Chapter 14

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"I'm sorry."

Skye laid on her bed after changing her clothes from the party when she sees Chris enter her bedroom, sitting next to her on the edge, "for what Chris?"

He sighed, bringing his hand up to card through her hair, "for not saying we were together." He watched her only shrug as she looked down at the bed. "Look at me." She hesitated, but looked back up into his eyes, "it has nothing to do with you more than it does with me. I'm sorry."

She nodded, a small grin beginning to spread across her face, "how sorry?"

Chris chuckled, moving to position himself between her legs, pinning her under him as he pulled her flat on her back, "I'm... so... sorry." He kisses her neck between words hearing small moans as he does.

"Prove it." She watches him lean back up, hovering his face over hers as her grin becomes bigger. She can tell he isn't exactly sure what he means until she pushes down on his shoulders, making him chuckle.

"Okay." He pulled off her shorts and panties in one swift movement, seeing her wet for him already. "You're already so desperate for me. I bet you'll be easy."

She giggled as she bent her knees, spreading her legs farther for him, "you think so?"

"I know so." He looks at the clock on her nightstand, "I bet I can make you come undone in less than three minutes."

She groans at the thought, knowing he was probably right, but she would never give him the satisfaction. She watched the clock change minuted, "fine. GO."

Chris doesn't waste any time, plunging two fingers into her easily as she bucked against him. He chuckled against her, bringing his other arm up and around her leg to rest on her stomach, keeping her pressed flat to the bed. He nipped at her clit, eliciting a loud moan from her as she gripped onto his hair with one hand, her other hand gripping firmly onto the blanket under her.

Skye kept her eyes on the clock as she felt a third finger stretching her, filling her as Chris relentlessly lapped at her juices, teasing her clit. It had only been a minute as she was already so close. She let out a loud groan as she felt it welling deep inside her. But no, she would win this one, she had to win this one. Two minutes, she only needed to hold it off a bit longer.

Chris knew what she was doing, trying not to let go as he decided to push her even further, inserting another finger as she yelled out above him.

"Oh god!" Him filling her completely was almost too much for her to bare as she watched the clock tick another minute before staring up at the ceiling as she let go.

Chris chuckled, feeling her thrash and writhe against his mouth as she clenched hard around his fingers before he finally pulled them out. He looked up at her sweat beaded brow, "you cheated."

Skye laughed, still looking at the ceiling as she felt him lay beside her as she caught her breath. She felt Chris kissing her neck and shoulder in an attempt to help her come back down as she turned to look at him. "No. I win."

He grinned, hovering his mouth over hers, "this time." He closed the distance, sinking into her as she pulled his body flush to hers. He was getting dangerously used to how her body felt next to his, her familiar smells. He wanted her around all the time and he wasn't sure if that was a good or bad thing yet.


They fell into a comfortable routine the following month leading up to Thanksgiving. Chris wasn't filming, so he was home a lot and they took Dodger and Elizabeth to the park and went shopping together. Skye was starting to feel wary about the fact they were starting to feel more like a couple even though technically she still worked for him.

Skye carried a pie into Lisa's house, setting it on the kitchen counter before removing her shoes and coat with Chris in the entryway with Elizabeth. She shared a knowing look with him as he nodded, leading her into the living room where his family was gathering.

Chris placed his arm around Skye's shoulder, "what Jon said at Halloween wasn't completely untrue. Skye and I are sort of dating."

She watched Scott and Lisa grin at him finally being able to admit it out loud, but his sisters seemed less than happy by the looks on their faces.

Shanna looked to Carly as the older sister as she spoke up. "Don't you think it's a little soon?"

Lisa didn't say anything, just came up and took Elizabeth from Chris's arms as he looked back at his sisters. "We aren't getting married or anything. We're just getting to know each other."

Carly nodded, "and what could you possibly have in common with a child?"

Chris feels Skye tense up beside him as he moves his hand to hers, intertwining their fingers together. "She isn't a child."

"Of course not, just barely old enough for you to fuck."

"Hey!" Chris now moves into a protective stance in front of Skye, "you don't even know what you're talking about. It's not about the sex at all."

"Surely you've noticed how he's changed since she's been around. He's much more happy, free. She's helped to bring him out of a dark place all by herself." Lisa stood near Skye and Chris as she held onto Elizabeth. "She was able to break through walls none of us were able to. I think that says a lot about her."

Skye smiled, catching Lisa's eyes as she felt her eyes welling with tears at her words, "thank you Lisa."

Carly huffs, but falls silent after Lisa's words. They follow Lisa into the dining room, sitting around the table as Lisa sets Elizabeth up in a high chair beside Chris.

Skye leans up to Chris's ear as they sit down next to each other, "thank you."

He doesn't say anything, only nods and kisses her on the forehead as their eyes linger on each other's for a moment. He leans his forehead against hers as he sighs before looking back at the table.

Carly catches the small moment between them as she sighs, "I'm sorry." She looks at Chris, "I just want you to be happy, and if you are, then I'm glad."

"I am." He feels Skye grab his hand under the table as he squeezes her thigh, making him smile.

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