Chapter 12

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Two weeks after Scott's party, Skye opens the front door to find Lisa in front of her. "Lisa, what are you doing here?"

Lisa takes Elizabeth from Skye's hand as she enters the house. "Chris called me and asked me if I would take Elizabeth overnight for him."

"He did?" She looked at Lisa confused as she only smiled.

"Yes. Help me pack a bag for her?"

Skye nodded, "yeah. Sure. Did Chris say why?"

Lisa shook her head, "no." She stopped once they entered Elizabeth's room, watching Skye gather things for her. "Are you sleeping with Chris?"

Skye froze, turning back to her as she tensed up, "no. We haven't.. I haven't.. we've only.." She groaned as Lisa laughed.

"I was just asking. I'm not your mother, I'm his. And I've seen tiny changes in him since being around you." She grabbed Skye's hand, "seems you've been taking care of more than just Lizzie, and I thank you for that. Really."

Skye blushed slightly as she nodded, "we've been taking things really slow for the both of us."

Lisa nodded, "I'm glad he found you. I'm going to go ahead and get out of your way."

"Thanks Lisa." As Skye watched Lisa leave with Elizabeth, she got a message on her phone from Chris.

Don't make dinner
I'll bring dinner home
Just take a shower and get dressed 💙

You're being mysterious

You love it
See you in a few hours

She sighed, tossing her phone onto her bed as she got undressed. She had just gotten dressed and dried her hair when she heard Chris come home, going to the kitchen. She entered the kitchen to find him pulling food containers out of a big bag, "hi."

Chris grinned, turning to look at her as she entered, "I'm going to take a quick shower and change. Can you organize this and get us plates."

She nodded as he started to walk away, "Chris, what's going on?"

He turned back to her, resting his hands at her waist, "I've been working a lot. And with Elizabeth, we don't get a lot of time alone. So, I wanted to spend some uninterrupted time with you. Is that okay? I wanted to spend the night with you."

She nodded, feeling her heart beating so hard, sure that he could feel it as he pulled her lips up to his. She felt him pull away abruptly.

"Give me 15 minutes."

"Okay." She went back to finishing what he started, plating the food before setting them on the table with a bottle of wine he brought home. She checked the time, it had been about ten minutes. He said he wanted to spend the night with her. She went to knock on his bedroom door, seeing him answer in just a towel, his hair still wet. She entered his room without saying anything as she pushed the door shut as she leaned back against the door.

"Skye, what are you doing?"

She swallowed hard, letting her dress drop to the floor, "hoping that I'm not completely misreading the situation."

Chris grinned, shaking his head, "you're not. I was going to wait until after dinner."

She wrapped her arms around his neck as he approached her, "please don't wait any longer Chris."

He nodded, moaning as he pressed his lips to the base of her neck, leaving small bites down her shoulder as he pulled down the straps of her bra. He kissed back up her neck, capturing her lips with his as he undid her bra, letting it fall to the floor as he pressed his bare chest to hers. He trailed kisses down her neck to her chest as he gripped her breasts in his hands, running his thumbs gently over her nipples as she arched her back, pushing into his touch. He smiled, continuing down as he knelt in front of her, pulling her panties down and off as he looked up at her, "don't hold back sweetheart. You hear me? I want to hear you and feel you cum as much as you need to."

Skye groaned, nodding as she watched him lift her leg up, over his shoulder as he nipped and kissed at the skin on her inner thigh up to her wetness. She gripped onto his hair, resting her head back as she felt him run his tongue along her slit.

Chris brought his right up, inserting two fingers slowly, easily, as her juices coated his hand. He groaned, rolling his tongue gently around her clit as she bucked against him. He brought his left hand up, keeping her pressed against the door with his hand between her breasts. He moved his fingers quicker inside her as he took her clit fully into his mouth, sucking gently as her moans filled his room, making his cock twitch at her first orgasm, feeling her clenching around his fingers. He pulled away, looking up at her as he watched her chest rise and fall quickly as she panted. He chuckled, removing his hands as he set her foot back onto the floor as he trailed his kisses back up her body.

She felt him stand up, pressing his erection against her as he kissed her chest. She grabbed his towel, making it fall onto the floor as she took him firmly into her hand, stroking as she felt his tongue on a nipple. She moaned, resting her head back once more as he took his time, exploring her body, finding all her spots expertly before bringing his mouth back to hers once more.

He wrapped his arms around her, leading her back to the bed. He pushed her gently so she fell back onto it as he crawled towards her. He hovered over her, his weight on his right arm as he brought his left hand up to her cheek, "you're sure about this sweetheart?"

"Yes Chris. Please." She wrapped her arms around him as he grinned.

"Okay. You tell me if you change your mind."

She nodded as she felt him guide himself in slowly as she gripped onto his back. "Oh Chris.."

He smiled, hovering his mouth over hers, "don't hold back. Remember, good for my ego." He heard her giggle, it quickly changing to moans as he eased in and out of her slowly. She whimpered as he locked eyes with her. "You're so beautiful Skye."

She moaned as he pressed his lips delicately to hers. All his moves were slow and deliberate, taking his time with her. It wasn't long before she felt it building inside her once more as he seemed to press every one of her buttons. He seemed to notice, pulling back to watch her.

"Eyes on me sweetheart. Let go." He watched her nod as he grabbed her hands, interlocking their fingers as he held them above her head in time to feel her clench around his cock. He groaned, maintaining speed as her body shook under him, her lids flickering as she tried to keep her focus on him. He kissed her cheek, down to her mouth, his tongue finding her urgently as he started to speed up.

She felt him pull his mouth from hers as she watched him, feeling it build up again. Had she even come down from the last one? She wasn't even sure anymore, she just knew he wasn't going to stop.

"Again sweetheart." He moved his right hand down, hooking it under her lower back, raising her hips to him as she moaned louder than before. "That's it. Good girl. Once more, with me. Take it..."

Skye moaned, wrapping her legs around him as he reached seemingly new buttons deep inside as she felt it in the pit of her stomach.

"Let go Skye!" Chris panted, pleading, "come on baby." He saw her throw her head back as he felt her tighten around him once more, tightening her legs around him as she kept him firmly in place as he emptied himself, capturing her lips in his one last time as he did. "Good girl."

She sighed, finally feeling him pull away from her as he laid beside her. "Chris.. I.."

He turned to face her, "it was amazing Skye." He ran his fingers delicately along her naked body, "why don't we eat in bed and watch a movie?"

She giggled, nodding as he pulled her to his body, still out of breath, "I'd like that."

"And you're sleeping here." He looked down at her on his chest as she nodded.

"I'd like that too."

Nanny Series - Chris Evans 💙Where stories live. Discover now