yeah. What about him?"

She groaned, handing him her phone for him to see the paparazzi photos of them together and all the headlines. "He's who I was working as a nanny for."

He handed her the phone back slowly, "so.. you slept with your boss who happens to be famous and how much older than you?"

"15 years older."

He laughed, "well good thing you aren't pregnant, yeah."

"Daddy! It's not funny!"

"Sorry." He wrapped his arm around her shoulder, "so why exactly are you here then?"

"Because he was ashamed to be with me because of our age difference, because of what everyone was saying about him."

"I see." He sighed, "you have feelings for him?"

"Of course I do. I wouldn't have slept with him if I didn't. And I wouldn't be here hiding from him if I didn't. I can't go back there daddy."

"Of course you can. And you have to. It's your home."

She leaned forward, turning to look at him, "not unless I move here."

He laughs, "you can't honey. You can always come running here when you need to. But only temporarily. You can't run and hide from your life. Does he feel the same as you?"

She scoffs, "obviously not, or else he wouldn't have cared what people say." She hears her phone ringing, seeing his name as she presses ignore. She hears her father laugh next to her as he stands up, "what?"

"Then why does he continue to call you?"



Chris tossed his phone on the bed as his call to Skye went to voicemail again. It was now a few days after Christmas and he wanted to know when she was coming back. He had a sinking feeling that she wasn't, that he fucked it up.

Just after getting Elizabeth down for a nap, he heard a knock on the front door. He opened it to find Cindy, Skye's friend, in front of him. "What are you doing here?"

She handed him an envelope, "she told me to wait longer, but she said you keep blowing up her phone. Stop calling her."

He accepts the envelope, watching Cindy rush away, "okay." He took it into the kitchen, dumping it on the counter. It contained the keys to his house and car and the card he gave her and a letter. He groaned, sitting on the stool as he opened the letter.

You said to give the job a six month trial period. It's been six months, so I must offer my resignation.
I'm sorry for getting entangled in you and crossing lines that should never have been.
I enjoyed getting to work for you and getting to know Elizabeth and I'm going to miss her.
If I'm honest, I'm going to miss you too and I hate it.

Chris read over the letter a few times before folding it back up to set on the counter. He cradled his head in his hands for a few moments before pulling out his phone to try calling her again. This time it didn't even ring or connect, she had blocked him. "Fuck!" He doesn't even know where in Florida she is and is sure that Cindy won't be telling him either. He had to admit to himself he fucked it up and that she wasn't coming back.


"Where's your little kitten?"

Chris looked up at Jon at his New Year's Eve party. He leapt to his feet, "what are you even doing here?"

Jon shrugged, offering him a smug look, "what happened to the hot nanny."

Scott barely caught Chris's arm as he wound it back to hit Jon, "Chris. Don't." He turned to Jon, "you should go. I won't stop him again." Once Jon was gone, Scott let go of his brother. "What is your problem?"

Chris watches Scott cross his arms, "he was talking about Skye."

Scot sighed, "haven't been able to get ahold of her?"

"No." He shifts his stance, looking at the ground, "she's not coming back. I fucked up. First girl I've had feelings for since Melanie and I screwed up. Simply because I was worried about what people would say. I'm an idiot."

"You are. And I'm sorry."

Chris scoffed, but let his brother hug him anyways before pulling away to grab another drink. He went to the back patio, drinking alone as he heard everyone counting down to midnight inside the house.

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