Chapter 2

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Skye was fiddling with her phone when she heard Elizabeth wake up on the monitor. She crept down the hall quietly, letting herself in the baby's room, closing the door behind her quietly as she did. She picked up Elizabeth who was now giggling as she set her on the changing table, changing her quickly before carrying her back down the hallway, away from Chris's room.

She sat at the piano with the baby, playing Heart and Soul with one hand as Elizabeth giggled, pounding on the keys beside her. She about jumped when she felt Chris sit on her left side, on the low end of the piano, playing the low end part of the song while she played the high, all while smiling at Elizabeth.

He pulled Elizabeth from Skye's lap as she reached for him when they finished the song.

"I'm sorry. I hope we didn't wake you up."

Chris shook his head at Skye, "no. You're good. Thanks for letting me take a nap. Made me remember some things."

She laughed as he motioned for her to follow him down the hall as he pointed to the closed door at the end.

"So that's my room and this is Elizabeth's room." He opened the door across from Elizabeth's room to display a bathroom, "bathroom. Obviously. I have my own in my room, so you can use this one. And this.." He opened the door to the left of the bathroom, "this will be your room when we're here in Boston."

Skye smiled and nodded as she entered the extra plain room with a queen sized bed and light blue bedding.

"I kept it simple so you can decorate however you like."

She nodded as she turned back to him, "it's perfect. Thank you so much."

"So, I thought we'd do six months, until Lizzie's first birthday and re-evaluate? We'll work out the holidays. I'll be around family so probably won't need you much."

"Sure. That sounds perfect Chris." She saw him smile softly at her as she followed him back to the kitchen. She watched him place Lizzie in a high chair as he gave her some small baby snacks to munch on.

"Good." He pulled out a drawer in the kitchen, handing her an envelope. "Here's a card for you. I already have it set up to be loaded with your salary at the beginning of every month." He handed her a second card, "and this is from my personal account if you ever need to buy anything for me or for Lizzie. If I send you out for food or clothes, diapers. Whatever. Or if I ask you to order dinner for us."

"Of course. Thank you Chris."

He nodded, trying his best to not keep his eyes on hers for too long as she continued to smile at him. "Sure. You can go if you want. I'm sure you want to get your stuff together. I'll see you on Friday? And then Saturday is my birthday, so you'll come with me to my mom's house."

Skye grinned, "can't wait. I'll see you in a few days Chris." She smiled at him, noticing him avoiding her as she said goodbye to Elizabeth, giving her a small ksis on the head. "And I'll see you soon too little one."


"So? How was it?"

Skye sighed at her friend Cindy who had been letting her sleep on her couch for weeks as she tried to find a new nanny job after getting fired from the last one. "Good. Mostly."

"Mostly? You find out who you'll be working for?"

Skye groaned, looking at her friend, "yes. But please don't fangirl out on me. Remain. Calm."

Cindy squealed, pulling Skye onto the couch beside her. "Okay! Tell me!"

Skye sighed again, shaking her head, "it's for Chris Evans."

"Oh my god! Skye! That's amazing! How was he? Was he even hotter in person? How is his daughter? What's he like?"

"Oi." Skye got up from the couch, grabbing an empty box from the pile in the corner as she started placing clothes inside. "He was nice enough. He's very obviously still depressed at losing his wife. I feel bad for him. He avoided looking me in the eyes for the most part. And Lizzie is completely adorable. A light dusting of soft blonde hair and big blue eyes. She's a peach."

Cindy squealed again, "I can't believe it! So you're going to be living with Chris Evans?"

"Stop. He just lost his wife. And he's some 16 years older than me or something like that. I'm there to help him take care of his daughter. Nothing more." She saw Cindy nod as she rolled her eyes. "And yes, very hot in person. Now stop asking me questions."

Cindy laughed, "I knew it! Lived here our whole lives and never ran into him once and now you're going to be living with him."

"Ugh!" Skye groaned as she hit her friend in the arm, "stop saying it like that. I'm not living with him. I'm being hired as his on call babysitter. Nothing more. Now stop." She heard Cindy huff and roll her eyes as she leaned back on the couch. She leaned forward towards her again with a smile on her face to ask something else and Skye only pushed her, "no more. And no, I will never ever be introducing you to him."

"You're the worst best friend ever!"

Skye laughed as Cindy stomped to her room, leaving her alone to pack her own belongings.

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