Chapter 22

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Skye laughs as she lets herself into Chris's house on July 4th to ride with him to Lisa's house. "Hello sweet girl." She scooped Elizabeth up into her arms, surveying her crazy blonde curls before looking up at Chris. "What did you do to her hair?"

He only shrugs, "I comb it, that's it. I don't know how to do anything."

She shakes her head as he holds up some hair ties and a brush. "I'll do it. But you have a daughter and you're going to have to do this a lot. So you will sit and you will learn." She huffs slightly as he kisses her cheek as she sits next to him on the couch.

"Yes ma'am. I promise. Thank you Skye." He sits and watches her put Elizabeth's hair into two neat pigtails. "You're amazing."

"Uh huh. We'll have a braiding lesson when it's a bit longer. For now, this will do." She stood up, picking Elizabeth back up, "come on."


She watched Chris go into the kitchen, coming back to hand her a set of keys, "my keys?"

He smiles, leaning down to kiss her softly, "yes. Yours. Can I convince you to move in with me yet?"

She laughed, "let's make it through today, yeah?"

"Fine. Going to sit in the front seat with me, or will you sulk in the back?"

She scoffed, hitting him in the arm as Elizabeth laughed in her arms as she followed him out to his car. "You wait until we're alone Evans." She hears him laugh as she straps in Elizabeth before climbing into the front seat beside Chris. She watched him drive for a few minutes before reaching over to rest her hand on his thigh.

"We're not alone yet sweetheart.." He looked down to see her inch her hand closer to his hardening cock. "Skye.." She doesn't say anything as she grips his cock through his pants, stroking firmly as he groans. Once he pulls into the driveway, she feels him pull her mouth to his aggressively before she pulls away. "You're so mean. You have any idea how much it hurts to have my cock straining against the fly of my jeans? You girls just don't understand."

Skye laughed, "oh please. Blue walls is a thing. We get an ache.." She leaned towards his ear, lowering her voice to a whisper. "We get so desperate for touch, for you to slide inside us to just put us out of our misery. The only difference is that you can discreetly give your little man a small squeeze, an adjustment, ease it a bit. We can't do that. We're just left with the ache."

Chris groaned, "you are evil today. Also, little man? Come on.." He smiled as she laughed at him while she got out of the car.

"You're an idiot."

He shrugged, coming around to her side of the car, leaning down to her ear, "maybe, but you still ache for me." He closed the distance, pressing a kiss to her shoulder, eliciting a small moan from her as he pulled Elizabeth out of the car. "See."

"Skye!" Scott wrapped her in a hug as soon as they passed the threshold into the house. "I'm so happy you're back."

"Me too Scott." She gave him a smile when he finally released her, but he pulled her off to the side away from everyone. "What is it?"

"I just wanted to apologize again if we ever made you feel uncomfortable before. We like having you around, not just for you but for Chris. He really loves you and we can all see it."

She grinned, squeezing his arm, "I really appreciate that Scott. I love him too. So.. I have family approval?"

Scott laughed, "you definitely do Skye."

She hugged him once more, "good. That really means a lot. I know how much you guys mean to Chris, and I don't really have a family of my own. So thank you."

Scott smiled, "of course love. We should thank you. He was a mess before you got here. He was only holding himself together for Lizzie and even then it was only the minimum. He needed you more than you know. He needs you."

"I need him too."


Skye stood outside on the back patio, watching fireworks when she felt Chris step up behind her, closing his arms around her, "Lizzie asleep?"

"She is." He planted a kiss at the base of her neck trailing his lips up to her earlobe, nipping gently at it, "I love you."

Skye turned in his arms to face him, the light of the fireworks lighting up his face, "I love you too. I changed my mind."

He cocked his head to the side, his left eyebrow raised, "what do you mean? Changed your mind about what?"

"First of all, put that down." She brought her finger up, running it over his eyebrow as he laughed. "About moving in. I want to move back in. As your girlfriend, in your room, with you."

Chris grinned, nodding, "our room. I want that too. What made you change your mind?"

She shrugged, "something Scott said. So thank him if you like."

He laughed, "well, as long as it means you're going to be with me, I don't care." He pressed his lips to hers, his fingers in her hair as he kept her lips on his. He trailed his lips along her jaw to her neck, "let's talk about that ache again now." He smiled as she giggled, hitting him on the chest.

"Not here." She smiled as he sighed. She turned back away from him, looking back at the fireworks as he kept his arms around her.

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