Chapter 19

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As they entered the house, Skye dropped her dress on the ground, standing in front of Chris in only panties.

"Good lord woman."

Before he could touch her, she put her hand out on his chest, "I think you remember how I prefer apologies. No time limits or bets this time."

Chris moaned, nodding as she dropped her hand, "yes ma'am." He kneels in front of her, sliding her panties down slowly as he listens to her breathing heavier above him. Once they're off, she stand before him in only her black heels, eliciting a groan from him as he grabbed her left leg, placing it over his shoulder.


He nods, looking up at her watching him. He answers with his tongue on her folds, hearing a low mewling sound above him as he does. He grins, knowing he's doing exactly what she wanted as he dove deeper. He stiffens his tongue, plunging it into her.

"Oh god! Chris!" She hears him chuckle, but not stop until her right knee is buckling from underneath her, unable to hold herself up through her orgasm. "Fuck."

Chris grabs her waist before she can slide down the wall, laughing as he stands, "that's one. Let's go to the bedroom babe." He sees her nod, starting to walk before he grabs her, throwing her over his shoulder, hearing her squeal as he carries her to the bedroom. He tosses her onto the bed with a grunt, pulling her to the edge of the bed.

Skye leans back on her hands on the edge of the bed as she watches Chris undress for her, "I definitely missed this part."

He grins, stripping down to his underwear as he watches her stand up to approach him. He lets out a groan as she falls to her knees in front of him. He watches her pull his underwear down as he kicks them to the side.

She grabs him at the base, running her tongue along the tip where a bead of precum was already collecting. She smiled at the small moans above her as she twirled her tongue around the tip before finally taking him into her mouth.

Chris rested his hands on her head, gripping her hair as she bobbed urgently on him. She hollowed her cheeks, taking him to her throat as he felt her swallow around him, "fuuck babe."

She barely gets a giggle out before she feels him push her off her, dragging her to her feet by her arms. She just barely sees the hunger in his eyes before he crushes his mouth to hers as he led her back to the bed, making her told back onto it. She watched him run his hands down her legs, finally pulling her heels from her feet.

"A part of me kind of wants you to keep them on." He watches her smirk as he removes them, setting them gently on the ground at the end of the bed before crawling onto the bed with her, pressing his lips back to hers once more.

Skye wraps her arms around his neck as he hovers above her, watching her as he runs his hand along her waist and hip to her thigh. She feels him move to position himself between her legs. "I love you too Chris." She hears a small moan erupt from his chest from her words and their close proximity as he thrusted into her in one motion, making her gasp out.

"I only want you to say it if you mean it."

She pulls him down, feeling the weight of his body on hers, "I wouldn't say it if I didn't mean it." She knows that's all he needs to hear as she feels him start slow movements inside her, pressing his lips to the crook of her neck. He keeps his movements slow and affective as she moans underneath him.

Chris moves to hover his head just above hers as he watches her lids flutter, "on me. I want to watch you kitten. I want to watch you lose yourself just for me."

She groans, but opens her eyes, keeping them on hers as she wraps her legs around him. She can only nod, seeing him grin above her knowing she doesn't have the strength to find words.

Chris lets out a loud moan as he feels her clenching him like a vice underneath him, pulling him in as she contracts around him, trying her best to keep her eyes on his. "Good girl." He presses his lips to hers once more, releasing shortly after her, not being able to hold back any longer before finally collapsing no the bed beside her.

She rolls to face him as he pulls her to him, her head taking her place in the crook of his shoulder, "I'm sorry I've been avoiding you. And for just leaving."

Chris sighs, looking down at as she gazes back at him, "it certainly wasn't all you. I know I was hot and cold and played with your emotions, even if unintentionally. But I care about you and I want you in my life and I don't care what anyone else has to say about it."

Skye gives him a small smile, running her hand up his chest to his cheek, "you mean it?"

"Of course I do. We missed out on so much time together. Let me take you out on a real date. Please?"

Skye nods, "of course."

Chris sighs, relieved as if he expected her to fight him on it. He pulls the blanket up and over the both of them. "I never want you to sleep in another bed but this one."

She laughs, feeling him turn to wrap both arms around her. "Just go to sleep." She snuggled into his chest, breathing him in. She had missed his scent and his arms around her the last six months. Now she wondered why she had waited so long to come back here, why she had waited to come back to him.

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